Wanting to educate myself about nutrition and health!

Hi there. I have been registered for a long while but have not really used. I am really into finding out how to maximise longevity, educating myself as much about vitamins/minerals we need for our body to function at its best. At the mo, im studying Medical Science and finding out about our physiology and anatomy and during the summer watching alot of TedTalks and Joe Rogan Experience podcasts. Loving Dr Rhonda Patrick at the moment. Im interested in living healthy and happy . Not interested about makeup, pampering or going out much (how boring eh?!) But very interested in looking good naturally. As Jill Scott said - I want to find my queendom. Looking forward to meeting some like-minded people.


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    For complexion, sun (avoid it) and water (drink it). For longevity, genetics. And avoid extreme sports.

    For a solid foundation on nutrition start with the WHO and your national nutrition guides.
  • bonniegarbal
    bonniegarbal Posts: 25 Member
    I love learning about nutritious food and the body. I wish mfp would count more nutrients.
  • Tim_Redfearn
    Tim_Redfearn Posts: 33 Member
    Go by the saying: Karrots are Key, they are good for the eyes but also help everything become more supple even your earlobes
  • snowyreynolds
    snowyreynolds Posts: 8 Member
    edited July 2017
    jgnatca wrote: »
    For complexion, sun (avoid it) and water (drink it). For longevity, genetics. And avoid extreme sports.

    For a solid foundation on nutrition start with the WHO and your national nutrition guides.

    Hi there. I hope Longevity is not just as a result of genetics! I'd like to think I have a degree of control over the wellbeing of my body and it is not down to my inherited attributes. They say alcoholism and depression is inherited and I think if a family member has suffered from either/or it doesn't mean I will. I always say that if you look after your body it will look after you. :)
  • snowyreynolds
    snowyreynolds Posts: 8 Member
    I love learning about nutritious food and the body. I wish mfp would count more nutrients.

    Agreed. I don't think people understand the impact vitamins and minerals have on our bodies. I get confused about how much - say vit D - I need to take in or how much B12 for energy I have had. Its a minefield and it seems we generally are getting further and further away from the importance of nutrition what with so many convenient replacements.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Once I got into food as fuel...my energy and health and appearance are all turning around for the better. I ALSO love learning about nutrients, minerals and superfoods.

  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I eat to live and don't live to eat. That's one rule to live by. Get enough water and exercise basically. I don't count on vitamins for much unless they are liquid and no additives. Iodine is a good one as well as Vit D, B, E, K. They taste nasty in liquid form but are better.
  • Sloth2016
    Sloth2016 Posts: 846 Member
    Lyle McDonald sciences a fair bit. Always found his stuff interesting: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/
    Lane Norton is another credible resource: https://twitter.com/BioLayne
    Our own Patrick Umphrey (@sidesteel) posts accurate info as well: https://www.facebook.com/patrick.umphrey

  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I find Harvard School of Public Health's NutritionSource to be a great place for finding reliable information. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/
  • snowyreynolds
    snowyreynolds Posts: 8 Member
    Great! There is alot of info out there but credible sources are very important so thanks for that!!