Calories ☺️



  • sczoo26
    sczoo26 Posts: 102 Member


    How many lbs per week are you set to lose on MFP? 1500 net seems far too agressive for a 2 stone target weight goal. [/quote]

    Is setup for 2lbs per week, oh really how many should I be aiming for?
  • sczoo26
    sczoo26 Posts: 102 Member
    sczoo26 wrote: »
    sczoo26 wrote: »
    Hey all I was just wondering what calories are you all aiming for daily, and if your a male/female I'll kick this off:
    Cals: 1,500 daily, and a male

    How much weight are you trying to lose? 1500 is the absolute minimum for a man. Are you eating more on days you exercise? That's the way this program is designed.

    If you have less than 50 pounds to lose, set your Goal at "Lose 1 pound per week." You'll get more than 1500, if that's the case.

    Under 25 to lose? Set it to "Lose 1/2 pound per week."

    I know it's tempting to go hard, but you'll crash on low cals.

    I am looking to lose 2 stones, I do eat my 1,500 on days without any exercise when I do run or gym I up this, I also work as a nurse so quite an active job so I do eat more cals when working as I'm off today and only done a few situps I've stuck with my 1,500 ☺️

    At two stones, set your goal to "Lose 1 pound. (or, half kilo)"

    You need food. You're a young, active man. Weight loss is much easier when you eat enough to fuel your life.

    As an example, I am at my maintenance weight and I eat 1800-2300 (depending on exercise.) I lose at 1600, and I'm a retired woman with a tiny condo - so not much needed movement in general.

    Right so if I set my plan to lose 1lb per week how many calories should I aim for daily?
    Well thank you - but your right I don't want to collapse in work as I need as much energy as I can ☺️
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    As cmriverside mentioned above, 1 lb per week. Take a look above that and she laid out some sensible parameters. 2lbs per week with only 28 to go is too much.
  • sczoo26
    sczoo26 Posts: 102 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    As cmriverside mentioned above, 1 lb per week. Take a look above that and she laid out some sensible parameters. 2lbs per week with only 28 to go is too much.

    Right I understand, I am going to have to up my cals in that case thanks for the help B)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Add 500 if 1500 is 2lbs per week.
  • sczoo26
    sczoo26 Posts: 102 Member
    I have upped my calories to 1,720 according to the app will I still lose weight though?
  • Stayraw
    Stayraw Posts: 1 Member
    When I was in weight-loss mode, I averaged 1600-1800. Now I'm maintaining my weight at 2400-2600.
  • jordandills
    jordandills Posts: 103 Member
    Female- my technical goal is 1400 a day but I try to stay closer to 1200 M-F and have a bit more on weekends.
  • Misskcm
    Misskcm Posts: 143 Member
    Female- between 1300-1800
    I know it's a big window but I like it because I don't have to be so strict with calorie counting. Just estimate and aim for around 1500.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,676 Member
    Female, 1900... but I'm not currently trying to lose weight, just maintain.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    sczoo26 wrote: »
    I have upped my calories to 1,720 according to the app will I still lose weight though?

    Yes, if your logging and measuring is correct. If you share your weight and height, more accurate recommendations can be made but with an active job and exercise, I'm guessing your TDEE to be around 2400 to 2600.
  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    sczoo26 wrote: »
    I have upped my calories to 1,720 according to the app will I still lose weight though?

    If that's what MFP gave you then yes :) Burn more calories than you put in and you'll be good to go :#
  • vnb_208
    vnb_208 Posts: 1,359 Member
    26 F 1320
  • cargotrailer
    cargotrailer Posts: 62 Member
    Male - 45 yrs old - 6'3" 245lbs, looking to get into the low 230's.
    I aim for 1500 during the week, and 2200 on weekends.
  • LotusCass
    LotusCass Posts: 145 Member
    Female - base is 1200 but eat half exercise calories which averages around 1700 total.
  • MossiO
    MossiO Posts: 164 Member
    Female. 1500 plus some exercise calories, so average ~ 1800.
  • InkAndApples
    InkAndApples Posts: 201 Member
    Female - MFP gives me 1200 base but I usually get around 5-800 extra calories per day from exercise/activity, which I eat all of over the course of the week.

    On lazy days I just try to stick to my 1200, or eat leftover exercise calories from other days.
  • edlanglais5
    edlanglais5 Posts: 172 Member
    1890 but eat quite a bit more due to exercise.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Female. I'm averaging 2160, which is a 10% deficit.
  • TheNewKristin
    TheNewKristin Posts: 24 Member
    Female, 5'4. I tend to range from 15-1600 on lazy/easy exercise days to up to 22-2300 on long run days.