Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Hello ALL! Sorry i have been MIA for a week or so, been on vacation with the family... We went to a local amusement park camping for a week which is an annual trip for all 25 of us... yep 25 ppl camping! Such a blast! Today was my first day back at work... =(

    I want you all to know that i am sending good vibes to those of you wishing to concieve soon! I know it gets harder and harder reading on FB about those around you getting preggers... I always hated reading those too, until this morning... I finally got a BFP (twice)!!!

    DH and i are still a little in shock, we were scheduled to started the fertility medications study next week (our initial appt was scheduled for next wed).... So i follow up with the MD tomorrow morning for blood work and TVUS to verify the pregnancy... Sending you all baby dust!! And thank you all for the support along the way! =)

    OMG YAY YAY YAY. This is so exciting especially after all the stress and decisions of the trial. Congrats. Hope the Doctors appointment goes just as well!
  • rhondaredhead
    rhondaredhead Posts: 135 Member
    Elizabeth—I'm a newbie so I don't know you, but congratulations! I hope everything goes smoothly for you. :)

    Ashley—Thank you for the food suggestions! I've been doing the cottage cheese and skim milk helps a lot, too, but I hadn't moved on to the beans/legumes, mostly because of the sodium content in canned beans. Soaking and cooking my own seems so time consuming, but I'm thinking I'll have to look into it more. I'm a salt lover, and as I told my husband the other day, it seems like unless you want to raise, grow, pick, and butcher all of your own food on top of preparing it (like we don't have enough to do already), it's pretty hard for an American to eat a diet balanced in protein, fat, and sodium (not to mention everything else) these days. No wonder the majority of us are overweight. :)

    kah78 (oops, forgot your name)—Eating like a college student now and then is completely acceptable. ;) Sometimes you just need to—and it does your body good to switch it up now and then! (P.S. Not every student likes Chinese food and ice cream... I realize that I don't qualify as the "typical" college student since I teach them and am working on my doctorate, but ewww...I would have gone for pizza, beer, and potato chips. At least your meal was healthier than my choice would have been! :)
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Rhonda- im a pizza and beer kinda girl myself :-) although my college years were spent eating ramen noodles and PBJ's...ahh the days where I could eat whatever I wanted and it didn't stick to me in a most unflattering way...

    Karen - you are actually giving me hope for the whole clomid excursion I am fast approaching bc even though you WANTED to snap hubs like a twig u didn't!

    Kim - missed you girl!! Hope the clomid I'd the trick and ur not here too long :-) thanks for letting me know about the dryness factor, I'm bringing preseed w me to Hawaii just in case but after 7months of military informed abstinence I don't think ANY sort of lube will be needed either :-)

    Elizabeth - congrats on ur BFP!! I could have told u by signing up for the trial that you were basically signing ur baby's birth certificate! That is how life works :-)

    AFM - starting to migrate into FREAKOUT mode! I have 5 weeks....5...that's I have SOOOO much I still have to do!! It has been SOOOOO nice having my friend here. I came home to a clean kitchen And vacuumed livingroom! She knows how tired I am when I get home from work (I tell her every afternoon she needs to motivate me to DO things in the evenings but then I get home and we just lay on the couch bc I'm so tired...) I start meeting w my trainer twice a week next week. I'm going to hard core buckle down on the food and really step up my gain. I would LOVE to lose 10lbs in 5 weeks but I'm not holding my breath. And this point I'll just be happy if I don't look like a hot mess on the beaches in Hawaii....
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Karen, I’m with you! Give me Chinese food (or Thai, or Vietnamese, all good options) over pizza any day!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Karen, I’m with you! Give me Chinese food (or Thai, or Vietnamese, all good options) over pizza any day!

    It all depends on the mood. When I really want chinese, pizza won't do...but I could eat pizza everyday if I had to. I just don't get sick of it. EVER.

    Tonight is the shot, and I'm up 2 lbs--I'm guessing the sodium from Chinese, but tomorrow's weigh-in probably won't be very pretty in either case. I'm expecting it.

    Alisa--seriously--don't wig yourself out over the Clomid. I just ramble on about it because it's a coping mechanism for me in the forum. My experience is not everyone's experience--you will probably be fine! A word of advice though:

    If you get an urge to bite your husband's head off, just remind yourself that it might be the meds influencing that before you open your mouth and say something that is going to take a long time to clean up and work through. This is my 4th cycle, and my husband thinks it is going much better than the other 3 did. I told him it probably is....for him. I've just learned to control what actually leaves my mouth better this time.

