Switching Over/Frustrated

I've used Sparkpeople for some time, Loved it. My nutritionist uses Myfitnesspal and her apps connect to it, so I'm trying to get used to it. I actually love the look of it. I started in 2013 at 217 lbs I'm now 159 (was as low as 140 but "emotional eating" ya know LOL). I'm only 5'3.5" so it was a HUGE weight loss for me. The few pounds I have to go yet, is really about maintenance. I'm also at 55 really back into fitness.
I'm really FRUSTRATED with trying to get my Garmin and the Android App and the Web appi for Myfitnesspal to be all in Sync, so far no luck. AAAAAAAAAAARGH.

It was a HUGE jump for me to come over to Myfitnesspal. I actually think it is BETTER equipped than Sparkpeople, but change is really difficult for me. I'm a high functioning autistic, and, well, I just HATE CHANGE lol. Anybody had issues syncing these different things? Anybody had luck in getting them to work together?
This is me now 77 lbs and some 13" slimmer (it was all around my waste).
I'd like to stay around 145. I'd gotten sick and was on steroids, and couldn't run any more (had been running about 30-40 miles a week) and gotten up to 159...I'm slowly losing again This is me about 149:
I have finally gotten used to the idea of the "long haul" and "this is for life and living" and "diets do NOT work." So I'm not too freaked out about the temporary weight gain...I just started running again, and found that my heart is just as strong as it ever was ! WOOT!

I hope I can make this transition smoothly to MyFitnessPal. It really does seem better suited...Any advice would be most welcomed.
Thanks :-)
