Rude people...a rant...

kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so I have this co-worker who has had troubles and struggles with weight, the same as me, since I've known her (5 years). We've worked out together, talked about dieting, tips, etc. She's actually the one who introduced me to this site though she doesn't use it anymore. Anyway, in the past she's made comments about the amount of food on my plate or the fact that I ate "all of that salad" when she had the same salad, ate all the goodies, and left just some lettuce behind, or about other items that I've chosen to eat. I've lost 65 pounds by changing the way I eat (not dieting) and exercising. She's done several different diets (Jenny, WW, etc.), some of which she's had short term success with, some of which haven't worked at all for her. I don't know how much she's gained or lost over all but I do know that I've been able to succeed with my choice of weight loss strategies. She is now on day two of her new diet, Medifast. Whenever she starts some new diet she LOVES to judge the way others eat or question what anyone else does for weight loss. Yay. I felt like a burger and fries. I just felt like it! So what! Right? Apparently not! She walked up to my desk, looked at me with a completely baffled expression on her face and said, "THAT'S not on your diet!!!" Are you flippin' KIDDING me?! REALLY!? I was just floored. What I said was, "Well, I just felt like it." I should have said, "I don't actually diet. I've been successful with my weight loss because I've chosen to change the way that I treat my body and find that occasionally splurging on something just because it tastes good is a really great way to ensure that I won't gorge myself with unhealthy food daily or consistently." What I really WANTED to say was, "Take your self righteous attitude and shove it up you r ***. Oh, and while you're back there, take a look at the size of yours and compare it to mine then think about whether or not you should be telling me what or how I should be eating." Okay. I'm done ranting. I just don't know why people can't be supportive rather than judgemental and competitive! Maybe I'm just too sensitive. She just gets to me. :ohwell:


  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Okay, so I have this co-worker who has had troubles and struggles with weight, the same as me, since I've known her (5 years). We've worked out together, talked about dieting, tips, etc. She's actually the one who introduced me to this site though she doesn't use it anymore. Anyway, in the past she's made comments about the amount of food on my plate or the fact that I ate "all of that salad" when she had the same salad, ate all the goodies, and left just some lettuce behind, or about other items that I've chosen to eat. I've lost 65 pounds by changing the way I eat (not dieting) and exercising. She's done several different diets (Jenny, WW, etc.), some of which she's had short term success with, some of which haven't worked at all for her. I don't know how much she's gained or lost over all but I do know that I've been able to succeed with my choice of weight loss strategies. She is now on day two of her new diet, Medifast. Whenever she starts some new diet she LOVES to judge the way others eat or question what anyone else does for weight loss. Yay. I felt like a burger and fries. I just felt like it! So what! Right? Apparently not! She walked up to my desk, looked at me with a completely baffled expression on her face and said, "THAT'S not on your diet!!!" Are you flippin' KIDDING me?! REALLY!? I was just floored. What I said was, "Well, I just felt like it." I should have said, "I don't actually diet. I've been successful with my weight loss because I've chosen to change the way that I treat my body and find that occasionally splurging on something just because it tastes good is a really great way to ensure that I won't gorge myself with unhealthy food daily or consistently." What I really WANTED to say was, "Take your self righteous attitude and shove it up you r ***. Oh, and while you're back there, take a look at the size of yours and compare it to mine then think about whether or not you should be telling me what or how I should be eating." Okay. I'm done ranting. I just don't know why people can't be supportive rather than judgemental and competitive! Maybe I'm just too sensitive. She just gets to me. :ohwell:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    She's just jealous!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Amen!!! :drinker:

    Put it i the memory bank and when her "diet" inevietably fails...remind her THAT is not on her diet. :laugh:

    I'm mean like that! :devil:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    you could of said "Yeah you didn't know about the burger and fries diet thats how I dropped all my weight you should try it"
  • wildkat318
    wildkat318 Posts: 326 Member
    you could of said "Yeah you didn't know about the burger and fries diet thats how I dropped all my weight you should try it"

    Love that! :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    you go girl, don't let rude people get you down.
  • Jelybe
    Jelybe Posts: 266 Member
    you could of said "Yeah you didn't know about the burger and fries diet thats how I dropped all my weight you should try it"

    :laugh: LOL :laugh:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    you could of said "Yeah you didn't know about the burger and fries diet thats how I dropped all my weight you should try it"

    HAHAHAHA that was a good one...

    i agree shes got a case of the J word!

    to be honest you hit the nail on the head, its a liifestyle change and she obviously was not interested in changing how she eats so she undoubtedly failed.

    dont take anything anyone else says to heart, how do you feel? If i lost 65 pounds i would feel pretty DAMN good.. and you should... YOU GO GIRL!!!:drinker:
  • She doesn't have your commitment to sticking with it, she just jumps around to whatever she thinks will get it off quick. Oh yeah she's jealous!
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Thanks everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • You go girl!!!!!!!!:smokin:
  • Since she's on Medifast, just tell her she's hallucinating your burger and fries.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Since she's on Medifast, just tell her she's hallucinating your burger and fries.

    HAHHAHAA! THAT'S FUNNY! Did you know that, in the first two weeks on that diet, you can't work out because your calories are so limited!? Holy moly! I LOVE that I can eat what I want! Yay for awesome MFP and awesome MFP members!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • That's awesome!!:drinker: Tell her to stick to her fad "quick fix" diets that won't make a bit of difference because she is depriving herself of things she likes (namely FOOD all together with Medifast!) and that in the end, you'll be the one who comes out on top!! Good for you!! I couldn't have said it better myself!! :flowerforyou:
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Don't you hate it when you think of the PERFECT comeback seconds too late? Don't worry though, some people are just destined to be meanies! My Facebook status right now 'Everybody knows your fate, your everything that I hate, and I am everything that you wish you could be' Lyrics to a great 'I hate you' kind of song that I put on there b/c my co-worker is being a beast today too. What is with co-workers? Seriously people it takes less energy to just be nice!
  • ugh i hate people. she's mad because she can't seem to keep it off. yet you're doing just fine when you occasionally eat a burger and fries! haha she wants you to be fat with her honey. so just keep on truckin, and eat your fries if you feel like it. and next time, offer her one and watch it go right to her *kitten*! hahaha sorry.. maybe i got a little carried away there:devil:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    Since she's on Medifast, just tell her she's hallucinating your burger and fries.

    HAHHAHAA! THAT'S FUNNY! Did you know that, in the first two weeks on that diet, you can't work out because your calories are so limited!? Holy moly! I LOVE that I can eat what I want! Yay for awesome MFP and awesome MFP members!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    wow! the NERVE! some people just dont get it. :angry:

    cheers to MFP and all the awesome people on here! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Ditto to what everyone said - your burger and fries once in a while is WHY you've been so successful!
    Hope you enjoyed every last calorie!

    (P.S. I lost 30 lbs on MFP eating sensibly.... however with little treats here and there of burgers, cake, desserts, cheeses, wine, margaritas.... and that's why I didn't quit in the first 3 days!)
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Ditto to what everyone said - your burger and fries once in a while is WHY you've been so successful!
    Hope you enjoyed every last calorie!

    (P.S. I lost 30 lbs on MFP eating sensibly.... however with little treats here and there of burgers, cake, desserts, cheeses, wine, margaritas.... and that's why I didn't quit in the first 3 days!)

    Exactly! I don't want to deprive myself of foods I like! She's hosting a girl's night this weekend where everyone is supposed to bring wine and their favorite soup. She's not even going to be able to have any! What kind of way is THAT to live your life!? Why do so many diets out there say that you need to SHOCK your body to start losing weight?! Doesn't your body appreciate it more when you're nice to it and feed it properly!? Sheesh! Have fun suffering, mean co-worker, while I have fun eating, drinking, being merry, AND losing weight! Wheeeee!!!
  • Thanks for sharing this. You are so on the right track. Stay above any negative attitudes of jealousy, and stay focused on your efforts to be your best!

    Nothing worth having comes takes work...and work takes a positive attitude and strength :happy:
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