    The patience thing is really getting to me though--I have none of it when I'm on Clomid, and I'm afraid my son is getting the raw end of the deal on that one. If you have no patience with an almost 3 year old, you are sunk. I put him in time out yesterday because he did some little thing, like annoy me. My husband came in and said "What's he in time-out for?" I told him it was for my son's safety. (Clomid also makes me a tad melodramtic, apparently.) Hubby took DS out of time out and put sent me to my bedroom for my own time-out. I totally needed it.
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    First off, i want to thank all of you wonderful ladies for the support through everything! this is an amazing group of woman and i am so happy to have gotten to know some of you along the way! This board is a great place for support and friendship!!

    AFM: I had the appt with the Dr today. The pregnancy has been confirmed by blood work, all of my levels look "great" thus far. I am scheduled for my first u/s next wednesday... So now to make it through the next 8 weeks into the second trimester and away from the scariness of the first trimester...

    Baby dust to all those who are praying to concieve soon! I am proof that even though the dr's told me i only had a 2-4% chance of getting pregnant naturally, i did! It can and will happen for all of you! I know it will!!

    Thanks again for everything girls! <3
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I am wondering if any of you did infertility treatments with injectable drugs before. Have you exercised during the treatments? How much and what intensity level? I got my AF yesterday, and I am starting my in vitro treatment now. It will be short protocol, and tomorrow is my baseline bloodwork and ultrasound, and starting with the drugs.
    When we conceived our son 3 years ago , I did stop all sport activities and did nothing during the treatment, and kept doing nothing during my pregnancy too. Endresult = 70lb gain. I do not want to end up like that this time, so I want to keep exercising. At the same time I am paying 12K for this procedure , so I definetely do not want to do anything that may worsen the outcome. Also the high dose hormones enlarge the ovaries, and very high intensity can cause the tube to twist. The problem is I have no idea what level considered ok and what not. Any suggestions?
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105

    AFM: I had the appt with the Dr today. The pregnancy has been confirmed by blood work, all of my levels look "great" thus far. I am scheduled for my first u/s next wednesday... So now to make it through the next 8 weeks into the second trimester and away from the scariness of the first trimester...

    I'm praying it's a sticky one! Congrats. I hope to join you in the pregnancy forums soon :)
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    The patience thing is really getting to me though--I have none of it when I'm on Clomid, and I'm afraid my son is getting the raw end of the deal on that one. If you have no patience with an almost 3 year old, you are sunk. I put him in time out yesterday because he did some little thing, like annoy me. My husband came in and said "What's he in time-out for?" I told him it was for my son's safety. (Clomid also makes me a tad melodramtic, apparently.) Hubby took DS out of time out and put sent me to my bedroom for my own time-out. I totally needed it.
    This made me laugh out loud. Thanks!

    AFM- Took the dogs for a run outside today. Really didn't realize how warm it was until I started running, definitely sweat out my fair share today :). Counting down 4 days until our Vacation and 5 more days of Prednisone *happy dance* Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around guys :) I am lurking around but not posting a whole lot. I'm climbing back on the wagon slowly but surely and battling a huge workload :) Kind of excited. Doctor's appt is on Tuesday to sign the papers and finally start IVF process. :D On top of everything else, I've been planning my vow renewal for our 10th anniversary. I've struggled with it for a few months and today one of my BFFs suggested that I don't do it in October (when the IVF and stuff is going on) but to do it around Christmas (my favourite time of year). I made the decision this morning to do it and since then I've booked the restaurant (okay, so it's a bar....I'm getting remarried in a bar), planned the decor, decided on the menu, purchased my dress and started telling family and friends....) LOL I planned the first wedding in 2 weeks, since I've already done it once and it's not as fancy, this is a piece of cake. Looks like it's going to be around 70 people at this point (just close family and friends - eek!!!).

    I really wanted to do it because hopefully we'll be starting a new phase of our marriage after a lot of struggles and we thoguht it was important, but with everything else I didn't know if it was going to be a good I don't care....I really want to do this...I need to do this for us and for our families.....I have never heard so much squealing over the phone!!! LOL And that was the guys!!!

