When your boyfriend thinks youre too fat...

So this tops everything off.. Mom went into the hospital car has a blown head gasket and found out my boyfriend is cheating on me because he finds me unattractive because I'm too fat. My heart is broken and i feel *kitten* horrible my whole world is gone and now im more stressed than ever. I want to die. *kitten* losing weight anymore. Ive done lost everything i can. Im too fat. Ill never lose weight. I want to die.


  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,572 Member
    I'm sorry that everything seems wrong right now. The guy isn't worth it and you deserve better. I don't think you want to die but instead want more life. A better life. You can achieve that. You can find someone worthy of your love and be happy together. You can lose weight. Of course you can. But do it for you. Not for some *kitten* prick.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    That an *kitten*. As others said be glad he showed his true colours. When it rains it pours eh. Things are cruddy now but they will get better and you'll find someone who loves you for you and not a jerk
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Look, if you're boyfriend thinks you're too fat, then you need a new boyfriend
    Also, maybe let this fuel your hatefire?

    Think it was khloe or Kim Kardashian that said "looking great is the best revenge"

    Just imagine you put all your energy of being upset and hating him into your weight loss and then see his face when you're smoking hot!!!

    You can have the last laugh love.

    If you're serious about wanting to die (I know things must be a bit raw ATM) then do seek help. Even if there's any charities you can call for dealing with mental health. In the U.K. We have Mind and Samaritans

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Are you overweight? You can change that
    Boyfriend is a jerk? You can change that too.
    Decide what YOU want and make a plan to get there.
  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Here's the good news: at least you didn't find out after getting married or really serious about the cheating.
    Also, you just got involved with the wrong person. Trust me when I tell you that there are guys out there that don't concern themselves as much with how a female looks, but more how they get treated by them.
    It's not the end of the world. There are 4 billion people out there. You just got hosed by one. It happens. Don't dwell and move on because in real life, it's going to go on whether you want it to or not. It's HOW you let it affect you that matters.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    That sucks, but it's going to get better. It really is.
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    Honestly, it sucks you got cheated on. I did too. Found out at the beginning of the month, and I was devastated just like you are. That's when I realized I felt beautiful, because he thought I was beautiful. I felt sexy, because he thought I was sexy. That's all wrong! You don't need him to be amazing. You were amazing before him, and you still will be no matter what. Girl don't give up on your goals over this guy. He's a bump in the road.
    Hope your mom is okay, and the car can be fixed just don't give up!
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    You should rejoice that he showed his true colors before you married him. Now is the time to take care of yourself. Forget the loser who treated you like crap and only cares about superficial things. You can and will lose weight, he'll be an A*hole forever.

  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    You lost 100+lbs of *kitten* great job. Now focus on you and be kind to yourself. I was with someone who cheated and we would break up and get back together because I thought he cheated because I wasn't good enough. I was wrong, people cheat because they want to not because of their significant other. If he thought you were to fat and unattractive he would have broken up with you, he was selfish and wanted to have you at home and still play around that's not your fault. Good luck
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Please seek professional help. Typing those words is serious.

    Then, thank him for doing you a favor.
  • p0werGurl
    p0werGurl Posts: 2 Member
    Cheating. There are people who
    can stand it and people who can't. I can't. Being heartbroken is reasonable: what a horrible betrayal. Tell him you solved his problem: you're no longer interested in him. You can lose the weight, but he'll always be a cheater.
  • threecharms
    threecharms Posts: 36 Member
    Hallelujah!! You lucky girl!!

    He's out of your life. Phew!! There are some out there whose bf/gf are STILL cheating on them.... RIGHT NOW, in fact... and those pie poor people are living a lie and don't even know it.

    Thank God for your fat which saved you from a life with an *kitten*. Now you can thank the fat for its role in your life and send it on its merry way... thank you and bye bye, fat!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I wish you and you mum all the best
    dont worry about the ex and it wasnt because of your weight
    there are plenty of people who are large who are in relationships.
    take care
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    So this tops everything off.. Mom went into the hospital car has a blown head gasket and found out my boyfriend is cheating on me because he finds me unattractive because I'm too fat. My heart is broken and i feel *kitten* horrible my whole world is gone and now im more stressed than ever. I want to die. *kitten* losing weight anymore. Ive done lost everything i can. Im too fat. Ill never lose weight. I want to die.

    Shouldn't that be Ex boyfriend?
    Seriously kick him to the kerb. A cheater is a cheater, nothing to do with you, your weight or size. So that puts that to bed.
    So your mom is in the hospital, hopefully she'll get well again. Your car needs repair, these are everyday normal life things that people deal with.
    So enough of the pity party, deep breath, pick yourself up, stop using day to day life stressors as an excuse to stay fat and unhealthy if its making you feel so bad about yourself.
    You need to take your control back, life happens, every single day. But only you can make you happy. Have a good cry, but start looking at the positives here.
    Now your not dating a low life cheater you are free to meet a great kind caring guy who appreciates you.
    Your car can be fixed, but its a great excuse to start walking more.
    Hopefully nothing to serious with your moms health but its a reminder how lucky you are to be in the position to do something about your weight and fitness.
    Pick yourself up girl, enough with the poor me.
    You can do this!
  • MFPSK1977
    MFPSK1977 Posts: 31 Member
    I hope your mom is okay.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    My opinion is not going to be popular but ill give it anyway.

    I think people are entitled to have preferences about what they find attractive and they are entitled to decline sexual intimacy with someone they no longer find attractive. I dont think this is shallow, its natural. This may not mean that they dont still have loving feelings towards the partner. Being without sex can be immensely frustrating and lead to a person cheating in order to get thier needs met without (hopefully) affecting the primary relationship.

    So the loss of attraction and sexual desire is not my issue. I take issue with the lack of communication and betrayal of trust.

    In a mature relationship these issues should have been addressed in a rational way- but this takes emotional intelligence. Its difficult. Ive been there myself recently. I didnt handle it as well as i might but i did avoid cheating.

    The only advice i can give is to accept the situation, that its not your fault and try to move on. You dont need to lose body fat if you are happy with yourself. There are people who are attracted to different body types, and there will be someone who will value you- if and when you are ready for it.
  • rabblescum
    rabblescum Posts: 78 Member
    Cheaters cheat because they are cheaters. They tell you it is because you are too thin , or fat, or prudish, or old, or emotionally unavailable, or tall, or short or whatever they know you are insecure about because they know that you hate that about yourself and will allow them to shift blame to you for their choices. If you want to lose weight because it will make you happier and healthier for YOU then great. If you like you the way you are, then fuckem' and find someone who is attracted to you as you are and as you are happy with you. Your choices are yours, his are his. Own yours and let him own his.