Phentermine reviews... Love it? Hate it? Why?

Throwing this topic out there... What are your reviews, two cents?


  • Lgcoulter33
    Lgcoulter33 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm on my second day, so only half a pill a day until Thursday. So far it is only lasting half the day and leaves me with a bad headache and a dopey feeling. I'm using it as part of the managed weight loss plan to qualify for the gastric sleeve surgery. I'm sort of scared about how it's going to be with a whole pill.

    Also, it is in the same category as adderall. In people who don't have add/adhd it can make you feel really awake, like you drank too much coffee. However, I have add as well as a couple other mental/neurological disorders and it slows me way down. So far I'm not impressed. Hopefully it changes in the next few weeks.
  • MissElvira88
    MissElvira88 Posts: 6 Member
    Cool. I hope it works for you and you get to have your surgery.
  • Lgcoulter33
    Lgcoulter33 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you. :) i have polycystic ovarian syndrome and for the second time in my life it is extremely out of control as my obgyn put me on depo. Once going off of it my pcos was triggered and I regained the majority of the weight I had lost four years ago. Over 100 in less than a year. Gastric sleeve is one way to put it back into remission again and help me get control over my weight and my life again.
  • JellybeansMomFl
    JellybeansMomFl Posts: 15 Member
    edited July 2017
    Love it! I am not currently taking this medication, but I took it previously over a year ago. The first couple of days that I took it , it made me feel a bit jittery. After the first week the symtoms evened out and the medicine started doing the job. I ate less food and I was able to lose weight. I then added exercise into the mix and my body started to transform.

    While on the medication, if i overate i would feel way too full and uncomfortable. Therefore i never overate

    I am contemplating getting back on the medication because sometimes i am still overeating. But for now, i am working on my self control.
  • Tammyjo06
    Tammyjo06 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm starting my second week on it and I love it. I don't take it until four hours after I wake up per doctor's orders. I'm also on an extremely low calorie diet along with it. I have a lot of bad habits to break, but I know I can do it. Mind over body.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Hated it. I might have been an outlier, but this was my experience:

    Made me extremely paranoid (I thought everyone at Barnes & Noble was watching me,taking notes, talking to the Police about the books I was touching/looking at, and something I remember about aliens... I can lol NOW, but at the time I was thinking of going to the hospital!) and even when I took it early in the day, it gave me insomnia, heart palpitations, and excessive irritability... it's speed, basically.

    My house was SUPER DUPER ocd-like clean (a single thing out of place/not "clean" would drive me nuts, but I couldn't pay attention to anything (not even TV). (In real life- I can be sloppy just fine :-))

    Worked very well as an appetite suppressant- didn't really eat for days on end; the thought of food actually made me want to hurl and I had no sensation of hunger/thirst. I only took it for a week or so, I think. Once the paranoia event @ B&N happened I stopped. I was over 200 lbs (5'4") and desperate at the time, clearly.
  • KC5115
    KC5115 Posts: 70 Member
    Love it! I am not currently taking this medication, but I took it previously over a year ago. The first couple of days that I took it , it made me feel a bit jittery. After the first week the symtoms evened out and the medicine started doing the job. I ate less food and I was able to lose weight. I then added exercise into the mix and my body started to transform.

    While on the medication, if i overate i would feel way too full and uncomfortable. Therefore i never overate

    I am contemplating getting back on the medication because sometimes i am still overeating. But for now, i am working on my self control.

    How are you now that you aren't on it anymore? I am on day four and now that I have been reading more, everyone that has come off it has seemed to gain it all right back.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,568 Member
    It doesn't TEACH you how to control eating within the calories you need to. Because of how it affects your appetite, unless you learn how to do it WITHOUT the drug, the likelyhood of weight regain is high.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,344 Member
    edited July 2017
    quick solutions are ususally never permanent and drugs have side effects. Best thing you can do for yourself is make a lifestyle change, otherwise it's years of losing and gaining and losing and gaining. No fun......cut through the crap and just learn how to fuel your body properly. Best of luck to you ;) Just one other thing I noticed, some of the replies state that they were on it previously or off and on, that right there is kinda a red flag that the real change has to come from you.
  • Njkelley
    Njkelley Posts: 57 Member
    I have used it off and on over last 10 years. I just started again on Thursday - hoping for a jump-start. I only take 1/2 a pill right now and take it at like 8 in morning because I can not sleep at all .... I'm averaging 4-5 hours since Thursday - so I'm going to increase melatonin to sleep and hope this will subside - has this been an issued for anyone else?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member