Calorie Deficit and still not losing weight



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    edited August 2017
    *edit because I apparently can't read.*

    I don't see where OP says he doesn't log weekends, but that could easily be the problem if that's true. Log beer, log food, log it all on the weekends.

    I could easily eat 5000 over maintenance for the week if I didn't log all seven days.

    Ask me how I know. :neutral:
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    corazombie wrote: »
    Ive been on the keto diet for 7 months. Ive lost about 45 pounds on keto and IF. Ive been doing OMAD keto for a couple months and i was working out fine... I have stalled at 260 for a month, I bought a fitbit to help break through the stall, and according to the fitbit, i burn around 3.5k calories a day.. i eat around 1.8k calories so even if the fitbit exaggerated the numbers, i should still be at a deficit..

    According to the calculators ive used even eating 2.1k cals i should be losing weight...

    I strength train 5 days a week, and not lazily.. after every strength training session i do 45 mins on a treadmill, max incline at a speed that keeps my heartrate at 120-130 so im in the "fat burning zone"

    On saturdays and sometimes sundays i go for hour long walks just so its not a complete rest day...

    My macros are always on point for keto..

    I dont understand why im not losing weight.. its really frustrating and depressing..

    Does anyone have any advice? Is it stupid to think that maybe im not eating enough? Should i cut more calories?

    the thing is fitbit doesnt just show your exercise calories burned the 3500 a day you are burning include your BMR(what your body burns jut by being alive and to function). as for heart rate and fat burning zone. fat is mainly burned at rest and fat burning zones mean squat when losing weight. as for not losing weight, weight loss is not linear you can lose some weeks,gain others and not lose at all it can be due to water retention from upping your exercise,excess sodium in your diet and many other factors. if you dont log meals on weekends then you really dont know how much you are eating and can wipe out your weekly deficit.

    trust me its easy to do. a male should not be eating less than 1500 calories. also know that keto is just a way of eating. nothing special about it for weight loss/fat loss. also if you havent had your fitbit for long it can take awhile (2 weeks or so) to become more accurate and for some it still may not be accurate. weight loss can stall for many reasons. I would just weigh everything in grams(including any packaged food as they can be off by up to 20%),pick correct entries(a lot of them are off so cross reference to make sure they are correct) and give it another month.

    Then if you are having issues see a dr and have blood work done to rule out any issues. and log your weekend meals too. if you havent done it already go back into mfp and put in your new weight and weight loss goals,as you lose your body will need less calories. are you eating back exercise calories?. if you dont have a lot left to lose then your weight loss will also slow down because of that reason
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    *edit because I apparently can't read.*

    I don't see where OP says he doesn't log weekends, but that could easily be the problem if that's true. Log beer, log food, log it all on the weekends.

    I could easily eat 5000 over maintenance for the week if I didn't log all seven days.

    Ask me how I know. :neutral:

    His diary happens to be open. He's been logging for about 3 weeks but no weekends.
  • corazombie
    corazombie Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you everyone for your posts... yes i dont log the weekends because its when i spend time with family and loved ones and i really have no control over what we are eating those days, so just stick to keto but i dont fast those days unless i know we're having a huge meal that evening... as far as the grams and ounces thing, some of the things im logging dont give me the option to choose oz or grams, i try to keep my meals simple for this same reason, less chances for error... like the ketomeal, it only comes with the scoops option, BUT it says each scoop is 85 grams.. so i measure it as im sccoping it into the cup so i know its exactly a scoop.. thats what i meant when i said i was strictly logging... i dont think in leaving stuff out that adds 1000 calories without knowing... im not a rocket scientist but i think im smart enough to measure out food correctly.. yes, yesterday i just threw 25oz on there yesterday for rotisserie chicken but thats because i was unable to weigh the chicken, i went off of the number i had gotten last week when i took a chicken of very similar size and shredded it up then weighed it so i could get a more accurate number... then i added a little more weight to my guess because id rather over estimate than under estimate... sometimes its just not possible to break out the scale...

    I have been working hard at putting on muscle and its definitely showing more, the scale hasnt moved but my body is showing changes, i havent measured myself but i will start.

    I will start eating at maintenance and see how that goes and then go back to a deficit. And since we're on the subject... whats maintenance? 2100 cals? Mfp says 1950 cals.

    And according to fitbit, which i know can be not so accurate, each day at the gym i burn over 1k cals and thats on a bad day. Im getting that number from the actual workout logs not the number i get at the end of the day..

