The internet is really, really, great...

Ajontheguitar Posts: 695
edited September 30 in Chit-Chat
*frustration rant ahead, please ignore if you don't care, which is perfectly ok.

This is the forums so I never curse or say anything beyond inuendo, which in itself is pg13 when done correctly, as the forums rules ask me to adhere to. If you add me as a friend for support and to support me in my journey, that's fantastic. If you find you don't like me for whatever reason I genuinely don't take offense or take it personally if you delete me.

So i dropped some curse/frustration/bombs on my status a few minutes ago. If you are MFP friends with me for oh, a day, you'd know that doesn't usually happen. Even if it did--most people asked me what was bothering me etc etc. I was told it's a support site and to grow up. Totally right, it IS a support site. I don't need friends who are going to be offended by my frustrations anyway. I see that on somebody's status and I cheer them on or ask what is wrong.

Two other things: if you're going to be offended by a curse word, why in the name of all that is holy (sex, cars, sports, sunshine, pools, puppies, whatever) are you on the internet? The place where everyone in the world now has access to all the vile and disgusting things the human brain can even conceive of? (rule 34 is it?) If you REALLY want to hear/read a perversion of the english language--read how half of the people here type, or go outside and listen to a conversation from people. THAT's a perversion of language if you ask me. The greatest writers and books of all time are chock full of innuendo and words that are not PG.

Again, I'd never curse on the forums. The rules dictate so and it's just a different ballgame. I've had a really horrible day and if I curse and that's wrong--please keep ignoring the realities of life, I don't need those people around.
/rant. Feel free to call me an idiot. I really don't care at this point :)


  • Hey Try not to let what happen upset you. i have cussed only once on here so thats good for me lol. You arent going to please everyone...So just try to have a good day for the rest of the day. and who cares what people think=)
  • abeachlady
    abeachlady Posts: 88
    You need a hug,
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    Personally I do not mind appropriate times of course. If you are having a rough day, friends should understand and support you no matter what. If they don't, well it just shows what kind of friend they are....and obviously don't know you very well to think you wouldn't ever curse. No worries your probably better off without them.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I curse like a sailor most days. Lol. I don't do it on the forums, because I try to respect the rules and they end up like this **** anyway. If people can't take it on your status, then they can either block your statuses from showing or unfriend you. *shrug* To each their own.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    People are just being REALLY mean today on here... Certain forums shot my mood down completely. I'm literally bummed out now. :(:( I'm sorry you are having a rough time too.
  • That's the irony of it. She got pissed at me for my language and in turn she just made me horrible day worse. I don't need to defend my frustration, I'm HAVING A BAD DAY for pete's sake.
  • AJ!!!! *BIG hug*

  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I curse like a sailor most days. Lol. I don't do it on the forums, because I try to respect the rules and they end up like this **** anyway. If people can't take it on your status, then they can either block your statuses from showing or unfriend you. *shrug* To each their own.

    I used to curse like that everyday... Then, I got a new job that doesn't make me angry so I'm losing my touch. :P I actually had a person accept my friend request and sent me a message that she deletes people that swear. I usually save that stuff for Facebook so my mom can "yell" at me. LOL!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    That's the irony of it. She got pissed at me for my language and in turn she just made me horrible day worse. I don't need to defend my frustration, I'm HAVING A BAD DAY for pete's sake.

    EFF THAT!! :)
  • don't care that it's my own thread: BUMP
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Awww hun that sucks, some people just like to make others miserable. I would say that if said person did not like the curse words you were using they had no need to comment and could have just removed you as a friend.

    I curse quite a bit, usually when people annoy me. It is a fact of life that you will hear bad langage at some point during the day. People are just too over sensitive.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    One days like that I ask myself "What would Courage Wolf do?"

  • One days like that I ask myself "What would Courage Wolf do?"


  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Haha that is hilarious.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    That's the spirit man. On a serious note, it will pass. You know that and when you come out the other side you'll probably wonder "what was all the fuss about?"

    Amor vincit omnia.

    (Damn that Azdak. He's got me quoting Latin now.)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i don't swear, but i honestly can understand why someone would if frustrated...What I can't understand is why people got upset you swore, when they chose to be your friends, and you were upset. eh. o_O
  • I'm always surprised when people still clutch their pearls over a few curse words. They need to grow up. I curse worse than Eminem. I just keep it to myself 99% of the time.

    You found out that person isn't here to support you without conditions. Better to find out sooner than later.
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