Do you have pets??

Thought I'd start a post totally off topic. Since some of us don't yet have kids and our pets are like our kids, I was just wondering who has pets and what kind?

My husband and I have 4 loving animals...Dakota and Cheyenne are our two Brittanys (like in my picture...although this is just a picture from the internet). Dakota turns 5 this month...she is liver (brown) and white. Cheyenne will be 1 year in May...she's orange and white. They are both VERY active and we love walking/jogging with them in the warmer times of the year. They both also go hunting with my husband...Dakota is really good...Cheyenne is still learning. We also have two orange and white cats. Harley turns 2 at the end of March...she has quite the personality...we got her thinking she was a male...turns out she's a she!!! Then there's Stewie...I had taken Dakota into the vet for her annual and there was this picture on the wall with this tiny, tiny kitten. I commented on how tiny and adorable he was and the receptionist said "do you want to see him?" I said..."Uhhh...of coarse!" So, they brought out this little 3 week old kitten that had been left on their door step. Needless to say, he came home with me. I fed him formula from a syringe and instantly formed a bond. And the vet is taking care of all his shots and even his neutering (which is happenning today) for free. So...that is our family! We love them all (we must since all four of them sleep in bed with us...Dakota at the end of the bed, Cheyenne between us under the covers, Harley on my lap and Stewie across my neck).

I'm interested to hear about everyone else's pets!!!



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thought I'd start a post totally off topic. Since some of us don't yet have kids and our pets are like our kids, I was just wondering who has pets and what kind?

    My husband and I have 4 loving animals...Dakota and Cheyenne are our two Brittanys (like in my picture...although this is just a picture from the internet). Dakota turns 5 this month...she is liver (brown) and white. Cheyenne will be 1 year in May...she's orange and white. They are both VERY active and we love walking/jogging with them in the warmer times of the year. They both also go hunting with my husband...Dakota is really good...Cheyenne is still learning. We also have two orange and white cats. Harley turns 2 at the end of March...she has quite the personality...we got her thinking she was a male...turns out she's a she!!! Then there's Stewie...I had taken Dakota into the vet for her annual and there was this picture on the wall with this tiny, tiny kitten. I commented on how tiny and adorable he was and the receptionist said "do you want to see him?" I said..."Uhhh...of coarse!" So, they brought out this little 3 week old kitten that had been left on their door step. Needless to say, he came home with me. I fed him formula from a syringe and instantly formed a bond. And the vet is taking care of all his shots and even his neutering (which is happenning today) for free. So...that is our family! We love them all (we must since all four of them sleep in bed with us...Dakota at the end of the bed, Cheyenne between us under the covers, Harley on my lap and Stewie across my neck).

    I'm interested to hear about everyone else's pets!!!

  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    We have two Yorkies -Roxy and Nicky- two lab mixes lyla and shelly-two cats who knows there names, two bunnies saint and sinner- four horses Dollar, Patriot, River and Mystic and a gerbil. We live on a farm.
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    I have human kids and furry kids too. Somedays, I love the furry kids more. :laugh: We have a Basset Hound named Calvin who will be 5 in March and a Mini Dauschaund named Anna who is 8 months old. We used to have a Shar Pei named Wilbur and another Mini Dauschaund named JR, both sadly both passed away. We also had a cat named John Doe, but when we moved from Texas back to Arkansas she stayed with a friend of mine since she really did not like the dogs.
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    I have a sheltie terrier mix, Foxy and a Shar Pei Lab mix, Rocky. I love them like they're my children :smile:

    :heart: Kels
  • brendab
    Do we ever!!!
    Our children are adults on their own. We now have a large (some type of Collie) Buddy was dropped off on our road last year & left to fend for himself. :mad:
    I'm glad he found his way down to our house. Their loss is our gain :smile: He's just wonderful & enjoys spending his days with our cowdog Shotgun, outdoors. They both guard our small herd of cattle.
    Now, inside our home, is another story. We have 3 dogs, only they don't really know they are dogs; so don't tell them :laugh:
    Molly Brown is my love. She's a weiner dog I raised from a pup since 4 yrs ago. Nellie belongs to my husband, she's a fox terrier.
    Last year while I was on a road trip,I received a call from my husband saying, "Hey," I bought a new sister for the girls...........well we now have a Pug named Sally Ann. She's the clown of the family for sure, and I adore her too. So,even tho we no longer have children at home, our home is full of happy little furry girls & they keep our life complete with happiness & love.
    :smile: Bren