    Congrats Elizabeth on the BFP!!!!! I'll try and get something more substantial in soon :)
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I am wondering if any of you did infertility treatments with injectable drugs before. Have you exercised during the treatments? How much and what intensity level? I got my AF yesterday, and I am starting my in vitro treatment now. It will be short protocol, and tomorrow is my baseline bloodwork and ultrasound, and starting with the drugs.
    When we conceived our son 3 years ago , I did stop all sport activities and did nothing during the treatment, and kept doing nothing during my pregnancy too. Endresult = 70lb gain. I do not want to end up like that this time, so I want to keep exercising. At the same time I am paying 12K for this procedure , so I definetely do not want to do anything that may worsen the outcome. Also the high dose hormones enlarge the ovaries, and very high intensity can cause the tube to twist. The problem is I have no idea what level considered ok and what not. Any suggestions?

    Walking walking walking. That's the only exercise that has gotten the okay from EVERYONE I've talked to as we've gone along in this fertility process. It's low impact, it's easy, and it can still get your heart rate up enough to be beneficial. I use Leslie Sansone videos to exercise inside, and first learned about them when I was pregnant with my son (I was gaining too fast!) You can tailor it to whatever intensity you need, it's easy, and when I got to the third trimester, I just stopped the knee lifts and kicks that hit my belly and were uncomfortable. Good luck!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I just lost my entire post! Arrrgh! It took me FOREVER to write everyone back!!! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I'm not going to re-write everything, but a quick note to some (others, I adore you, and will be a better friend this week).

    Ash - love hte new pic!
    Karen - I get now what you were saying about Clomid and cravings..... ugh. As a sresult I opted to skip your food porn post - lol. But I have to say - I understand needing your own time out!
    Alisa - love your new pic too!
    Pam - what you wearing to the renewal?
    Elizabeth - Congrats girlie!!! Keep us posted, but just so you you know, I stalk the preggo board ALL THE TIME, so I'll be there to support you if you need it!
    Julia - I'm sorry if I missed the details of your background, but about your post asking when to have sex: do you know when you ovulate? 2 women can have 35 days cycles and one can ovulate on Day 12 and the other on day 20, so it's important that you know your cycle really well. We can help you figure it all out if you need a hand. But yes, every other day is a good guideline for most!
    Rhonda - great goals!!!!!!! I love the detail you put into them!
    Taldie - I start testing on day 10 and keep going until I get a negative or my temp jumps. What kind of tests do you use?
    Kim - welcome back! I missed you! How are you feeling about starting the Clomid?
    Redheadmommy - I'm just getting ready for real intervention, so I don't have much to offer you, but I'm here to talk to! I also agree that walking will be a great thing to do - and once you're pregnant, maternity aquafit may be a great choice too.

    This is where I get all my test (Ovulation, HPT and extra sensitive HPTs - love their stuff and shipping usually free):
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    AFM: This week has bee a bit nuts! I got it into my head that I needed to make a headboard, from scratch, so I did. And I love it! But since I'm not normally a DIY person, I'm extra proud!
    Here are the pics:

    Today is DH's 33rd birthday so we went golfing and for GF fish and chips (SOOOOOOO good). I'm exhausted, but he had a great day so it's all good.

    Also this week, I picked a HUGE fight with DH.... hormones and emotional upset at it's worst. And you know what it was about? Nothing. At least nothing I can remember now. And it was so bad it took a couple of days to shake it off. BUT we did and we're fine and we know it was just my (and some of his) emotions running high, but wow - that ruined my mood for a bit.

    So you know that meltdown I was dealing with last week? I'm still dealing with it. It seems that every day I end up crying about not having kids yet and I'm having a hard time getting past this rough spell. Having a solid plan helps a lot, but it's no where near enough. And DH is suddenly having a visibly hard time with it as well, for the first time. He's been very sad about it lately, and we just cry together every couple of days. I know we'll get past it but it's a rough couple of weeks right now.

    And AF just showed today. Crap.

    To help, this week I revamped my blog and got it up and running. I find that my mind tends to jump from focusing on one aspect of my life to another and I need a place where I can write out everything. I'm actually really proud of it and you are all welcome to stop over - I'd love to hear your thoughts - the link is in my signature.

