Keto Diet and Exercise makes the fat in my body cries!!!



  • sakram373
    sakram373 Posts: 11 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi guys... I know that I'm really late to the challenge but I'd like to stay connected and join in. My name is Sam, I'm 38 and a doctor. Married, have 2 cats and love travelling, gardening and food.

    I've had issues with hypoglycaemia since I was a young child, which has improved significantly as I've grown older. My biggest problem by far is my crazy craving for carbs. I am a total carb junkie so it's been really tough with managing my weight.

    I've stopped pasta, rice, biscuits, crisps etc but my Achilles heel is bread.
  • sakram373
    sakram373 Posts: 11 Member
    I had an accident 8 years ago, damaging my lower back. I've suffered with severe pain ever since. I coped with the pain by eating rubbish,so the weight piled on. That combined with my inability to exercise was a disaster. I have 30kg to lose. That's what I want to achieve. I started exercising this week, my weight is 104.8kg. My husband has promised a holiday abroad to a place of my choice for every 10kg I lose
  • need2move2
    need2move2 Posts: 130 Member
    I am late to this challenge but I would still like to give it ago. I have been following a Ketogenic menu for 4 months.. love how I fell.. sleep better.. no aches or pains.. clear mind.. down -25 pounds . LOVE this life style. BUT I have been in a weight loss stall since June 23... not giving up.. staying strong... hoping this challenge will help bust the stall.
    My goal.... Break the stall!!!!
    Plus -10 would be the bonus!

    7/19 weight 171
    7/21 weight 170
    7/23 weight 169
    7/27 weight 168

    Good luck everyone!
  • DanielleM7810
    DanielleM7810 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! I just saw this post so I guess I'm a late comer too. I started keto about a week ago and although its difficult to make the changes (like you said, having to read labels and all with such scrutiny), its been amazing! I read The Bulletproof Diet and am reading Hashimoto's Protocol because I was diagnosed with it in March. I refuse to accept that I have to take a pill for the rest of my life because any autoimmune disorder stems from three things: gut permeability, infection or toxins. Living a keto lifestyle eliminates so many of the foods that cause sensitivities and inflammation not to mention helps the body feel satisfied as opposed to feeling restricted. Fat does not make you fat if its good fat and eaten the right way. Seems backwards and contrary to all the hype we hear everywhere about avoiding fat but if we listened to all that, we could never eat anything! No fat, no carbs and no sugar = no energy and a host of other problems. While there is no magic formula that works for every person, the principles can be applied to anyone. Each person is different. We each have diff goals, diff lifestyles, diff work schedules, etc. Educating oneself on the true science behind how these diet changes actually work and how our bodies process food is the key to making the right changes for any one person. Good for you for doing what works for you and for sharing your progress! I am on board!! Count me in!
  • Darby165
    Darby165 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome all newbies! It's never too late to start working on your health!! I will continue to post on this challenge after the end of the week. The more I post and hear from others on their struggles and success the more it motivates me!! Good luck to you all!
  • Darby165
    Darby165 Posts: 12 Member
    7/17 180.1lbs
    7/18 179.9 lbs
    7/19 179.8 lbs
    7/20 180.2 lbs
    7/21 179.4 lbs
    7/22 179.4 lbs
    7/23 179.4 lbs
    7/24 179.6 lbs
    7/25 179.6 lbs
    7/25 179.4 lbs
    7/26 177.2 lbs
    7/27 177.6 lbs
    7/27 174.2 lbs
  • need2move2
    need2move2 Posts: 130 Member
    I am late to this challenge but I would still like to give it ago. I have been following a Ketogenic menu for 4 months.. love how I fell.. sleep better.. no aches or pains.. clear mind.. down -25 pounds . LOVE this life style. BUT I have been in a weight loss stall since June 23... not giving up.. staying strong... hoping this challenge will help bust the stall.
    My goal.... Break the stall!!!!
    Plus -10 would be the bonus!

    7/19 weight 171
    7/21 weight 170
    7/23 weight 169
    7/27 weight 168
    8/01 weight 168

    Good luck everyone!
  • philleah
    philleah Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I just started a low carb diet on Wednesday, August 2nd. I'm 5'4 and started at 154 lbs which is the most I've ever weighed in my life! :( Today, August 6, I weigh 151 so I'm losing on this diet already. I'd like to stay in this chat for support. My goal weight range is 129 lbs to 132 lbs.
  • Ron_Fer
    Ron_Fer Posts: 2 Member
    I restarted the Keto diet last thursday. I am diabetic and have reduced my insulin from 100 units per day to 0 units per day. I did this a couple of years ago and had the same results. i didn't lose much weight but have found Butter Bob and his videos have given me real insight into why most people on the high fat low carb diet don't lose weight. This time i am following his recommendation and eating only when i am hungry and using fasting as part of the diet. one day i just ate on meal and several days i have eaten two meals. like he says, just because you can eat 3 or 4 times a day doesn't mean you have to.
  • Ron_Fer
    Ron_Fer Posts: 2 Member
    here is one of Butter Bob's videos:
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Ron_Fer wrote: »
    I restarted the Keto diet last thursday. I am diabetic and have reduced my insulin from 100 units per day to 0 units per day. I did this a couple of years ago and had the same results. i didn't lose much weight but have found Butter Bob and his videos have given me real insight into why most people on the high fat low carb diet don't lose weight. This time i am following his recommendation and eating only when i am hungry and using fasting as part of the diet. one day i just ate on meal and several days i have eaten two meals. like he says, just because you can eat 3 or 4 times a day doesn't mean you have to.

    they dont lose weight because they arent in a deficit. works the same way with any way of eating. no deficit means no weight loss
  • labenton419
    labenton419 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey so this is a very late post to your original thread, but I was wondering your opinion/experience with different calorie deficits on keto? I'm rounding out my second week on Keto and feel pretty fat-adapted (I know I need more sodium in my life though). And this week I re-incorporated my camp gladiator workouts (bootcamp/HIIT/etc.). My meal plan had me about 1450 calories a day, but I added in a couple tbsp of peanut butter pre-workouts to get me through them, putting me about 1650. Well, I ended up burning an average of 2400 calories each day this week. I felt good in my workouts and slept like a log every night, but I'm worried this large a deficit will stall weight loss. Or will my body switch to burning the fat in my body when it's run out of fat from food??

    Sorry so many questions!