CPAP users

Pinupdollrawr Posts: 137 Member
Hey everyone I just got diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea and just got my machine today. It's super quiet. But I just wanted to know how long did it take you to get use to it? Like I can sleep with it, I just get disturbed by rolling on the hose or when I go on my side the mask moving etc. And any pros besides not dying in your sleep that came from the use of it. I know someone said they stopped falling asleep at their work desk. Lol. Ty.


  • andyzee69
    andyzee69 Posts: 193 Member
    You might have to try different masks. I use the Amara View and it's been the most comfortable one yet.
  • Pinupdollrawr
    Pinupdollrawr Posts: 137 Member
    andyzee69 wrote: »
    You might have to try different masks. I use the Amara View and it's been the most comfortable one yet.

    When I did the follow up study to assess my pressure needed etc I used the masked and freaked out bc idk it felt like I was drowning and couldn't breath. Then the tech calmed me down and told me my system can be programmed to my number needed then push a button and it can take it's time from a lower setting to my request which will help. And it did. I overcame that little fear. I'm afraid if I get another one I'd freak out or it would feel different.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    My sister was able to get used to it DH, never.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    When I started, they gave me a full-face mask. Seemed fine sitting in the chair and even lying in the bed they had. But when actually lying down to sleep, my head is in a different position. As such, I sometimes lost the seal, as my mask was pushed slightly askew.

    I went back and now have a nasal-only mask. It's very comfortable and I almost never have any issues with it.
  • SSpeakes
    SSpeakes Posts: 95 Member
    My husband had a full mask at first and now has the nose thing. It took him a little bit to get used to it, mostly because he can't really sleep on his back anymore. I am used to the white noise that it makes and actually enjoy it. He said he had the most intense and vivid dreams for a week or so after getting the machine. The doctor had warned him about that part, though.

    I will say it's kept him alive and me out of prison. I no longer want to kill him (well, at least not for his snoring and flopping).
  • beaglady
    beaglady Posts: 1,362 Member
    I have one. Sometimes I use a nasal mask, sometimes nasal pillows. They both annoy me differently, but even with the annoyance, I sleep much more soundly with them. Better to wake up once every few hours due to a little discomfort or whooshing air, than to wake up every few minutes from not breathing.

    The nasal mask is more comfortable, but after using it for about 2 consecutive weeks, my nose will break out like crazy. I also ordered cloth pads that keep the edges of the mask from touching my skin, cause it was leaving marks on my face where it touched all night.

    Nasal pillows are the small ones that just line up with your nostrils. After a week or two, my nose feels sore where it touches, which is why I switch between the two styles. The pillows also come unsealed more easily and make wooshing air noises.
  • saybyebob
    saybyebob Posts: 54 Member
    I have the full face mask it took me awhile to get use to it. When the time came for a new mask I did inquire about the nasal mask but it was a no go since I sometimes sleep with my mouth open and that would defeat the purpose.

    I put it on when I'm ready the close my eyes, not while reading or watching TV. I throw the hose over my shoulder and it has never bothered me.

    I definitely have more energy the next day. My one drawback is that it does dry my eyes out. Some days they're constantly itchy.
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    @saybyebob you should still be able to use the nasal mask. I sleep with my mouth open as well, but the nasal pillows still work because even though my mouth is open my tongue kinda blocks the back of my throat. Hard to explain, but it works.

    @Pinupdollrawr it took me a few weeks to really get used to mine... including trying a couple different masks. I love mine now and never sleep without it, even naps. It will change your life and you'll feel so much better!!!!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My CPAP was life changer. Once I was on it for 6ish weeks I felt so much better and then started on improving my health in general. That was late 2013 and my weight, fitness, etc. are so much better now.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    It took me about a month. But well worth it.
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    I was diagnosed and got my CPAP machine in 2004, and have used it every night since. I've used the full mask and nasal mask and nasal pillows, and currently use a small nasal mask. I saw an improvement during the day within a week; I was sharper, if that makes sense. (I worked as an engineering project manager.) It took me just a couple days to get used to it, but I tend to stay on my back and still while sleeping. I have a variable pressure machine, and as I lose weight, I require less pressure. My doctor suspects I won't need a CPAP once I lose my excess weight. Oh, and it is possible to get a strap that fits around your chin to keep yout mouth closed while you sleep; I tried it, but couldn't be bothered after a while, I don't care if I wake up occasionally with a dry mouth.
  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    It took me a couple weeks to get fully use to it. I also hit the button to lower the pressure and it gradually increases without you noticing, it is called ramping. I didn't like the full mask over mouth and nose and the small nasal mask was a no go due to sleeping with my mouth open. Some can use it but I didn't like it. I use the mask that covers my mouth but sits under my nose. My hubby uses the nasal mask. I started using it about 4 months ago and now I can't sleep without it.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    I got used to it right away. I hooked the hose over the headboard to keep it out of the way. You also can get a pillow with indents to accommodate the back when lying on your side. As said above, correct mask is essential. If it doesn't fit right or leaks. Hi back to your supplier.
    My sleep apnea was cured by losing weight and doc took me off of it last fall.
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    I hope this doesn't hijack the thread, but I have a question for my fellow CPAP-ers. Have any of you needed, and found, a smaller head strap? For me, the velcro on that goes across the back of my head is always way too big. It causes my mask to slip sometimes at night. My CPAP supplier said there's no smaller strap, do any of you know a way to tighten it more or find a smaller one I can swap out?...
  • ShimmyShade
    ShimmyShade Posts: 7 Member
    It took a few nights, but with the right pressure you get used to it. I've had mine for a year and it's saved the quality of my life in ways I didn't know it could be saved. Eventually you'll be conditioned to sleep with the mask that you'll have a hard time falling asleep without it because your brain will be like "Mask on=sleep time. Mask off=not sleep time"
  • Pinupdollrawr
    Pinupdollrawr Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks everyone for the info, I am hoping it is sooner than later. I do use the ramping method to help so I don't freak out with the air. lol. Love it. And my machine is completely silent unless I lose a seal and it makes weird funny noses. @SSpeakes No one warned me about the vivid dreams! I am having some deep ones. But I didn't mind the vivid one I had with a donut lol
    When I am able to get a new mask (3 months insurance) I will get the nasal one and give it a try. Hopefully this will change my sleeping pattern and idk I get to bed earlier and at have a good schedule somehow.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    It took me about 3 weeks. I also had to get a chin strapand change my mask type, because the way I lay didn't work with the mask.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    I also got a second hose to extend it, and then set a hook yo hang it. Keeps everything out of the way when I'm not uding it, and gives me more movement and a better hose angle at night.
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