How to eat 1200 calories without starving?



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    idk319 wrote: »
    I want to lose 7 lbs.
    I am 5'9" and 135 lbs

    At that point you're at, you're probably more likely to be successful eating more, and exercising more, to create your caloric deficit.
  • Smores_24
    Smores_24 Posts: 17 Member
    I found it a challenge the first 7-10 days. Protein, drinking lots of water and keeping raw veggies ready in the fridge helped. I found that it wasn't enough some days and had to increase my intake. Need a sweet treat? Sugar free chocolate pudding (60cals) and half a banana does the trick. Just keep at it, you'll find what works for you. Good luck!
  • doittoitgirl
    doittoitgirl Posts: 157 Member
    Bump up 100-200 calories and see if you feel better. If you only have 7lbs to lose 1200 seems unnecessary anyway
  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    If you incorporate intermittent fasting, then basically you are skipping one or two meals. Try giving yourself a smaller eating window. It works for me when I was going over my calories per day. I prefer to have all my calories in one meal a day. Eating 1200 cal in one sitting is very satisfying. Then you fast for 23 hours. Look into it. It's great for loss or maintenance.
  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    1200 does seem a bit too low though..
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,644 Member
    jayemes wrote: »
    idk319 wrote: »
    I usually eat up to my maintenance calories and actually some days I eat more than my maintenance calories and log those foods in for the next day - so I have less to eat the next day.
    I don't think this is even a thing. If you ate it today you log it today. You can say you ate it next Tuesday but you didn't. You're only lying to yourself. Weight loss is science. CICO. If you want to eat more, exercise. If you keep eating more and logging it on another day you're never going to get where you want to be.

    It's a thing if you pay attention to weekly calories. As long as you stay within your weekly deficit, you'll still lose weight.
  • LizbethHeller
    LizbethHeller Posts: 39 Member
    idk319 wrote: »
    I cannot stick to my goal even if I pre log the foods I will eat, I tend to eat other things along with them

    How does that happen? In general, I don't put stuff out on the table that I don't intend to eat. Out of sight, it doesn't jump into your mouth.

    I do not pre-log food. My cue to the end of the meal is to leave the table and go to my computer to log. It is a pain in the neck and I'll be glad to not do it anymore, but for now it's necessary. Somehow, knowing that I'm going to have to log it keeps me from eating unnecessarily. And, I weigh every portion that hits my plate. Usually I come in between 1000 and 1200 unadjusted. Sometimes I use some (or most!) of my exercise calorie earnings. Yesterday I came in at 1400 total, but had earned 300 exercise calories so all was still good.

    Choose your foods wisely, and you can cram quite a bit into 1200 calories. Fresh veggies are nearly free, and chicken and fish have very few calories for the protein.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would echo those who are questioning why you wish to lose 7Ibs when you are already at the bottom end of the BMI scale. Losing 7 Ibs would take you down to a BMI of around 18.9, only .4 points above the absolute minimum. I am curious as to why you wish to get down there? Are you an especially small build? I am at 128Ibs at the same height and for me, personally, it isn't a good look and came about more as a result of obsession with the scale than anything else. I do not intend to remain down at this weight.

    If it is a better aesthetic appearance you want, I would strongly suggest working on your fitness and on getting yourself some lean muscle rather than weight loss. You are probably having self control issues because your body doesn't want to drop anymore weight given it is already a healthy weight. Just my opinion on the matter being someone of the same height.
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    Eating lower-carb, with lots of green veg, will help keep you full longer. For some of us, eating carbs can swing our blood sugar and make us really hungry. (i'm so jealous of the above poster who eats a bagel thin and peanut butter for breakfast... if I ate that, I'd be on the floor in about an hour because I'd crash so hard.)

    That being said, it doesn't really sound like you *need* to lose anything... I agree with the recommendations for exercise instead of eating such a low calorie count.
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    you are too tall and have too little to lose for 1200 calories and that IS why you are binging. Also, you don't sound like you like to exercise so eat 1500 calories (close to your 0.5lbs per week) and go for a 30 minutes walk after dinner to keep you from binging and to add a little bit of exercise. Also drink lots of water and in about 3 months you will be at goal weight.

    I'm 5'10'' and have LOTS more to lose, I lost 20 lbs at 1320calories and had hunger head aches (2lbs/week loss on MFP). I lost 20lbs and then went to 1600 calories and I eat 75% of my exercise calories back and still losing 1.5lbs/week.

    If you do like to exercise, then weight lift to tone and eat more!
  • yourfitnessenemy
    yourfitnessenemy Posts: 121 Member
    I'm short, so 1200ish is about it for me. I agree with the above. Eat lots of veggies, chicken, fish. Also egg whites, yogurt. I eat fiber one bars or cereal (be aware if you'll binge on that) for a snack sometimes. Eating out will def take you over 1200 though.
  • lindsayomalley
    lindsayomalley Posts: 32 Member
    I've been doing 1,250 calories a day and honestly haven't been too hungry at all - maybe I owe some of that to the heat... I am not all that hungry when it is hot outside. Are you eating a lot of fiber and protein? Fiber and protein will fill you up and make you feel good. Also, have you ever heard of Açaí Bowls? They are amazing and super filling. I would highly recommend having one for Breakfast and it will hold you over until lunch. It is basically a smoothie in a bowl w/ fruit, and whatever add-ons (definitely add a tsp of PB or some other kind of nut butter). Lots of great recipes on Pinterest. Good luck!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I've been doing 1,250 calories a day and honestly haven't been too hungry at all - maybe I owe some of that to the heat... I am not all that hungry when it is hot outside. Are you eating a lot of fiber and protein? Fiber and protein will fill you up and make you feel good. Also, have you ever heard of Açaí Bowls? They are amazing and super filling. I would highly recommend having one for Breakfast and it will hold you over until lunch. It is basically a smoothie in a bowl w/ fruit, and whatever add-ons (definitely add a tsp of PB or some other kind of nut butter). Lots of great recipes on Pinterest. Good luck!

    Satiety is a highly individual thing, so filling up on fibre and protein definitely isn't a one-size-fits-all kind of thing.

    For example, some people find that carbs satiate them longer than either protein or fibre, so people need to experiment to find out what works best for them, bearing in mind that as long as they maintain a caloric deficit, they *will* lose weight.

    Also, nut butters are very caloric, and might not be an appropriate choice for someone with such a limited amount of calories available to 'spend' each day. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2017
    Totally agree that satiety is an individual thing.

    It also makes a huge difference how big you are, how active you are, what you have to lose.

    I'm only 5'3, and found 1200 really easy when I had a lot to lose. I also find it do-able if I am not that active and eat carefully even now, but MUCH harder, even eating identically to what worked before, and basically not possible for extended periods of time if active at all (which makes sense).

    OP seems to be reasonably tall, or at least taller than me, and to have very little to lose. We don't really know about her activity. She's probably struggling with 1200 not because of bad eating choices, but because it's not the right goal for her.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    BabyBear76 wrote: »
    idk319 wrote: »
    I cannot stick to my goal even if I pre log the foods I will eat, I tend to eat other things along with them

    Eliminate the following items: processed foods (especially sugar), anything fried, junk food, alcohol, added fats (butter/oil).
    Eat lean meats, raw or lightly steams PLAIN veggies, limit carbs to only healthy complex carbs.

  • ActionAnnieJXN
    ActionAnnieJXN Posts: 116 Member
    The only way I can do it is by eating mostly fat and protein, and even then I can't do it every day. I eventually cave every time. I do better on 1300-1400 plus moderate daily exercise. I don't lose very fast but I can be more consistent.