    So that's me - super tired now, but glad to be caught up!
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Is there a website where I can privately keep track of my cycle and temps fairly easily and also make other notes? I have a chart by the bed, and it's fine, but inevitably when I'm out running errands someone always stops by (DH's friends or my nosy mother-in-law) and really, I don't want all that laying around. LOL. Suggestions?
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    ...It seems that every day I end up crying about not having kids yet and I'm having a hard time getting past this rough spell. Having a solid plan helps a lot, but it's no where near enough. And DH is suddenly having a visibly hard time with it as well, for the first time. He's been very sad about it lately, and we just cry together every couple of days. I know we'll get past it but it's a rough couple of weeks right now.

    And AF just showed today. Crap.

    Jalara, that sucks. I'm glad you all had fun for his birthday though. Hang in there. P.S. That DIY project is a pretty big one to tackle. Kudos to you. Haven't looked at all the pics yet, but love the colors of the fabric!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jalara - *big hugs* I don't want to say it gets easier...because I hope you never get to the point that it does....It's very painful and takes time to figure out how to handle it and what things help (for me, hanging around children really does help!!!!). I always found that for me AF waited until I'd built up mounds of hope and broke down and bought a test It always shows up the day after the HPT which would frustrate me even more!!!!

    As for my dress: (notice that the link shows "Maternity Appropriate" I guess hope springs eternal!!!) I'm not looking for a "wedding dress" My theme is Winter Wonderland. So everything is white and silver and stuff with only DH and I in bright red (I figured red was appropriate since a. it suits me, b. it does complement the white & silver decor c. it's good luck to wear red at your weddingg in some cultures).

    Doctor's appointment on Tuesday and then the waiting game for AF to show up.....And I have to go and find out what my last weigh in was here, but this morning I weighed in at 238.1

    Here it is:
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 22: 232.0 lbs (+1.9lbs)
    Week 23: 231.5 lbs (-0.5lbs)
    Week 24: No Weigh In
    Week 25: No Weigh In
    Week 26: No Weigh In
    Week 27: 233.2 lbs (+1.7lbs)
    Week 28: 240.3 lbs (+7.1lbs)
    Week 29: 238.1 lbs (-2.2 lbs)

    Mighty Mae - check out or both have online versions for charting.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!! Woo! One more week down!!

    Mae - I (and a lot of ppl who are/were on this board) use fertility friend to track temps. It breaks it down and helps u read/translate the temps etc. It even has a phone app for iPhones and droids! Super simple!

    Jalara- I am super impressed w ur DIY projects...I try to make things but sometimes buying it and paying for the convenience is easier :-) WTG!

    Pam - That is sooo exciting about ur vow renewal! I would love to do that down the line. I plannned my wedding in 8 weeks so it CAN be done and I'm sure ur having a blast! Are u guys writing ur own vows? I wish we would have done that. We had some friends that did it and the wife's vow to the husband was "to always make sure he had matching sox and the always have tissues for his bloody noses" haha it made sense to them...

    AFM - last weekend w my BFF in town and we have a BBQ tomorrow and then we're driving to the coast for the day on Sunday!(she's never seen the pacific ocean). I had such a productive night last night! I got ALL my laundry separated (clean, dirty, lights, darks etc) since my closet had NO clothes in it bc they were all laying neatly on my floor haha then I got our floating beer pong table ( is a "regulation" size beer pong table that floats in pools...) primed and ready to be painted (it's been just bare wood for 3 years since we made it and so to surprise my honey I'm painting it with our squadron insignia before he gets home). That is two big things I needed to get the ball rolling on. It was such a stress release knowing that I at least got that stuff started!
    I have ate like GARBAGE this week! I am so dissapointed in myself! Panera for breakfast EVERYDAY and we've had SOME sort of fast food everyday (she's never been to CA so she HAD to eat Jack in the box, In n Out, farmer boys and a local Mexican place)
    so every other meal is just gross (and super delicious!) but she has lost so much weight over the past 2 months (60lbs in
    6months!!) so she gave me a breakdown of her diet and while it is exactly how I know I should be eating having her break it down
    w specific foods I can and cannot eat made it look so easy and completely doable! So Monday starts the 2 week jump start
    (average loss is 15lbs in 2 weeks) then I'll continue the "diet" until my trip to Hawaii (I leave 4 weeks from Tuesday!! EEK!!) then try
    to incoorperate it into our regular meals when hubs is home. I'm excited! I'm also getting ready to start training w my friend for a 5k (hooray for 6 am jogs....) and meeting w my trainer twice a week...nothing like waiting until the last minute to attemp to get to goal weight....
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Is there a website where I can privately keep track of my cycle and temps fairly easily and also make other notes? I have a chart by the bed, and it's fine, but inevitably when I'm out running errands someone always stops by (DH's friends or my nosy mother-in-law) and really, I don't want all that laying around. LOL. Suggestions?