    Thanks again everyone for taking the time to reply... i appreciate all the insight and suggestions
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    corazombie wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your posts... yes i dont log the weekends because its when i spend time with family and loved ones and i really have no control over what we are eating those days, so just stick to keto but i dont fast those days unless i know we're having a huge meal that evening... as far as the grams and ounces thing, some of the things im logging dont give me the option to choose oz or grams, i try to keep my meals simple for this same reason, less chances for error... like the ketomeal, it only comes with the scoops option, BUT it says each scoop is 85 grams.. so i measure it as im sccoping it into the cup so i know its exactly a scoop.. thats what i meant when i said i was strictly logging... i dont think in leaving stuff out that adds 1000 calories without knowing... im not a rocket scientist but i think im smart enough to measure out food correctly.. yes, yesterday i just threw 25oz on there yesterday for rotisserie chicken but thats because i was unable to weigh the chicken, i went off of the number i had gotten last week when i took a chicken of very similar size and shredded it up then weighed it so i could get a more accurate number... then i added a little more weight to my guess because id rather over estimate than under estimate... sometimes its just not possible to break out the scale...

    I have been working hard at putting on muscle and its definitely showing more, the scale hasnt moved but my body is showing changes, i havent measured myself but i will start.

    I will start eating at maintenance and see how that goes and then go back to a deficit. And since we're on the subject... whats maintenance? 2100 cals? Mfp says 1950 cals.

    And according to fitbit, which i know can be not so accurate, each day at the gym i burn over 1k cals and thats on a bad day. Im getting that number from the actual workout logs not the number i get at the end of the day..

    Thanks again everyone for taking the time to reply... i appreciate all the insight and suggestions

    For logging grams then you need to either find a different entry (correct one by using usda) or create your own based on the USDA database. I believe there is a link in this post for USDA and how to edit or create entries.

    I know that weighing food is important and if you are stuck then the problem is with that and your logging.

    So if you want to lose the weight tighten up the logging. Use the phone app, pre log etc.
    As for the scoop scenario...for example I use Protein powder in my smoothie to get my macro says 2 scoops is 35 it isn''s about 45 and that is not rounded etc. Taht's why a food scale is important if you are stuck and logging accurately and consistently.

    I don't always use my scale...for example tonight going to a food truck...not taking it with me.

    As for maintenance MFP number is without exercise...but to find it I suggest doing a reverse diet up to where you aren't basically what you are eating now.

    Until you get a handle on the logging it won't matter what your maintenance calories are...

    maintenance requires as much accuracy as losing does.

  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    corazombie wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your posts... yes i dont log the weekends because its when i spend time with family and loved ones and i really have no control over what we are eating those days,

    Unless someone is literally holding a gun to your head, or literally shoving the food into your mouth, yes, you do control what you eat. You can choose to eat every thing or choose to eat within your calories.

    The control is entirely yours.

  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    OP - don't worry about the ounces vs. grams thing. Seriously, it's a non-issue if your scale has decimals/fractions and even if you only have whole numbers the most you'll ever be over on any ingredient is 14 grams. It might be an issue if you try to measure oils using whole ounces only, but for everything else you'll be fine.

    It's much more important to make sure that your logging is complete and accurate in whatever unit of measurement you choose.

    One note - do be careful of volume measurements though. Measuring cups are not all that great for solids. If I do use volume measurements on solids, I'll usually calibrate vs. a scale the first couple of times so I can get a visual of what an accurate measurement looks like in the cup. In most cases, using volume measurements only will result in you eating more food than you think you are.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    corazombie wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your posts... yes i dont log the weekends because its when i spend time with family and loved ones and i really have no control over what we are eating those days, so just stick to keto but i dont fast those days unless i know we're having a huge meal that evening... as far as the grams and ounces thing, some of the things im logging dont give me the option to choose oz or grams, i try to keep my meals simple for this same reason, less chances for error... like the ketomeal, it only comes with the scoops option, BUT it says each scoop is 85 grams.. so i measure it as im sccoping it into the cup so i know its exactly a scoop.. thats what i meant when i said i was strictly logging... i dont think in leaving stuff out that adds 1000 calories without knowing... im not a rocket scientist but i think im smart enough to measure out food correctly.. yes, yesterday i just threw 25oz on there yesterday for rotisserie chicken but thats because i was unable to weigh the chicken, i went off of the number i had gotten last week when i took a chicken of very similar size and shredded it up then weighed it so i could get a more accurate number... then i added a little more weight to my guess because id rather over estimate than under estimate... sometimes its just not possible to break out the scale...