    Holy Cow,
    I left out Barney (mule) Tony & his sis Molly our donkeys!
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I have two kittens, or I should say, they have me!!!:grumble: I'm a cat person, by the screen name you know that. However, I'm not a KITTEN person. We had a cat for 17 years and he was sickly and lazy and I loved him so much. When he died we got more cats and had to give them to other homes when a family member with allergies moved in. Hindsight being what it is, we would have been better off giving the family members to new homes and keeping the cats. Anyway, the family members are gone, the kittens are here and they are off to the vet today or tomorrow to get fixed. Either that or hubby takes them on the road when he travels next time because I can't loose too much more sleep or we'll be looking up the calorie count for cat stew..:grumble:

    Seriously, I wouldn't eat my cats, but I'd threaten them with it if they keep sticking their little paws in my fish tank. I have betas. They are wonderful, relaxing to watch, cheap to feed, no hair to vacuum up, and I can drop a pellet in the tank and go away for a week and not worry that they will tear up the house.

  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I envy the lot of you. I can't have a dog until I retire retire -- as per my supervisor (wife). We have a Calico cat now and have had her for a little over 12 years now. Her sister died of diabetes two years ago and we've been thinking about getting 2 or 3 more cats to keep her company and to keep the rodent population down around the house and barn.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    We have 2 cats - Donny and Marie

    Donny's all white and completely crazy - he's a jumper! There are paw marks on all of the walls where he jumps as high as he can... weirdo. He's also a huge mama's boy and hogs the bed.

    Marie's a very long-haired grey kitty. She's pretty and dainty and "daddy's little girl". She doesn't have any quirks, but she loves to play with her toys and chase crickets on the patio.

