Bad habits

Hi im Lindsey :) I successfully lost 3 stone with myfitnesspal back in 2013 but quit and gained it all back following a difficult time in my life. Ive yo-yo'd since and now am at a stage where my overeating is beyond a joke. My sugar consumption is extortionate (terrible for a dental nurse!) I never seem to feel full. Im rapidly gaining weight and i cannot carry on this way it is getting me down. I no longer enjoy shopping or dressing up for nights out. I feel unhealthy inside and out and i just wanna feel like me again! Time to kick these bad habits and get back on a healthy track!


  • its_whisper
    its_whisper Posts: 112 Member
    Knowing you have a problem is the first step on beating it! do you keep track of everything you eat? I used to binge eat too and I learned I did when my depression was at its worse. If you have mental health issues can you reach out for therapy? If you want to message me please do so! I'm not an expert but I can talk to you about it :D
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Get rid of things from your house that you should not be eating. You can't eat what you don't have. Buy lots of vegetables and use them to feel full then take moderate portions of proteins and carbs (while of course weighing the foods so you will accurately know the calories.).
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    I completely feel you @sugar_addict87 - I have spent three weeks looking over my badhabits and adjusting them inch by inch. No big sweeping changes this time, I am making sure the little things stick first.

    So what are your bad habits and how are you changing them? Good luck!
  • noordinarygirl22
    noordinarygirl22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everybody. I am teena and I am new to my fitness pal. I overate all the time. I don't know how to control it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Make sure you're getting enough fat and protein to help you feel full.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm serious about the vegetables. Fill up on them before you start eating other stuff.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Hi @noordinarygirl22 It really is ok to start your own discussion.
  • sugar_addict87
    sugar_addict87 Posts: 2 Member
    Thankyou. Bad habits are cakes, biscuits, chocolate, and there is a constant supply at work. Everyone else manages to take 1 cookie and I'll take 6. My sugar intake is very high! And the slump i feel after a sugar rush only makes me want more. I need to go cold turkey on the refined sugars! Recording what i eat on here i know will help my willpower. Unfortunately I also enjoy dining out.. its so difficult to choose a salad with all the yummy options available!
  • 21ttomlinson
    21ttomlinson Posts: 20 Member
    Protein bars and power are really, I've only just been introduced.
    I've just started logging my exercise at the end of the day and not eating the extra calories.
    Feel free to add me anyone
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    Thankyou. Bad habits are cakes, biscuits, chocolate, and there is a constant supply at work. Everyone else manages to take 1 cookie and I'll take 6. My sugar intake is very high! And the slump i feel after a sugar rush only makes me want more. I need to go cold turkey on the refined sugars! Recording what i eat on here i know will help my willpower. Unfortunately I also enjoy dining out.. its so difficult to choose a salad with all the yummy options available!

    haha! I completely get this! For me I have been learning that "No" is a complete sentence and say no to offered foods frequently. I work above a bar and close to a mom and pop store that has really good-bad for me food there. prepping and planning has been my downfall, but it is also something i am doubling down on to work hard on and have been successful for the last 22 days and counting. my coworkers are always bringing in yummy things too but they don't ask me anymore if I want something (and in fact, have asked if they could have some of my healthy snacks!)

    my sugar was the same - holy crap. right now if i can keep it under 100 grams of sugar a day it is a win and most of that is from fruit. no more soda, very little processed sugars, no fast food treats and sweets. and I can honestly say I don't miss them! I was at a wedding on Saturday and was completely not interested in the cupcakes.

    you can totally do this! set small goals every week to change your habits. set yourself up to succeed :)
  • subs2boom
    subs2boom Posts: 8 Member
    I have 3 - 5 shots of liquor every night before bed and until this app... I had No idea how many extra calories I was consuming. I gotta cut back.