    I have been working hard at putting on muscle and its definitely showing more, the scale hasnt moved but my body is showing changes, i havent measured myself but i will start.

    I will start eating at maintenance and see how that goes and then go back to a deficit. And since we're on the subject... whats maintenance? 2100 cals? Mfp says 1950 cals.

    And according to fitbit, which i know can be not so accurate, each day at the gym i burn over 1k cals and thats on a bad day. Im getting that number from the actual workout logs not the number i get at the end of the day..

    Thanks again everyone for taking the time to reply... i appreciate all the insight and suggestions

    IF you are weight lifting and using a fitbit then the calories are going to be highly exaggerated due to the arm movements. fitbits should only be used for steady state cardio. fitbit is going to log all your exercise outside of being sedentary .The thing is with fitbits you can do the same thing day to day and your calorie burns will be different. I know mine are. just for example. one day I can get 15000 steps and it will say I burned 600 calories,another day I can get less and it will say I burned more/less. if you arent losing weight then you are either in a stall or something in weighing and logging is off (aside from a possible health issue). I was 209 when I started and was eating over 2000 calories and losing weight,I was sedentary at the time too. Im only 5'6 1/2 and a female. will be 43 in a few days.

    what is this ketomeal stuff you talk about? are you doing regular keto? and yes even the scoops can be way off as well. but yeah if you dont log due to weekends due to family meals it could mean you are wiping out any deficit you do have by eating more because you cant weigh it., trust me some foods are calorie dense so its very hard to guess at it. I was like you at one point and stopped losing weight and then gained half of it back,difference was I wasnt weighing food. I was using measuring cups and info off the packages. once I started weighing everything everyday I started losing again. but I noticed if I had a cheat meal or had takeout or whatever it would slow my loss,but I would just estimate everything. a lot of it was due to high sodium in foods like that.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    corazombie wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your posts... yes i dont log the weekends because its when i spend time with family and loved ones and i really have no control over what we are eating those days, so just stick to keto but i dont fast those days unless i know we're having a huge meal that evening... as far as the grams and ounces thing, some of the things im logging dont give me the option to choose oz or grams, i try to keep my meals simple for this same reason, less chances for error... like the ketomeal, it only comes with the scoops option, BUT it says each scoop is 85 grams.. so i measure it as im sccoping it into the cup so i know its exactly a scoop.. thats what i meant when i said i was strictly logging... i dont think in leaving stuff out that adds 1000 calories without knowing... im not a rocket scientist but i think im smart enough to measure out food correctly.. yes, yesterday i just threw 25oz on there yesterday for rotisserie chicken but thats because i was unable to weigh the chicken, i went off of the number i had gotten last week when i took a chicken of very similar size and shredded it up then weighed it so i could get a more accurate number... then i added a little more weight to my guess because id rather over estimate than under estimate... sometimes its just not possible to break out the scale...

    I have been working hard at putting on muscle and its definitely showing more, the scale hasnt moved but my body is showing changes, i havent measured myself but i will start.

    I will start eating at maintenance and see how that goes and then go back to a deficit. And since we're on the subject... whats maintenance? 2100 cals? Mfp says 1950 cals.

    And according to fitbit, which i know can be not so accurate, each day at the gym i burn over 1k cals and thats on a bad day. Im getting that number from the actual workout logs not the number i get at the end of the day..

    Thanks again everyone for taking the time to reply... i appreciate all the insight and suggestions

    IF you are weight lifting and using a fitbit then the calories are going to be highly exaggerated due to the arm movements. fitbits should only be used for steady state cardio. fitbit is going to log all your exercise outside of being sedentary .The thing is with fitbits you can do the same thing day to day and your calorie burns will be different. I know mine are. just for example. one day I can get 15000 steps and it will say I burned 600 calories,another day I can get less and it will say I burned more/less. if you arent losing weight then you are either in a stall or something in weighing and logging is off (aside from a possible health issue). I was 209 when I started and was eating over 2000 calories and losing weight,I was sedentary at the time too. Im only 5'6 1/2 and a female. will be 43 in a few days.

    what is this ketomeal stuff you talk about? are you doing regular keto? and yes even the scoops can be way off as well. but yeah if you dont log due to weekends due to family meals it could mean you are wiping out any deficit you do have by eating more because you cant weigh it., trust me some foods are calorie dense so its very hard to guess at it. I was like you at one point and stopped losing weight and then gained half of it back,difference was I wasnt weighing food. I was using measuring cups and info off the packages. once I started weighing everything everyday I started losing again. but I noticed if I had a cheat meal or had takeout or whatever it would slow my loss,but I would just estimate everything. a lot of it was due to high sodium in foods like that.

    that part is not true actually.

    esp if you have a new model. I just moved my arm (with my new Charge2) 20x no is now based on vibrations from walking.

    Not saying that the calorie burns aren't a bit off...not sure if I totally believe mine yet.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    corazombie wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your posts... yes i dont log the weekends because its when i spend time with family and loved ones and i really have no control over what we are eating those days, so just stick to keto but i dont fast those days unless i know we're having a huge meal that evening... as far as the grams and ounces thing, some of the things im logging dont give me the option to choose oz or grams, i try to keep my meals simple for this same reason, less chances for error... like the ketomeal, it only comes with the scoops option, BUT it says each scoop is 85 grams.. so i measure it as im sccoping it into the cup so i know its exactly a scoop.. thats what i meant when i said i was strictly logging... i dont think in leaving stuff out that adds 1000 calories without knowing... im not a rocket scientist but i think im smart enough to measure out food correctly.. yes, yesterday i just threw 25oz on there yesterday for rotisserie chicken but thats because i was unable to weigh the chicken, i went off of the number i had gotten last week when i took a chicken of very similar size and shredded it up then weighed it so i could get a more accurate number... then i added a little more weight to my guess because id rather over estimate than under estimate... sometimes its just not possible to break out the scale...

    I have been working hard at putting on muscle and its definitely showing more, the scale hasnt moved but my body is showing changes, i havent measured myself but i will start.

    I will start eating at maintenance and see how that goes and then go back to a deficit. And since we're on the subject... whats maintenance? 2100 cals? Mfp says 1950 cals.

    And according to fitbit, which i know can be not so accurate, each day at the gym i burn over 1k cals and thats on a bad day. Im getting that number from the actual workout logs not the number i get at the end of the day..

    Thanks again everyone for taking the time to reply... i appreciate all the insight and suggestions

    IF you are weight lifting and using a fitbit then the calories are going to be highly exaggerated due to the arm movements. fitbits should only be used for steady state cardio. fitbit is going to log all your exercise outside of being sedentary .The thing is with fitbits you can do the same thing day to day and your calorie burns will be different. I know mine are. just for example. one day I can get 15000 steps and it will say I burned 600 calories,another day I can get less and it will say I burned more/less. if you arent losing weight then you are either in a stall or something in weighing and logging is off (aside from a possible health issue). I was 209 when I started and was eating over 2000 calories and losing weight,I was sedentary at the time too. Im only 5'6 1/2 and a female. will be 43 in a few days.

    what is this ketomeal stuff you talk about? are you doing regular keto? and yes even the scoops can be way off as well. but yeah if you dont log due to weekends due to family meals it could mean you are wiping out any deficit you do have by eating more because you cant weigh it., trust me some foods are calorie dense so its very hard to guess at it. I was like you at one point and stopped losing weight and then gained half of it back,difference was I wasnt weighing food. I was using measuring cups and info off the packages. once I started weighing everything everyday I started losing again. but I noticed if I had a cheat meal or had takeout or whatever it would slow my loss,but I would just estimate everything. a lot of it was due to high sodium in foods like that.

    that part is not true actually.

    esp if you have a new model. I just moved my arm (with my new Charge2) 20x no is now based on vibrations from walking.

    Not saying that the calorie burns aren't a bit off...not sure if I totally believe mine yet.

    any of the fitness trackers are supposed to be used for steady state cardio(unless it has other types of stuff built in some do). I dont know about the charge 2 because I dont own one. but even if its not tracking the arm movement its still not going to be accurate as its not steady state cardio. It would probably be better to take it off while lifting and log those burns separately(which we all know lifting doesnt burn a lot of calories-compared to cardio)
  • becca214ny
    becca214ny Posts: 19 Member
    I went through that as well and my trainer actually increased my calories by 300/day. My body wasn't getting what it needed to recover from all the physical activity.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Well there is your problem. Not logging on the weekends you are likely off setting any calorie deficit you have.