Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    christina - I absolutely agree! Also, did you know she's not a natural redhead? Apparently when she was a little girl she wanted red hair lke Anne Of Green Gables and has been a redhead since then!
    Also - I LOVE Mad Men!!

    Okay - this board is SO quiet! What's up ladies???

    AFM: I was up 0.9 at my meeting today. So I didn't get my 5% but I'll work harder this week. Today, however, I am spending the day making food for DH's family reunion tomorrow. I wouldn't except MIL and I need something to eat since we're both gluten free. I'm making biscuits, artichoke dip, mini-cupcakes and salad. And what we don't eat the rest of the crowd will, so I don't have to worry about having an leftovers at home. :laugh:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yeah - was thinking the same thing :) It has been quiet....either everyone is really busy exercising or the weather must be was a BAD eating day for me and I don't expect tomorrow to be much better - going to the drive in to watch Harry Potter and Horrible Bosses...both of which were definitely on my can't wait to watch list!!!!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Hello all,
    Welcome to all the newbies. Hope your stay here is short if you are actively TTC. I've learned a lot in the time I've been here.

    AFM-Been out of the loop a little lately sorry for my lack of input. Haven't been working out as hard as I should be but feeling under the weather has prevented more then about 2 workouts a week. Still working through the predinsone withdrawl headaches, lethargy, and achiness but hoping for only 3 more weeks (Jumps for joy.) Got my appointment booked with my GP for Sept 1 and hoping to get the go ahead to start TTC then. :):)

    Wishing everyone who wants it loads and loads of babydust and hoping we will see a few more BFP's this month on the forums :)

    Sorry it's short but my deck and the sunshine is calling my name! TT4N
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Here me is! I've been reading, but not really much else with the craziness of the last two weeks.

    I am so lacking in the motivation department. The last two weeks have been non-existent for workouts, practically, and when I don't work out, I eat worse, so it snowballs on me. I saw a number on the scale that I haven't seen in about a year when I hopped on yesterday morning. Ahhh! And the worst part is, I was just kinda like "oh wellllllll.....". So, I've got to get my mojo back---kick myself off-center, and figure out how to get back on track. Some of it was water, I know, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't retaining THAT much water! I'm even thinking about WW--just to mix it up and try something different--perhaps if I'm paying for it, that will be a bit of a motivator for me...we'll see. The checkbook is looking a bit lean leading up to the big old check we will have to write to start this IUI cycle. Ahhh, decisions decisions.

    In the baby department, I'm just waiting to start my cycle. It should be in the next few days now. I'm doing my "normal" pre-AF spotting. This month will hopefully be an IUI treatment cycle for us, if everything goes well. Which means probably sometime next week I will start Clom-ID all know how I am on THAT. (Would you care for some of my french-fried shetland pony? No, wait, I'm going to eat all of it. NOM NOM NOM.) So, not looking foward to that part, but am looking forward to attempting to get out of a holding pattern (feel you there, Pam!! Hang in there!!!). If the eggies are on the wrong side this month we'll have to try again next month.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope I can join in. We are TTC our 2nd; hoping for a miracle baby. Our first is 8 months old. After 2 years of trying we finally had to turn to IVF and nine months later her she is!! :bigsmile: I am hoping that by losing weight and getting fit we might succeed naturally this time; we really don't want to do IVF again or rather can't afford IVF again.
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope I can join in. We are TTC our 2nd; hoping for a miracle baby. Our first is 8 months old. After 2 years of trying we finally had to turn to IVF and nine months later her she is!! :bigsmile: I am hoping that by losing weight and getting fit we might succeed naturally this time; we really don't want to do IVF again or rather can't afford IVF again.

    Welcome! This is a great place for support and advice form many other woman is similar situations... Best of luck!
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    Hello again!

    To start off, Christina Hendricks is my inspiration. I've had my DP set to her picture and a very wise quote from her to keep me motivated. :)

    As for my hopeful baby, if my cycle is a 28 day cycle - which I still haven't figured out - I should have started my TOM today. Usually I have a couple days of pretty decent cramps, so I know it's coming - nothing so far! But I'm not feeling anything really.. No cramps, barely any tenderness in my breasts, less skin breakouts than I should have right before my TOM. Last month I was convinced I had gotten pregnant and I wasn't. This month I feel nothing, but no Aunt Flo. Any advice or suggestions?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    today i threw up my lunch, even though i didn't feel ill. according to the pregnancy calendar, i am AT LEAST four days away from starting to feel any symptoms. :( i'm hopeful that it means i'm pregnant but i don't want to get my hopes (too far) up. maybe my subconscious is messing with me? has anyone started getting sick on day 22 before?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hello again!

    To start off, Christina Hendricks is my inspiration. I've had my DP set to her picture and a very wise quote from her to keep me motivated. :)

    As for my hopeful baby, if my cycle is a 28 day cycle - which I still haven't figured out - I should have started my TOM today. Usually I have a couple days of pretty decent cramps, so I know it's coming - nothing so far! But I'm not feeling anything really.. No cramps, barely any tenderness in my breasts, less skin breakouts than I should have right before my TOM. Last month I was convinced I had gotten pregnant and I wasn't. This month I feel nothing, but no Aunt Flo. Any advice or suggestions?
    Nice to see you again!

    Do you know how long your cycle is for sure? I ask because most women aren’t a 28 day cycle, and for those who are, they don’t often have the same length luteal phase (# of days from ovulation to menses). There’s a great website called Fertility Friend (it’s free) that you can use to track your cycles. I would also suggest tracking your Basal Body Temperature for a couple months so you can figure out the best days to conceive. It taught me so many things!

    Also, if you’re looking for a good book I would recommend Taking Charge of Your Fertility – it’s really great!

    I’m not sure if this helped you at all, but I hope it did!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    today i threw up my lunch, even though i didn't feel ill. according to the pregnancy calendar, i am AT LEAST four days away from starting to feel any symptoms. :( i'm hopeful that it means i'm pregnant but i don't want to get my hopes (too far) up. maybe my subconscious is messing with me? has anyone started getting sick on day 22 before?

    Oh I hope so!!! That would be great!

    I’ve had a couple of months where I had every single symptom, including utter exhaustion, and got a BFN (Big Fat Negative). But with that said, it sounds hopeful! You could test, I know that there’s a couple extra early tests available, and remember, when it comes to seeing a 2nd line it doesn’t matter how faint it is – a line is a line!

    Fingers crossed for you!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Hello all! I'm Julia. I live in Tucson, AZ with my hubby and son. I teach middle school science on the base and love it. My son is 3.5 and my husband and I have decided to start trying to expand the family. In anticipation of the pregnancy, I've lost 20 pounds, although I've gained some back from a recent vacation. I'm back to hitting it hard at the gym.
    With my first son, I was overweight from the start. I weighed in at 165-170 when I conceived and 200 at birth. I don't want that again. I'm currently at 145 with a low of 136 (it was a long vacation). I want to get back in the 130's and hopefully LOW 130's before conceiving.
    My midwife says I should conceive very easily since I have always been very regular and 'fertile' (my son was an oops with me on bc). I have plans to stop the bc on August 29th so that if all goes well, a due date of June 8th.
    I'm looking for some friends and support of ladies in the same boat and wanting to be fit for a pregnancy. Any support would be GREATLY appreciated.
    Now, I'm off to the gym to lose this vacay weight. Happy Monday!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Sorry I haven't been keeping up with all the conversation the last few days! We went out of town this weekend and I only briefly logged in on my phone to keep up my consecutive days. I'll try to be on a little more this week to make up for it!

    This is a big month for me in the weight loss journey. Two couple friends' weddings this month: one this past weekend in Nebraska and one next week in Hawaii. I think having these weddings on the calendar jump started me over three months ago to get back on the wagon with the healthy lifestyle. So...mission accomplished. I am definitely happy with my progress and feel fairly confident (and one dress size smaller) going into these events. BUT (and we all want to get rid of the big buts! :wink: ), I'm nervous about derailing. I didn't officially track the last couple days and I know I was all over the place. Fortunately it was only two days and I had been really good all week before we left, so I was still down for the week. A week of vacation is another story. I'm probably not going to track while we're gone (it is vacation after all), but I am pushing DH to do at least one really active thing every day we're there. Snorkeling, Biking, etc. Wish me luck, I think this is really going to be a test of having a healthy lifestyle versus being on a temporary diet.

    Here are my weigh in stats. I'm going to a rolling 5-week report to save space and to start showing some of my goals.

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 25: 184.8 (+0.8)
    Calendar week 26: 183.4 (-1.4)
    Calendar week 27: 181.4 (-2.0)
    Calendar week 28: 179.6 (-1.8)
    Calendar week 29: 178.6 (-1.0)

    GW1: <160 (comfortable going to the advanced stages of TTC, i.e. IUI, IVF, etc.) -- BY NOVEMBER 2011
    If not pregnant,
    GW2: <150 (~ healthy BMI range) -- BY YEAR END 2011
    GW3: ~135 (mid-healthy BMI range -- BY SUMMER 2012

    This week's goal: 60 min of exercise daily through Friday.

    *HUGS* to y'all
    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Hello all! I'm Julia. I live in Tucson, AZ with my hubby and son. I teach middle school science on the base and love it. My son is 3.5 and my husband and I have decided to start trying to expand the family. In anticipation of the pregnancy, I've lost 20 pounds, although I've gained some back from a recent vacation. I'm back to hitting it hard at the gym.
    With my first son, I was overweight from the start. I weighed in at 165-170 when I conceived and 200 at birth. I don't want that again. I'm currently at 145 with a low of 136 (it was a long vacation). I want to get back in the 130's and hopefully LOW 130's before conceiving.
    My midwife says I should conceive very easily since I have always been very regular and 'fertile' (my son was an oops with me on bc). I have plans to stop the bc on August 29th so that if all goes well, a due date of June 8th.
    I'm looking for some friends and support of ladies in the same boat and wanting to be fit for a pregnancy. Any support would be GREATLY appreciated.
    Now, I'm off to the gym to lose this vacay weight. Happy Monday!

    Welcome! and best of luck!!!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey ladies, I stumbled apon this group, Im trying to concieve and have been so since April when I had my IUD removed. I have a beautiful spunky 2 year old daughter. Feel free to add me! Im currently one day late on my period and have been suffering from major constipation, and Ive taken 2 tests and they are both neg :grumble: Just trying to get in the swing of monitoring my cycles. Add me as a friend if you like! I havent really read any previous feeds so excuse me if Im kind of all over, thanks!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies! Wow July has turned out to be a jumpstart month for TTC for a lot of people! Good luck to everyone starting this journey and luck and hugs to all this somewhere in the middle of it!

    WTG on the loss Steph, don’t worry about this past weekend and loads of luck on your vacation! Eating healthy and working out is always more challenging while away from your routine, but it can be done. YOU CAN DO IT!

    Fingers crossed for you godblessourhome, hope this is your month!

    Kah, I know how much you hate the clomid, but FC that you get to do the IUI this month, it’ll all be worth it if so! Also, has your Dr. said why he hasn’t switched you to a different drug like Femera? Especially since Clomid does affect you the way it does.

    Ok, I wasn’t the greatest this weekend, but I did have a great motivator! I went shopping and got some fantastic clothes, and the best part is that all the shirts I got are a size small! It’s been way too long since I’ve fit in a small top! Unfortunately my bottom is still a large (can you tell I’m pear shaped!), but it’ll get there. I also went down again this week, so I can officially say goodbye to my plateau!
    On the TTC front, today is CD13 and I’m waiting for that +OPK. So far Robitussin works, it definitely loosens things up down there (sorry if that’s TMI) but for all those looking to try, it seems to take 2hours or so before it really kicks in, so you really need to be planning you BDing which isn’t so fun!

  • theburnetts1
    theburnetts1 Posts: 130 Member
    Hello ladies. I was refered to this group by another mom and am excited to start this journey all of you. I was recently diagonsed with osteoporosis at the age of 25 and am being told I must lost 45-50lbs before I can have another baby. I have a 20mon old little boy named Bryson and he is my pride and joy. I look foward to cherring everyone on as we embark on this wonderful journey together.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Quick update for me - I'll go through everyone's updates when I have some more time.

    Yesterday was CD1 - with the results from the SA last week, I had given up hope (That always seems to be when it comes on....LOL) Good news is that puts me back on my 36 day cycle with an approximately LP of 17 my family doctor kind of said that it's her opinion that at this point, it's the low count that's the cause of the infertility (but that the thryid levels would challenge the stability of any pregnancy I have) back on the meds full time this week and hopefully those (with the B12 shots) will help keep me relatively motivated and energetic.......that's really the challenge. I'm tired so I sleep more, I sleep more so my back is in more pain, my back is in more pain, so I don't want to get active......vicious cycle and how I got here in the first place!!!!!
  • fitnhealthymama2
    fitnhealthymama2 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all! I recently joined MFP about two weeks ago after another failed WW attempt. I currently have a 21 month old Son with hopes to start TTCing once I drop some more weight. I'm 2 months shy of the dreaded 35 in the TTC world so I hope to have no additional problems. I had Gestational Diabetes with my first pregnancy & am hoping by dropping the weight now I won't have to worry about another GD diagnosis in the future.
    Looking forward to catching up on this post!
  • theburnetts1
    theburnetts1 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!!!
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!!

    And best of luck GBOH!! fingers crossed for you!!

    AFM, watiing to get some blood work draw when AF decides to come visit so we can started the trial next month... DH is holding up hope for a BFP this month or next before the trial, he keeps having dreams that i am... so i guess we can just wait and see! thinking of you all!! Prayers for somce BFP's in the group this month!!!