    Yes there is! - there's a free version and a pay-for VIP version.Both work great, although after my first 6 months I switched tot he paid version (more details, it's fairly cheap, etc).
    And thanks for the kind words.

    Pam - I really like that dress! And thanks for the kind words too - I just wish someone knew magic phrase that would actually make me feel better right now.... I don't think that phrase exists.

    1 month exactly to our appt with the fertility clinic!
    Today - going to pay tuition for September (Due by Aug 5th).And then home to relax, maybe see a movie or something.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Hi all,

    I miss you all so much! I now have my internet issues sorted out but am about to go camping for a week so still won't be able to catch up properly!

    Welcome to the new people and many congratulations Elizabeth! I can't tell you how happy I am for you :happy:

    Will try and have a catch up later as I now have to go and assemble camping gear and clean my house (can't have the friend who's coming to feed my cats seeing the place less than immaculate). If I don't get a chance to post again, see you all properly in a week. Don't forget me!

    Fiona x
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Ok here it goes... Prepare yourself for a long post. I promised I would catch up and be a better board-buddy :flowerforyou:

    Jalara- I’m very sorry for your rough time. I know I don’t have that perfect phrase, but hopefully just knowing that we are here for you gives you some (even if it is very little) relief. The blog is a great idea. I hope it helps you to release your thoughts and give you some sort of relaxation. You’re headboard looks amazing! Great Job!
    I’m very excited to have started clomid. I am hoping it starts working. My temps have been a little funky, so I’m hoping it’s just my body reacting to the meds. I’m in the 2ww at this point. I hope this month goes by fast for you, so you can get into the fertility clinic and get onto the next step. **HUGS**

    Karen- I hope your doc appointment goes well tomorrow!

    Alisa- Wow, how time flies…4 weeks…You can do it! Glad to hear of your productive night. I have plenty of laundry to do, but we are going out of town this weekend. So can you send some of that motivation my way come Monday!? Thanks. Oh, and I’m totally with you on the eating garbage front. DH and I have to go grocery-shopping BAD!

    RedHeadMommy- I agree with Karen. Walking walking walking…. I can’t say I have been in the same boat, but I can’t see the harm in a nice, low-impact walk.

    Elizabeth- YAY! Praying for you. Hoping for a happy/healthy pregnancy with minimal morning sickness.

    Batgirl- Good for you for getting out in the heat for a run! You have much more motivation than I do! My pup was SO sad yesterday when she noticed that I was going to my Zumba class instead of taking her for a walk. It was just too hot out. Yay for a vacation though! Hope you have a great time!

    Pam- Happy to see you … Your plans for your renewal ceremony sound wonderful! I love your dress and color combinations! Wishing you the best in the next step in the TTC process!

    Mae- I swear by I use both the web and the mobile app on a daily basis. Without it I prolly couldn’t even tell you anything about my cycles. It’s such a great tool!

    Fiona- HI!! Have fun!

    AFM: I’m very excited that things are slowing down at work. (mainly so I can reconnect here) But I start an other Dance Workshop (much smaller than the last) on Monday and it will go M-F for 2 weeks with only about 20 kids. Not bad at all when compared to my last one with 140 kids 7-days a week for 4 weeks. Ugh, I’m really glad that is over.
    DH and I are going up to is parent’s to visit this weekend. His sister and her family are in town from England for a few weeks. We’re excited to see them!
    I have been eating garbage ALL week! DH and I have gone out every night for dinner and really need to go shopping. It just has seemed pointless to go when we are going to be out of town this weekend. So, hopefully when we get home we can go get some things so we can eat in and make better choices! But in all of the garbage, I have held even at 147. I will reach my goal of 139 by the end of the year or earlier!
    Well, the 2ww (2 week wait) has arrived. We’ll see what happens. A few days ago FF (fertility friend) said that I Oed on CD21 and now today it says I didn’t. So I’m pretty much banking on the fact that I geared up to O, but never actually did. Whatever, at least there was some sort of temp increase. Fingers are crossed for next month! Best wishes to all of you and have a great weekend! See you on Monday! :glasses: