Just joined, doing BBG & want some awesome motivating friends! I'll hold you accountable too :)

Hey guys!!

I'm brand new to MFP and want to begin my journey of tracking, storing my meals and workouts. This isn't my first rodeo doing Kayla Itsines' guide, however, I always stop at week 8.

Not anymore! I have been working out for about a month now since I had a break and want to make this more of a lifestyle rather than just to lose lbs for an event. In addition to BBG, I run 3x/wk using the "Running for Weightloss" app which is fabulous but super challenging.

If your calories are around 1200/day, doing BBG or run frequently add me!! I would love to have a support network and support you too!

My goal is to lose 5lbs but FEEL more confident and energized. Join me on my journey! :smile:


  • HarrisHawke8
    HarrisHawke8 Posts: 70 Member
    Well i am on more than 1200 cals Emily but i am accountable and would b happy to keep motivated if u would like to reciprocate?