Can anyone explain the fact......

That last night when I was on the elliptical and treadmill (cardio only) for no more than 35 minutes, I was dog tired....flat out dog tired for the rest of the night and ended up going to bed an hour earlier than normal.

I thought when you exercised you were supposed to have a little more energy for the day or following your exercise? Am I totally stupid for not understanding that concept?

I didn't want to go to the gym last night anyhows I thought of so many other things that I could have done with that time (run errands) but I convinced myself that I needed to go. Did that have anything to do with it?

Thoughts??? Any are appreciated. THanks!


  • wndrwmn12
    wndrwmn12 Posts: 6
    I think feeling good after exercise is a relative term. Me? I just sweat and hate the whole experience, but will admit to a certain positive feeling after torturing myself. Have you had a recent physical complete with bloodwork? It could be that your iron levels (or other levels) are low causing you to feel tired.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    When's the last time you had a rest day? Any chance you're suffering from allergies? How did you eat yesterday? Were you fully hydrated? How did you sleep the night before?

    There are several reasons why you might not have had much energy...think about how your last few days, or even week, has been. Sometimes pushing through it CAN help and you feel better afterwards but in this case, I'd say something was up and your body was telling you it needs a break, or more fuel, or more water, etc.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Make sure you'd eating enough to fuel your body for a workout. I can't see your diary, so my general advice is to make sure you're getting a lot of protein (good for building muscles) but also have a decent amount of carbs/fat to fuel your body during a workout. I also usually have a protein rich meal or snack right after the gym. It can be as simple as greek yogurt, or as grand as some gourmet meat dish!

    Also, it may just take your body a while to adjust to working out more. Once you get into a routine, your body will adjust and you'll get more energy.

    Good luck, and stick with it! :)
  • notebelow
    notebelow Posts: 18 Member
    Over the first week of starting to exercise regularly I felt like crap, because my body wasn't used to it. After the second week I actually felt a whole lot better overall because the muscles had come to expect a little more and thus I found I was waking up earlier and feeling more energised for it. Some days though it can just wipe you out regardless.
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    if you didnt eat enough you may actually not feel energized at all.. did you have enough before going to the gym?
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    That last night when I was on the elliptical and treadmill (cardio only) for no more than 35 minutes, I was dog tired....flat out dog tired for the rest of the night and ended up going to bed an hour earlier than normal.

    I thought when you exercised you were supposed to have a little more energy for the day or following your exercise? Am I totally stupid for not understanding that concept?

    I didn't want to go to the gym last night anyhows I thought of so many other things that I could have done with that time (run errands) but I convinced myself that I needed to go. Did that have anything to do with it?

    Thoughts??? Any are appreciated. THanks!

    Exercise gets your heart-rate up which generally causes you to be more alert in the short-term. Exercise also requires energy which causes you to be tired. Run out of energy = tired.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    That last night when I was on the elliptical and treadmill (cardio only) for no more than 35 minutes, I was dog tired....flat out dog tired for the rest of the night and ended up going to bed an hour earlier than normal.

    I thought when you exercised you were supposed to have a little more energy for the day or following your exercise? Am I totally stupid for not understanding that concept?

    I didn't want to go to the gym last night anyhows I thought of so many other things that I could have done with that time (run errands) but I convinced myself that I needed to go. Did that have anything to do with it?

    Thoughts??? Any are appreciated. THanks!

    Everyone's exercise experiences are different. You're building up your endurance and getting your body used to... being used. If you're new to it, your body may not be able to handle it as well... yet. Give it a few weeks. The more you exercise, the higher your endurance. Right now you may be finding that you tire out quickly... but the blood, sweat and tears will pay off in the long run when you find that you're able to do a lot more later without running out of energy.