Fit For Future Families - July 2011

jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
Welcome everyone!

This group is being started to lend support and motivation to those who are TTC, or plan to TTC. This group blossomed from another group (Pregnancy - 2011).

Fit For Families is NOT for pregnant women, I would ask that you join one of our sister groups, (they're really great there!!).

For people looking for general pregnancy support and not wanting to gain too much:
For people who are VERY active and want to maintain that level while pregnant:

This group is very goal-oriented (no matter what your goals are) and I hope will be a place for you to come share your story and track your progress.

Check in will be each Monday to keep us accountable over the weekend. Each week we set our own fitness or health goals, and the more suggestions the better!

I love this group!

Welcome one and all!

Link to our last thread:


  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Okay ladies - where is everyone??? The board has been super quiet this week... I'm lonesome! :cry:
  • snflwr04
    snflwr04 Posts: 46
    I'm ready for a new week :)
  • snflwr04
    snflwr04 Posts: 46
    Does anyone have any tips for controlling acne/oil due do my hormones freaking out?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey snflrw ! Normally our board is busier than this, but summer weather seems to have finally found us!

    Sorry, I have no tips for you other than to drink a LOT of water and stay away from chemical face washes (if it's not safe for a baby's skin, it shouldn't be on ours).

    Tell us about yourself!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    bumping so that I can keep stalking! Sorry....I can't help it. :ohwell: :embarassed:
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    It's Fourth of July weekend---everyone is out having fun since it's a three day weekend this year. Come Tuesday, the board will be rockin with everyone moaning about all the stuff they ate all weekend. Haha.

    Thanks for putting up the new post, Jalara!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Hey again everyone,
    Sorry I've been MIA for the last week. Work has been ridiculously crazy and we finally have some beautiful weather so other then my posts on my food diary from my phone I haven't been inside on the computer to check the posts and boards. Thanks so much for the abbreviations post. I was also in desperate need of some help decipering the code;)

    Congrats on the BFP's

    AFM- Colitis has been fairly well behaved as of late. I'm probably cursing myself by saying that though ...I did have a bout of tachycardia and heart palpitations a couple days ago. I woke up with my heart just racing and couldn't get it to settle. I'm hoping it's was just my body being angry about another reduction in the prednisone dosage. I stayed with a resting heart rate between 140-175 for about 5 hours. Went down to the hospital and all my ECG's came back normal. They advised to take it easy and to return if any chest pain or shortness of breath occured. It didn't thank goodness and finally settled down. Needless to say I've been a little reluctant about any exercise since this little speed bump. Hoping to head down the gym tomorrow with the hubby once he gets home from work so I won't be alone(our gym just has 24 hour swipe pass cards and there is typically not anyone else there). Here's to hoping for only 5 more weeks of prednisone and then we can start TTC finally. Hope all the American's out there have a wonderful 4th of July!
  • christan04
    christan04 Posts: 31
    Hi Everyone,

    Wondering if there is room for one more!

    I'm a Mommy to one little boy (Mason - almost 17 months). Hubs and I are still kicking the idea around (but not preventing) about trying for #2, but I would love to lose some weight first. I started my first pregnancy at 226 and ended at 239.

    Hope everyone has a safe 4th!

  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    Is there room for me too? I am married and we have a 4yr old daughter and a 2 yr old son. I've been struggling more with my weight after baby # 2. My husband just got a job two hours away on night shift. Its a big transition for my family and I need all the help i can get
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jumping in - still have company so will probably be back in full force mid - week :) Hope everyone has a good weekend!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Welcome Christan and Aly! We're happy to have you!

    Pam - hope the week is going well!
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm so glad this thread is on here. It feels good to vent to perfect strangers who can understand your struggles!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i took the last clomid on friday the 1st and i am hoping that means i will ovulate on july 9th. i am so worried my hormones won't do the estrogen spike and lh surge that i need to become pregnant. oh well, i can only control what i can control and God is in charge of the rest.

    has anyone tried acupuncture to help fertility issues? i was at a picnic yesterday and a women with twins was raving about it. it had me curious.
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    Going to try to make whole wheat chicken pot pie today. I hope it turns out. I've never made pie crust before ...
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    godblessourhome - Do you use ovulation tests?
  • snflwr04
    snflwr04 Posts: 46
    Hey snflrw ! Normally our board is busier than this, but summer weather seems to have finally found us!

    Sorry, I have no tips for you other than to drink a LOT of water and stay away from chemical face washes (if it's not safe for a baby's skin, it shouldn't be on ours).

    Tell us about yourself!

    Thanks Jalara! I do drink about 3-4 liters of water a day so I'm good with water :) I currently use cetaphil soap, but it's not doing very well. Ahhh well - comes with the territory.

    About me: I'm 31, married to a wonderful guy and we have a dog named LaKota. We have been TTC since last August and are having no luck. We have currently done 3 rounds of 50mg clomid and 1 HCG injection. I am able to test next week - I hope it goes well. I love being active, but the fertility drugs make me feel icky 90% of the time. Otherwise, I enjoy running, walking Lakota, cleaning, cross stitching and hanging with the hubby.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    So my day was..... cranky. LOL

    I woke up cranky, I hid in the bedroom and read a book cranky (after snapping at my husband), I had a few brief moments of content-ness, then went back to cranky.

    Then I went for a jog (while DH walked next me.... dang his 6ft4 physique!) and now I'm back to content.

    Oh my. Hormones suck.
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    Does anyone else only spend like 4 hours max each day with there husband? Im really having a tough time with this I need tips or hints on how to not b lonely or sad or even how to make it work :(
  • BuTTeRFLee
    Wow finding this group on here is awesome, the whole reason I am on here is because I am ttc but went to my dr. for a routine check-up and she suggested I lose some weight, better for me, better for baby, she suggested I check out this site. I am even more motivated now that I see this group on here
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Happy new month guys!