Would like to find a few 'twins' too...

So you are female, between 27-35, you are 5'9, and you weigh somewhere between 155-165 and would like to get down to somewhere between 138-145. I really need someone to help keep me motivated and I think it would be easier if I had someone with the same goals as me. I do really well if I have a competition so I'd like to do some weekly challenges, like see if we can keep under food goal, lose a pound, etc. Thanks!


  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I have a ton of your twins.

    Challenge Invite
    I'd like to invite you all to join our TEAM August Challenge. Great daily exercise challenge, weekly eating challenges and team challenges. Lots of fun, support and motivation. Here is our forum post.


    Message me if you'd like to be on a team!
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I am 5'9" and I am 161.8 now. My goal is 148 and I am on target to lose 1 lb/week. Oh and I am 32 years old.

    If you search the "mini goal" thread we are all trying to lose 5lbs by the end of August if you'd like to add in. It was posted by LuckyMe8 I believe.
  • mamaboobear
    Hi, thanks for the quick replies. I don't really want to join a huge thread though, just because I find it too hard to keep up and not get lost in the shuffle.

    Kfitz, I am almost 32 and I started at 163, am now down to 157, 158, 159, depending on the day lol. I sent you a friend request!
  • AngelaDunkleeClark
    Nope....not even close.....but I am a twin!!! I wish you well in your quest!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am female, 34 years old, 5'7" and started MFP at 175. I am currently 151 and my goal is 145, though I reserve the right to adjust my goal weight once I get there! After a long plateau, I set MFP to lose 1/2 pound/week. My losses are slow but steady. With 6 pounds left to goal I am now focusing on toning up a little- step 1 is a Pilates class I am starting this week. Until now I have only done cardio (mainly walking and hiking).

    I am not much into competition of weight loss, as I mentioned my losses are slow being that I am in the home stretch. With my MFP friends, we just comment on each others successes (and failures!) and they keep me motivated or provide me with an outside prospective when I need it. Or a kick in the rear end if I need that. :tongue:

    Feel free to friend me if my goals sound in line with yours!
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    Hi, thanks for the quick replies. I don't really want to join a huge thread though, just because I find it too hard to keep up and not get lost in the shuffle.

    Kfitz, I am almost 32 and I started at 163, am now down to 157, 158, 159, depending on the day lol. I sent you a friend request!

    Its not huge its just 4 of us and we are all about the same weight. No pressure, but c'mon. It'll be fun!
  • mamaboobear
    Oh, that sounds perfect actually then. I will try and find it. Thanks