    They're from the same litter, best friends, and total opposites!
  • memeburke
    We have two mini doxies, brother and sister. Bailey is the female with black and brown coloring and then theres her brother Timmy who is a Red Dapper daschund. They're 8 years old. We've got them from Coast to Coast Daschund Rescue about 4 years ago.
    We also have a German Shepard who's name is Jake and he's 2 years old also rescued. Jake is very hyper not to mention he thinks he's a Doxie when he plays with the little ones. They are the loves of our lives, the reason to get up in the morning, LITERLY!! Oh yes, I shouldn't forget we have 2 cats, both males, Trouble who's about 10 yrs. old, and Tippy who's about 5 yrs. old.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I would love to have pets but with our traveling, my fiances cat allergies and a lease that says no pets I guess we are out of luck for now. Besisdes my daughters would probably just use them as squeeze toys anyway. I'll just save the animal the misery and leave $$them at the shelter so hopefully a loving family can enjoy and take care of them.
  • amthomps521
    How funny -I just read your post, I just finished uploading(finally) a picture for my profile. That's my Boston Terrier Sparky. He is such a awsome dog. He looks very mellow in the pic but when he's not sleeping he usually pretty nuts. He can't wait for spring in Wisconsin so we can go back to taking our nice long walks!( I can't wait either!) He's almost six now but he's still VERY active! We also have an eight year old 19 pound male cat named Sarge. we got him from the Humane Society when he was one and he's easily the best and sweetest cat we've ever had.
  • tjblack
    tjblack Posts: 122
    Hi, We have 2 cats Witty and Luke. They are nice and friendly, but aloof. We had one that sadly died 1 1/2 years ago. He was 13. His name was theodore. the best cat ever!!! Every morning he would wait until i blow dried my hair and come over to get his morning blow dry and brushing.
  • frazzelmama
    I must say I admire all you pet lovers!! We have a hampster, named Hammer (named by a 4 year old, people!!) , and we recently got a Jack Russell named Roxie....The hampster is great, doesn't bother me at all, but I'm finding that I'm less of a dog person than I thought I was!!! :grumble: :grumble: The dog drives me NUTS!!! She's house broken (for the most part), but she's chewing up everything in the house!! Shoes, diapers, toys, pacifiers...anything she can get her paws on! :explode:
    I still love dogs, just not sure about mine...:sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • SueU
    SueU Posts: 13
    Great topic ,everyone loves bragging about their pets.... We have 4 dogs. We seem to always be in the right place to save a dog from a bad situation. Our latest family member "Murphy" was abandoned at the Vet/Kennel we use. He is Great Dane and Great Pyrenees (sp), he is light brown, has double dew claws and loves to sit on my lap, all 120 lbs. of him. He acts and looks just like Scooby Doo. He is about 3.5 now. We have a Skiperpee mixed with, I believe Husky that is Ohren (German for big ears) she is 3. Our 12 yr. daughter has a beautiful Australian Shepard/German Shepard mix she is Kay-T , she is 4 and my partner rescued a beautiful bull dog boxer mix, he is Sparky and spoiled rotten and he is 5 or 6. We have two cockatiels, Stripe and Dotty. We love our animals. We bought our house specifically with them in mind. It had to be dog, kid, grandkid proof and seeing the dirty ball marks all over the walls, it is. But there isn't anything more fun then watching a hyper dog run full tilt down a 40 foot hall chasing a ball on hardwood floors......and of course they chase our daughter while she rollerblades through the house trying to race her. As you can imagine we don't have many "formal" events at our house, but we sure have fun.
  • bricker06
    those of you who asked about pets forgot to ask about weather patterns. :laugh: :laugh: my daughter autum is a hurricane. she leavse a mess EVERY WHERE.:sad: my son kyle is like rain leaving dirty dishes behind in every room.:sad: my husband more like a tornado picking up one thing and dropping it somewhere else.:sad: then there is our dog mattie. she is an austrailian shepard. the love of our household. :smile: she loves me even when no one else does. you know on those bad days.:blushing: she is 6 and im pretty sure she thinks she is human. i know she loves me but i cant even kiss my hubby without her whining. :noway: she is so jealous. never did i think i would have to fight the dog for my husbands attention:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • badtzmaru7979
    my dog and best friend happy scrappy hero pup formerly known as lady vader also known as girl and brown died on feb 4, 2008. i still cant believe it. i miss my brown. she was my only pet.
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    We have a dog, Lady aka The Best Dog Ever!! She is a very large Lab/Great Dane mix. She was my sisters dog up until 2 years ago, but my sister moved to Ireland and Lady never would have made the trip. She may be big, but she is very sensitive and is afraid of airplanes!! She also doesnt like rain or water of any kind ( the Great Dane takes over from the Lab obviously) so Ireland was out. She is a wonderful dog,.
    The cat is another story..... my neighbor found him in their backyard a couple years ago - he was about 4 or 5 months old. I'm sure his previous owner had just dumped him - wasnt starving or dehydrated. This cat is a devil..... jumps up on the counters, rips up all the furniture, hides around corners and attacks as you walk by. When I squirt him with a water bottle to get him off counters or stop him from whatever destructive behavior he is currently doing he just turns and stares at you with a " go ahead - squirt me again" face. Nothing stops this guy!! But he is cute
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I have two human kids that are both grown and on their own and I have two cats. Well one, Judy Michelle, is my son's but he can't have pets at his apartment so Judy lives with me (Grandma). :smile: She's such a scaredy cat but she's very sweet. She has a very pretty face. The other one is a fatty. His name is Andre' Thomas. He's just a big ole baby. He has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality with strangers. He'll act all nice and friendly then turn on them with no warning. But he's my baby. He makes a good watch cat. I love them both. They're my babies.
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    My Husband and i don't have kids yet either, just the furry kind!

    We have 2 cats named Mynxi and Howard (don't ask!), they are 4 in May (brother & sister!) We got them when we got engaged and moved in togather.
    Howard is adorable he is very loving and stays in the house most of the time, when he was 2 he was shot with a pallet gun by some horrible little children down the road from where we used to live so he nearly died and it was very upsetting but i think this is what has made him stay very close to us! Mynxi is a funny one, she keeps herself to herself most of the time, unless she wants feeding!!! :laugh:

    Then last year 6 months after we got married we decided to get a puppy! We got a jack russell/****zu cross and called her Fudgee! She just turned one and is my world! I love her sooooooo much!!! :heart: That is her on my profile pic!
    She also sleeps in the bed with us (Howard used to but doesn't since fudge came along! his choice i wish he would still as i don't like him feeling left out!)
    We take her on ong walks and she cuddles me all the time and jumps all over me when i am trying to do my pilates!!! I seriously can't imagine loving anything/one else as much as i love fudgee, even when i have little human children!!!

  • kimford28
    Hi! My Husband and I have a chocolate lab pup. He is only 8 weeks old and so cute! definately keeps us on our toes!