Beautiful Behaviors - July 2017



  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Update: I'm struggling, and I am not used to that. By this I mean - I normally have no problem pushing myself in my workouts, getting my workouts in or staying longer or doing extra reps at the gym. The past couple of weeks I have felt like I have ZERO energy. I still try and do my workouts and push myself but just seem to feel tired. Yesterday I went to the gym and did legs. The whole workout I felt tired, couldn't lift as heavy, had to cut my workout short at just 1 hour - I usually add abs. I even got a couple dizzy spells. I slept like crud this past weekend. I have a sleep study set for August 2nd, I hope a breathing machine helps with this. It's so frustrating when my mind is cheering me on and my thoughts are of progress and getting results but my body ends up giving up. Ugh! :#:s -Just think if I get my levels right, you guys will be sick of my energy level and there will be no stopping me!!!! haha

    Thought for the day: Stay open minded, things aren't always what they seem to be. ***This one is for me. I used to think one way 'well, if they don't work out they are just lazy'. However, I've met people with a lot of medical issues and listened to all of your stories and now I know better. I want to say that You are all Inspirational, because all of us have our struggles and we are all still fighting! Don't get me wrong, I am still human and still judge sometimes. However, I now have a more open mind and look at things with more kindness. -Most of my judging are those who will not help themselves - mooches, people whom think others are ATMs, those who constantly make goals but don't move forward or make changes toward them and then complain. **Everyone here are fighters and even when we encounter speed bumps, we move forward!!! B)
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hi, everyone. my knee is improving, and i'm doing my exercises, but i'm not going to go back to physical therapy. my copay is $40!!! and they want me to come 2 - 3 x/week. i just can't squeeze that out of my budget. it's improved greatly from the anti inflammatories i've been taking and the exercises the PT gave me last week. i'm barely using the cane now, except for when i go into the office.

    food is not defeating me this week, either! john and i have been trying to cook more, and are watching how often we order in very closely. feeling good about it overall.

    Sheri, i use a CPAP to sleep and it changed my sleeping totally for the better. i hope you have a good experience with it too.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited July 2017
    While I don't share her love of makeup (I'd be an allergic swollen mess), or clothing (I buy accessories and rarely wear them), or hair styles (I have 3 styles: up, down, and braids), I DO love the direction her vlog takes in the final 5-10 minutes when she equates food prep with self care. (I DO like her home style and attitude).

    Now I understand why people take time for food prep! Oh!
    Love to all.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Today I ate the most nutrient dense breakfast...

    I'll report back if it helps.

    Love to all.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Day 2 of my pool floatie based lifestyle - successfully managed to keep from having a total freak out when the pool pump at the house where I'm house sitting went out and the repairman didn't get out when he said he would to fix it. Well, 90% freak out avoidance. I admit to being alarmed that my planned paradise vacation would be a lot less paradisical. But the pool repair guy eventually showed up and I got my swim by starlight, surrounded by fragrant tropical flowers. Warmed up and soaked my sore muscles in the hot tub. Then cuddled up with both resident dogs on my lap to watch a movie on the giant screen 3D TV. The owner of this house always coddles us excessively, and yesterday when we arrived we found a note saying to please consume the lobster cakes and steak in the fridge, plus the produce from the farmer's market, plus the chilled wine. She has the oh my gosh GIANT SIZED plushest possible bath towels. In return for her being the best possible house owner, we volunteered to do some things for her which are hard due to her age, such as replacing light bulbs in hard to reach places, some deep cleaning, and tracking down the reason her kitchen fixture isn't working.

    My husband has a cold. Poor baby!

    I admit to having been curious about the effect swimming type exercise would have on my diabetes and weight loss. The calorie burn numbers for casual swimming, treading water, and the easier strokes like breast and sidestroke given by MFP seem overly optimistic. But I am half a pound lighter today with optimal blood sugar readings this morning after eating just a ton of food yesterday. One of my favorite Middle Eastern restaurants is close by, and we ordered a bunch of hummus, falafel, stuffed grape leaves, and other noshes to eat poolside. I was worried about the pita bread since bread has been spiking my blood sugar recently, but I seem to be okay if I keep it under half a pita at a sitting.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited July 2017
    @rheddmobile - Alright!!! The pool floatie lifestyle seems to suit your personality. Wish I were there! Ah.

    Update: 35 ape arm exercises done! I put a little of breakfast back in the fridge.

    @happysherri - hey. If you are too fatigued to work out, please say a prayer for yourself and me and the others here who are suffering chronic fatigue. Thank you!!!
  • RonFrances8
    RonFrances8 Posts: 44 Member
    Biking, walking, smaller portions, healthier choices... miss swimming.
  • gillykh
    gillykh Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Sorry, I know it's been a while (this is exactly how every entry into my journal starts out...). Staying busy; I guess that's not a bad thing.

