Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey there everyone! I have a quick question, my husband and I have agreed to start TTC, the only thing is that I went off Birth Control 3 months ago and have not had a period since going off the pill. I have taken 3 test and nothing. Just wondering if anyone has heard of this being normal after going off the pill. I am going to see a doctor next week but thought I would ask to ease my mind with all of this. I also am debating loosing weight before trying any further. I just want to be a little healthier before we TTC any further. Can you still loose weight when you become pregnant? Sorry this might seem like a stupid question but honestly I have no idea.

    Thanks for your help!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    thanks for the support everyone! i am cranky today and have had a headache for three day that i wish would go away. boo.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM: I'm in 2WW hell!!! This is ridiculous!!! The chances of it happening like this for us is much less than 0%, it's about a 1 in 800,000 chance, but my stupid brain is telling me that it still is possible.....With my inlaws in town we didn't have a lot of BDing going on (I'm deathly paranoid that they could hear...made my hubs jump up and down on the bed and sat in their room to see if I could hear anything....LOL) at the right time....So here I am CD32 getting all tense that this "could" be the time....Hubs has his 6 month follow up after surgery last fall tomorrow. Not to mention the nausea I've had every day for the last 4 days (pretty sure I've had low blood sugar at those points)......If I am I'll be thrilled, but I am not holding out hope (actually that's exactly what I'm doing even though this is technically cycle #150 or something for us......

    man pam, i feel ya girlie. *fingers crossed*
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFMyself - I started P90X last night. Cannot believe how HUNGRY it makes you. I've been trying to keep up on the water intake and everything with it and making sure I get all those food groups the meal plan says you have to have. The only great thing is that I'm so busy trying to get in all the food it says you should get I literally don't have any wiggle room left for junk food.

    rock on with your bad self bronze! :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey there everyone! I have a quick question, my husband and I have agreed to start TTC, the only thing is that I went off Birth Control 3 months ago and have not had a period since going off the pill. I have taken 3 test and nothing. Just wondering if anyone has heard of this being normal after going off the pill. I am going to see a doctor next week but thought I would ask to ease my mind with all of this. I also am debating loosing weight before trying any further. I just want to be a little healthier before we TTC any further. Can you still loose weight when you become pregnant? Sorry this might seem like a stupid question but honestly I have no idea.

    Thanks for your help!!

    My understanding of the pill thing is limited to the experience others have had in here. Having irregular periods after going off the pill is normal. At the 90 day mark, you should probably let the doctor know. My Ob told me not to go more than 60 days, but then that's something that happens regularly (or used to) to me. But rest assured, it can take a few months (I think up to a year) for it to stabilize after coming off the pill.

    You can lose weight while pregnant and many women do because they find it difficult to keep food down during MS (morning sickness) times. I would not suggest trying to eat too few calories though. The best tip I ever heard for women who are actively TTC or planning on TTC soon for health was to act like you were already pregnant. That means getting in 5-10 servings of fruits and veggies, making sure to get in all your water, taking your vitamins (prenatal with folic preferrably) because you never know when you're going to be pregnant and this way you've got yourself off to the right start and made it easier on yourself. Don't forget that taking a walk nightly and getting comfortable with a sustainable level of activity is important too. Most pregnant ladies should be doing light-moderate exercise throughout their pregnancy. It will make it easier on you and keep your energy levels up.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Oh and the Robitussin thing confused me too the first time I heard it mentioned. Here’s a link to an article, but you can basically google Robitussin/fertility and have tons show up.

    AFM, last night wasn’t a good night, I was so tired and overwhelmed with all the stuff that needed to get done (finish unpacking, laundry from trip, groceries, make lunches and supper, etc…) that I just had a PB&J sandwich and went to bed early. Sadly it wasn’t enough because I didn’t want to get up and out of bed this morning! Hopefully my workout class today will energize me.

    geez, i wish i would have know this a few weeks ago. thanks for the info and i hope you feel better today!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM: DH and i spoke with the MD yesterday and are officially in the trial! WAiting to get more info as the when we can start... (MD told us probably in august!!!) So in the mean time, we are trying to "BD" in the mean time to and pray we get lucky :tongue: In the mean time, more weight loss and i will keep you all posted as we started the trial... =)

    *fingers crossed* baby dust, elizabeth.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM – I’m down 1.8 this week, putting me at 219.2 – out of the 220s since for the first time since last fall! I’m so happy about it! My wedding weight last year was 219 so I’m there!!!!! I’ve also lost 2.4 points off my BMI! I’m so glad I finally found something that works for me. My weigh in at my meeting this week should give me my 5% mark, and I’m super happy about it!

    whoot! whoot!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    So just got back from the doctors and there were good news and bad news from my overall bloodwork.

    1. Blood sugar is spot on (thanks to my new eating plan and avoidance of sugars!!!)
    2. I am aenemic. I have been tested before because I'm always tired and my mom and sister are diagnosed and medicated for it. My count is fine, but the cells are small and don't carry enough hemoglobin. So I'm getting yet another shot bi-weekly plus daily iron pills to boost it up so I have a more comfortable time (and am less tired all the time)
    3. My thyroid function has decreased yet again. I know my fertility specialist wants me at 1.97 and I was at 2.19 before I started medicating and I'm now at I've gone the wrong way (maybe another reason I'm tired and struggling with the weight/motivation/lack of results)

    Oh well...we now have 3 months to get this back in line before I hopefully get pregnant!!!
  • annie_CA
    annie_CA Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I would love to join this group. It's perfect for my situation. My husband and I have been ttc for 2 years now. We are in the process of starting infertility treatments. Next month we are going to do our first IUI, I hope it works!!
    This is just what i need to keep me motivated to lose weight and keep eating healthy.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Pam – Sorry about the 2ww. I know it’s hard not to hope, and it’s people like you who remind me to always hope that it’s our turn to have a baby. But I also know that when hope fails it hurts like hell. I’m sorry. ::hugs:: And I’m sorry that IVF got pushed back again, I know how hard it is to feel helpless and I’m here for you always.:heart:

    Also, congrats on your blood sugar! I’m anemic too I take iron 3 times per day. When my hemoglobin gets really low I can tell because I get heart palpitations. As for the thyroid – what can they do about that?

    Midge, Jessie, CDevine, Pursley – welcome!

    CDevine, it seems that Pam gave you the same answer that I would, so I defer to her expertise. :wink:

    GBOH (my new nickname for Godblessourhome) – thanks for the support!

    AFM (As For Me) – I’m waiting for ovulation and we’re trying to BD more this month. Last night I had a very vivid dream about holding a baby girl. She was so little and in a pink sleeper and she was snuggly and cute. So today I decided to go see a friend who’s little one turned 6 weeks old today. She was wonderful to hold and actually made me feel better. Normally it would make me feel worse and sorry for myself but my friend had a lot of fertility issues so it just felt good to hold the happy end. Does that make sense?

    I have my WW meeting tomorrow and I am going to be up a little this week. :grumble: Remember that 11km walk I took? Well, that night it led me to 4 slices of cheese lovers pizza AND a bowl of sugary cereal for supper….. the next morning I was up a couple of pounds and I haven’t been able to get rid of them. I thought I’d reduce a little by now by increasing my water intake but it’s not working. But to be fair I also haven’t tracked too closely this week. The worst part? It means I don’t make my 5% loss this week BUT hopefully I can buckle down and make up for it this coming week. I just need to concentrate and push through my weaknesses.

    Now I have to come up with a game plan about how to do that… my clothes are already fitting better and I don’t want to sabotage myself!
  • dstrbdangel
    Hello,Im am currently working to lose weight before we have another baby.We would love one more but Im scared my health isnt the greatest at this point.I am also Gluten free!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hello,Im am currently working to lose weight before we have another baby.We would love one more but Im scared my health isnt the greatest at this point.I am also Gluten free!
    Hey there! You're the first other gluten free person we've had on the board in 2.5 years! Welcome!
  • christinaburns
    Hi! I'm new to MFP and am interested in joining a group, but I'm not sure exactly how it works! I plan to begin trying to conceive once I am at a healthier weight and BMI, and would love to be part of the group.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MFP and am interested in joining a group, but I'm not sure exactly how it works! I plan to begin trying to conceive once I am at a healthier weight and BMI, and would love to be part of the group.
    Welcome Christina! We'd love to have you join us. We're all working to get healthier before having a baby (or while we're trying to have a baby). We check in on Mondays and you'll find that we set our own goals.

    For all the newbies, I'd like to invite you to show us your celebrity figure inspiration. If you look back a page (maybe 2) you will see some that we've already shared.

    Anyone know where Karen disappeared to?
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Hello,Im am currently working to lose weight before we have another baby.We would love one more but Im scared my health isnt the greatest at this point.I am also Gluten free!

  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MFP and am interested in joining a group, but I'm not sure exactly how it works! I plan to begin trying to conceive once I am at a healthier weight and BMI, and would love to be part of the group.

    Welcome to the group!! There is a lot of support here and some amazing advice... Good luck to you! and baby dust when you are ready for it! =)
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    AFM: DH and i spoke with the MD yesterday and are officially in the trial! WAiting to get more info as the when we can start... (MD told us probably in august!!!) So in the mean time, we are trying to "BD" in the mean time to and pray we get lucky :tongue: In the mean time, more weight loss and i will keep you all posted as we started the trial... =)

    *fingers crossed* baby dust, elizabeth.

    Thanks!! We will be starting the trial the end of August! We are SO very excited about it all!!
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I would love to join this group. It's perfect for my situation. My husband and I have been ttc for 2 years now. We are in the process of starting infertility treatments. Next month we are going to do our first IUI, I hope it works!!
    This is just what i need to keep me motivated to lose weight and keep eating healthy.

    Welcome!! We seem to be at about the same spot... My husband and i have been TTC for about 20 months now... and are starting fertility treatments with IUI the end of august... Best of luck!!! baby dust to you!!
  • christinaburns
    I don't imagine I'll ever look like her (we don't have the same shape or proportions!) but I think Christina Hendricks (Joan from Mad Men) is absolutely stunning. She carries her curves with pride and grace. Inspirational!