Meal Prep Containers



  • Fitblkorchid
    Fitblkorchid Posts: 32 Member
    I cook 3 different meals on Sunday and put in meal prep containers for lunch and dinner to last through the work week. I don't get really bored with eating the same meals, and it makes it much easier time wise during the week. I mix things up with different breakfasts and snacks.

    very insightful. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
  • Fitblkorchid
    Fitblkorchid Posts: 32 Member
    I usually prep two meals for the week, lunch and dinner... but this week I was complaining that I was already tired of what I made, LOL. However if I make more than that, I feel I will have too much food. Being single and having to eat the meals by yourself takes it toll on a woman that likes variety :) my freezer is a graveyard of leftovers from what I haven't finished, but don't want to throw away.

    I personally weigh out my portions and pack away in a bento box that I wash and use every day. However there was a time when I would frequent My Fit Foods when it was still in business and it was super nice to have everything ready to grab and go (AND the variety!). It's all a matter of personal preference and what you have the energy for.

    Its the lunch and dinner. Because I am vegan and the rest of my family is not. I have to prep their food each night. We don't eat the same foods. It just makes it easier for me if i can take a day a prep my foods for the week. It makes it easier for me. Thank you for your help.
  • Fitblkorchid
    Fitblkorchid Posts: 32 Member
    I cook, portion and freeze. Then I have plenty of time to eat it, and many different choices.

    That is smart I never thought of that.
  • Fitblkorchid
    Fitblkorchid Posts: 32 Member
    You guys are all awesome. Thank you for sharing some of your ideas you all have been really helpful.
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    I use a combination of Rubbermaid LunchBlox containers and Pyrex glass containers. (If it gets warmed up, it goes in glass...otherwise plastic.)

    My snacks are typically the same for the whole week. I generally pick 2 lunches and do one MWF and the other TT.

    I prep everything that goes into everyone's lunchbox on Sunday. That way mornings I can grab everything and throw it in the lunchboxes.

    I plan out my dinners in advance, although I only prep some for nights when have less than an hour to be in the door after work and back out for kids activities.
  • kristinak48
    kristinak48 Posts: 110 Member
    I meal prep my lunches on Sundays, I have to otherwise I set myself up for failure. I plan quick healthy food for breakfast as well. I don't mind eating the same thing for lunch because I have a fruit or something else with it to make it different each day and dinner is always different but I also plan out those recipes before I go shopping. It's very helpful!
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Prep my lunches on Sunday. Every day it's the same thing.
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    I meal prep all my lunches. Clean and season meat once a week then freeze in portions so I can cook it a few different ways.
  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    I also prep my weekday breakfasts & lunches on the weekend. To make my life easier I just stick with the same thing every day - though I do have a different dinner every day. Maybe towards Thursday or Friday I'm getting tired of it, but it's just easier for me to prep & log each day, so I stick with. It's been working for me for months, so I don't think I'll be changing anytime soon. (I don't do the same thing every week, but it's the same thing for that whole week).