Hello fellow team mates! I am Jill and I will be your team captain for the August Team Challenge!!

I started with 106 pounds to lose and I am down almost 40 now!

Let's do a quick roll call and introduce ourselves!

Captain Hoteffinmess
1 dmtorres96
2 dkjohnson
3 dajm456
4 powerthree
5 bubblesburst80
6 lhurtubise
7 Shiloh101
8 lilallen05
9 kerry1513
10 shevyface
11 LeeOnna
12 ashkas2
13 conchita962
14 hefinator
15 amandamiles69
16 catniss
17 mackenziestack
18 mcgowan0930
19 3trees
20 fldillon


  • brightycc
    brightycc Posts: 11
    Hi Jill,
    Sorry, I didn't hear from Gary yesterday and I already joined another team. Good luck to you all though.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Hey Jill! I'm Dawn and ready to kick some BOOTY!!!! LOVE the Team name...I just went to see Jimmy Buffett last Tuesday !!!
  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    I'm really excited for this challenge!

    I need everyone on the team to message me with the following information:
    A realistic weight loss goal
    Ideas for challenges:
    2 Cardio Challenges
    2 Distance Challenges
    1 Food Challenge
    2 Strength Challenges

  • Leeonna
    Leeonna Posts: 3
    I am LeeOnna and looking to lose 35 pounds. I am excited and hope I can do this and lose some weight this upcoming month!
  • dajm456
    dajm456 Posts: 14
    Hi Everyone! My name is Mallory and this is my first challenge on mfp. I am super excited to get started and kick some butt! We got this! :)

    SW (on mfp) 183
    CW 179
    GW 169 August Team Challenge
    GW 140
  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
  • Shiloh101
    Shiloh101 Posts: 25 Member
    Good morning, my name is Shiloh. This is my first challenge also, so I'm not sure how this works.

    GW by end of August Challenge is 138
    GW - 128.

    Can't wait to get to know everyone better throughout August.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hi my name is Laqueeda! My goal for August is to loose 10lbs! I know I can do it! The challenges I have been in have really kept me going strong and I know this one will also! I started with 80lbs to loose and I have lost 15lbs so far!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Weight loss goal: 8 pounds (I tend to set goals too high and then get discouraged when I don't meet them, so I'm going to lower it a bit)

    Challenges--does each team set it's own "in house" challenges or will all the teams be aiming for the same ones? Will there only be weekly challenges or daily ones as well?

    Challenge suggestions:

    Food=add 1 new, "healthy" food/ refrain from 1 "unhealthy" food

    Cardio=add an extra 5 or 10 minutes to whatever form you do (so then it wouldn't matter if we were walking, running, biking, elliptical, rowing, etc since it would be based on time)

    Strength, would core/abs fit in here? if so add in old school sit-ups--all the way up--no holding feet or hooking them under something

    Not sure where this would fit in=try something new: new class, new DVD, new routine, new piece of equipement

    Anna (Catniss)
  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    I am kinda new to this myself. I am waiting for explicit instructions from Gary. Right now I am taking challenge suggestions and making a list. We can choose before Sunday! Thanks for all the input!
  • powerthree
    powerthree Posts: 28
    Hey Team!!
    First challenge and I am ready to kick butt.......

    I don't think MFP lets you go below 1200 calories which is what I am at on days I do not work out. Which has been about a pound a week loss. (though had two mini trips and two week ends with festival food) In the Month + I have been doing this. I think I could realistically bump it up to five pounds for a goal. (I hope I am able to blow that out of the water by doing 8-10) But I just want to be conservative and realistic)

    I know I do not drink enough water --- So I am hoping that could be a challenge.

    When should we weigh in for starting wt on the 31st or the first?
  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    ***WOW DID I TOTALLY CONTRADICT MYSELF*** We should weigh in on the 31st so I can log our starting weights before the contest actually starts and I'm not scrambling to get the information in. :) Welcome to the team!

    Reminder: I need everyone's CURRENT weight and GOAL weight!

    Also in need of a few more suggestions for our challenges!
    Get your water consumption up!! I'm not sure if that fits in, but use it as your personal challenge! I drink NOTHING but water with the occasional soda, beer, coffee and I think that has helped a lot!! Especially when you work out, you have to replenish your fluids... also the more water you drink, the less chance you have of becoming constipated and holding onto the weight.
  • MiriF
    MiriF Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all - Miri here! Just joined under the wire thanks to our Captain! :)

    I set a goal of 8 pounds for August - I tend toward overly aggressive goals and I really need to stop demoralizing myself by doing that! :) So I am hoping 8 is a nice comfortable goal.

    ETA: I just joined the site yesterday, I am looking forward to jumping in with both feet!
  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    Hi guys! I created an image to put in your signature if you wish! Edit your signature and put digital-weight-scale-1.jpg... only make the the IMG are lower case! :)
  • shevyface
    shevyface Posts: 46
    Hey team! My name's Sherry. This is my first challenge!! So excited, I'm ready to shed. I'm 23, 5'6, and currently 197.6 lbs

    A realistic weight loss goal: 10 lbs! That's 2 a week for the month of August!

    Ideas for challenges:
    2 Cardio Challenges - a jump rope challenge or for low impact an uphill walk, where you go walking in a hilly area or up sets of stairs. Both for an extra challenge.
    2 Distance Challenges - 1. add an extra 15 minutes to an outside activity 2. add a new outdoor activity, like if you ride bikes usually, try running instead for the same distance
    1 Food Challenge - eating a fruit or vegetable of some kind at least once a day
    2 Strength Challenges - 1, a push up challenge each week (knees or otherwise), because if everyone else is like me they really need to work on that! 2. some sort of lower body exercise, like calve raises
  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    Hi Sherry! Welcome to the team!! I have recorded your goal and adding some of your suggestions to the list for the team to choose from!
  • 3trees
    3trees Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Jill,

    Thanks for organizing us! I'm 45 years old. Starting weight last spring was 193. Starting weight at MFP was 184. I'm currently at 175. I'm currently working through P90X (week 5) and training for a couple distance runs this fall.

    My track record since last fall has been to lose about 1/3 pound a week. That's probably a bit faster than the rate at which I gained it. However, I'm happy to try to step it up in August. That's why I joined the challenge. I'm at 175#. Realistically, I think the most I can lose in a healthy manner in August is 5 pounds. If that seems too wimpy, you can call me out.


    2 Cardio Challenges:
    - I'll be running a few road races in August. I'd suggest we each try to find a local 5k or whatever distance floats your boat. Train a bit and then run/walk it.
    - Check your heart rate about 10 minutes into a workout and make sure you're in the fat burning zone; then keep checking to stay in the zone for 30 minutes.

    2 Distance Challenges - I'm not sure what this is?

    1 Food Challenge - well here's 2:
    1. No snacks after dinner.
    2. Switch one item in your diet to a less processed form (white bread to whole
    wheat; processed cereal to oatmeal or shredded wheat; juices with added sugar to those without or just water, canned
    peaches to fresh, etc.)

    2 Strength Challenges -
    1. Do three weight lifting workouts a week
    2. We could all start the 100 push-up challenge. There's a website for it. From knees or toes. It's a cool way to gradually build up to 100 push-ups.

    I look forward to getting to know the group and seeing what we can inspire each other to lose this month.

    Love the team signature (I hope it shows up!)

  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    Hi Sarah! Welcome to the team. I am super stoked to Kick the Crap out of August!!! I'm still waiting for the rest of our group to give me their weight info and input on challenge ideas. I am still compiling our idea list.
  • MiriF
    MiriF Posts: 21 Member
    Just testing to see if the img worked in the signature!
  • powerthree
    powerthree Posts: 28
    Like the team logo!!! I was kind of expecting a parrott