    My niceness to myself this week was not berating myself after totally blowing it this weekend. We overstuffed our weekend with food-centric activities, with disastrous results. I stayed awesomely in my calories Friday night when we went to our friends' house for dinner. I even passed on homemade pie. Saturday night at game night was less successful...sandwiches, chips, brownies...that snacky stuff really got the better of me. Sunday was worse, though. I just ate without abandon from lunchtime on through afternoon and dinner plans with friends to eat out.

    Oh well. :) Monday was a new day, and this week has been good so far. Just avoiding weighing myself for a while and not beating myself up for there being a limit to my willpower. So be it.

    Getting ready for a Seattle trip at the end of August, so I'm trying to focus this week.

    Hope you all are having lovely weeks so far. Hang in there!

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited July 2017
    I can do "ape arms" daily!! Woo hoo!
    I only did 30 today, but yesterday I did over 70!! The day isn't over either! Ha!


    Why do you miss swimming @RonFrances8 ? It's such good exercise! AND, nice to have your post!

    Amy @gillykh - Those times do happen! I am glad you decided to pick up your self and get back on your program! You got this!
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    I really like the title of this thread. May I join?
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »
    Today I ate the most nutrient dense breakfast...

    I'm curious about what you ate. I need some ideas! :)
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited July 2017
    @SaraKim17 - it took me a while to answer because I suddenly "feel" that all my efforts are wrong. Not that they are, it's just a feeling. My nutrient dense breakfast kept me from overeating all day. However, I woke up horribly hungry the next day!

    Breakfast of a hungry person:
    All in one big cereal bowl:
    10 almonds (helps mood)
    1 Brazil nut (helps cholesterol)
    5 walnuts (omega 3)
    1/8 cup raw sunflower seeds (regularity)
    1/8 cup slightly roasted pumpkin seeds (high iron)
    1 tablespoon raw cacao nibs (high magnesium)
    1/8 cup raisins (how sweet it is!)
    1/4 cup frozen blueberries (antioxidant)
    A few dry roasted peanuts (protein)
    A few roasted soybeans (because I like them)
    1 tablespoon nonfat dry milk (organic Bob's Red Mill)
    1 scoop Amazing Grass Green Super food (get your veggies)
    5 shakes from the Monk's Fruit container (natural low calorie sweet)

    Stir until green coats everything.
    Pour 1/2 cup or more of chilled water over all of it.

    Eat with a spoon.

    This held my ravenous hunger at bay all day. I ate part for breakfast. I stuck the remainder in the fridge and ate part for lunch. I was able to eat normally and lightly for the rest of the day. However, the next day, my terrible hungry all day mood returned.

    I researched so much to come up with that... I cannot eat the same thing everyday. More research to come.

    So now, I wish I had a juicer. I'm going through a phase where it seems that investing in something expensive would cause me to lose weight and feel better. BUT I KNOW BETTER!!!! Sigh.

    75 ape arm reps today!!! Yay! I'm glad to have found an exercise I can do!

    @MidModJenn - your 1000 calorie supper sounds scrumptious. Way to go!!!

    @happysherri - You can do it!!! Hang in there!

    @swim777 - welcome!

    @jessiquoi - Here's me wishing you a fabulous weekend!

    Love to all.

  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Today was a good day for me. After church we went out to eat and even though it was healthy, it was too much! I had also had a good breakfast so my calories were high. I went for a 2 mile walk even though usually on Sunday I don't push myself. I also walked the dog and cleaned the pool. I decided to skip dinner just so I could even things out and stay under my calorie allowance. Tomorrow will be a regular day.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    @sophie9492015 It is definitely a mood boost to go to the gym regularly! I went yesterday although it was very hot outside and I do not regret it. I feel good that I did go, I feel strong and I gain so much energy (and appetite for healthy food).

    My beautiful behavior is that I got through last weeks forced break from sports, healthy food and MFP without any gains (or losses for that matter, as I try to maintain) and instantly back into the good behaviors (logging, going to the gym, thinking more about what I eat). Yesterday I even roamed the flat thinking "But I want fruit... I want fruit!". I had to settle for some raisins because chocolate would not have cut it.
  • chrissymoore06
    chrissymoore06 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi. My name is Christina. I want to try and focus on the things I enjoy and not worry about the scale numbers. Media has sterotypes what beautiful is and it's wrong. I am tired of comparing myself to photo shopped models. I want to love myself and be happy in my skin. This is my goal.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited July 2017
    Okay HERE is why I keep wanting a juicer or food processor!!

    Wow! Our new members are so very active! I love it! @chrissymoore06 - You are so pretty in that photo. It is maddening that our media takes pretty and portrays it as second best. And what's first? Someone who isn't even real...

    Hi to @sophie9492015 and @skymningen and @swim777 !!! Are you on weight loss journeys or general self care?

    I started today with 39 reps of ape arms. There was some fatigue, but I'm so glad to have an exercise that I can do!