Hotties In The Making o.O

Hi my name is Mallory!

I am 23. 5' 5" and I wanted to join a group but decided to create one instead. I need people who can motivate. & Who need motivation. I want this to be as fun as it can be. I get bummed out by the number on the scale just as easy as anyone else does.

My SW: 306 CW: 293 GW#1:250 etc..I'm going on til I'm happy with myself again. UGW: 130-140?

I want to be a bout you? you know we got this.. ;)

Feel free to post, talk,'s what this site is all about.


  • Ciarn
    Ciarn Posts: 92
    ill like to join ur group :-) i want to be a hottie i have 50 lbs to lose
  • I'm going for 125. A 100 pound loss! We can do it, the scale isn't always our friend, and that's ok. It just forces us to work a little harder the next week!

    Good luck to you!

  • Gessa007
    Gessa007 Posts: 50
    I have 40 pounds to lose I'll join. Feel Free to add me as a friend :)
  • slimmerme2012
    I'm in! I need to lose 37 more pounds to get to my ULTIMATE goal weight!
  • slimmerme2012
    Can some of y'all add me to your friends list? For some reason everytime I try to add people as a friend it doesn't let me :(
  • IAmTheAwesomest
    over halfway there! was 270 now 178.3 and ultimate goal is 140 or 150 (I like my curves plus I just to be almost a D cup and now I'm a B so I'm hoping that I'll stay there).
  • cc_campbell81
    I'm interested. I definately need motivation right now. I just came off of the depo shot and I gained 15 lbs in 3-4 months while on it! My goal is to lose 15-20 lbs so I can get pregnant and gain it all over again :> Seriously though I am trying to shed the excess fat so when I get pregnant with a second child I will look cute not enormous :>
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Hi Mallory :smile: I'm Debi I still need to lose about 30 lbs I;m down 56
    so far. I will join
  • slimmerme2012
    thanks for the friend requests
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I've still got another 50 or so to go!

    I'm definitely working on hottie status. [;
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    def. interested........really could use the support :blushing:
  • PixieThin
    PixieThin Posts: 57
    So I'm new to this whole making a group type here goes.. I will keep us posting in this thread. I didn't do enough research I guess. This is so different from Sparkpeople you just have to keep friends together through posts..I apologize for any confusion. And like I said in that other post I guess I will just keep this thread open so anyone can join as for now.

    So enough of that.

    I weighed myself this morning and since I was outside a lot yesterday working on the car I think it helped me to my advantage. I'm down again to 296. I'm super happy that I went down. I was getting worried that I wouldn't lose any while I was sick. I've been walking the dog around the block and trying to get some movement in. So yea.

    I'm so motivated you guys! You all inspire me to do better! I have so much to look forward to here. And I know this program works..well calorie counting that is. I wish I'd done it sooner.


  • cc_campbell81
    I weighed myself at 141.8 yesterday. It may not sound like a lot but I am 5'3" and I am carrying a lot of fat. My midsection is my biggest issue. I am also a little panicked because I just realized I have a physical fitness test next month. I am in the Air Force and I have to take a test which consists of 1 minute of pushups, 1 minute of sit ups, a waist measurement, and a 1.5 mile timed run. Last year I scored 94/100 which is considered excellent. I need to do about 40 pushups, 40 sit ups, have a 32" or less waist, and run it faster than 13 minutes. However, I gained 15 lbs since then and I only have four weeks (test is Aug 31st) to get myself where I want to be. I thought I had another month left so I am nervous. If you score poorly on these tests then it will hurt your career. So, my plan is to try to do 2 a day work outs. I already go to the gym Mon-Thursday in the morning so I think I'll add either a lunch work out or evening work out. I love to run but food has been my issue. I started the depo provera shot early this year and since then my appetite has been out of control. I stopped the shot but it can take a few months to almost a year to get out of your system. So long story short (sorry so long) I need to work out lots and eat great the next few weeks.
  • PixieThin
    PixieThin Posts: 57
    I weighed myself at 141.8 yesterday. It may not sound like a lot but I am 5'3" and I am carrying a lot of fat. My midsection is my biggest issue. I am also a little panicked because I just realized I have a physical fitness test next month. I am in the Air Force and I have to take a test which consists of 1 minute of pushups, 1 minute of sit ups, a waist measurement, and a 1.5 mile timed run. Last year I scored 94/100 which is considered excellent. I need to do about 40 pushups, 40 sit ups, have a 32" or less waist, and run it faster than 13 minutes. However, I gained 15 lbs since then and I only have four weeks (test is Aug 31st) to get myself where I want to be. I thought I had another month left so I am nervous. If you score poorly on these tests then it will hurt your career. So, my plan is to try to do 2 a day work outs. I already go to the gym Mon-Thursday in the morning so I think I'll add either a lunch work out or evening work out. I love to run but food has been my issue. I started the depo provera shot early this year and since then my appetite has been out of control. I stopped the shot but it can take a few months to almost a year to get out of your system. So long story short (sorry so long) I need to work out lots and eat great the next few weeks.

    I can't stand that a birth control can do that for a woman..they need to make a dude take a shot..or take pills. haha. I really think if you keep positive you will be able to reach your goals. That is amazing how your career is at stake. I understand not fully and completely but I know how weight can effect life changing things.

    I am rooting for you! keep up with the working out and that 15lbs will be nothing. Now I know you are a smaller woman than I am..I hear it's a slower process for smaller women. But I think if it's medicine related it should go away. I am just trying to be positive here. I love that you have a goal. Everyone needs a great goal. The steeper the consequences for me the better I do. I bought a wedding dress a year ago. I was losing weight and it's an 18..I gained all the weight back.. now I have to get into that dress or sell it. I'm not selling it. I don't want to be bigger than an 18. I know I'm waaaaay bigger than some here. I just have that as one of my goals. And move on down the scale as time goes on..

    Thanks for sharing! I love listening and getting to know people..helps me from snacking. I just get on here and read. ;)
  • Allyc804
    Allyc804 Posts: 54
    Hi I want to join! Im Ally and have about 44 pounds to lose! This is day 4, almost day 5:)
  • angelicangelique
    i loved the name of the group!
    i got 21lbs to lose
    im 141 as of today...but im 5'2 :sad: i wanna be 120!!
    gotta long way to go

    good luck to everyone
  • kristy3119
    kristy3119 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey guys! I've been using MFP for about 4 months but really haven't been tracking lately. Luckily I haven't gained any, but haven't lost either, so I'd really like to get back in the swing of things.

    SW: 225 (Christmas-ish)
    CW: 192
    GW #1: 160....and we'll see how it goes from there :)
  • kristy3119
    kristy3119 Posts: 46 Member
    How's everyone doing today?
  • PixieThin
    PixieThin Posts: 57
    Awesome!! Nice to meet you =)

    So since we only have 3 days left in July I am going to start off August with setting up a goal. It would be awesome for all of you to also! I want to lose at least 10lbs in August..

    but my goal is to up my workouts.

    If I'm not sick or anything I usually workout everyday..maybe skip one day a week.

    So I will make it my goal to workout for at LEAST 2hrs each day 5-6 days a week..most likely 6.

    I'm a fatty McFatty so I need to be working out. ;)

    With that being have a couple days to setup an August goal! Ready, Set, Go! ;)
  • nerdgirl94
    Can I join? I have about 75 lbs to lose now and a group to help motivate me would be awesome. (: