Do you tell.......



  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I tend to be obsessive about things and really don't want to antagonize my friends by being over-exuberant. That said, i bought 3 months of training sessions for my FIL, and now he's a dedicated gym goer. Tried to do the same thing for a friend, and she bowed out after six weeks. AND she always tells me i'm getting too skinny - when i still have 40 pounds to lose to be average.

    My hubby has talked about getting fit for several years, and made some half-hearted attempts when i wasn't trying. Now that i'm at the gym every day, he loves the results, but has pretty much given up his own journey.

    I think that folks can only make the healthy lifestyle choice when THEY are ready, and all we can do is be good role models.
  • I do tell people. One reason is I'm a part time personal trainer and I consider myself walking advertisement. The biggest reason is the support I've gained. Yes, I've had many naysayers, those who put me down or think I'm not fun any longer because I do healthy things, etc. I've weeded those people out. Instead I've found more people who support me, tell me I'm an inspiration, ask me for advice. I also tell people as it helps keep me accountable. I can rationalize anything and if I have a goal only in my head, I could talk myself out of it. If I've told others, I have to go through with it or eat a lot of crow. It wasn't easy at first. It certainly was hard to find out some of my closest friends at the time are my biggest naysayers. However I'm learning how strong I can be and surrounding myself with new fun people - both in person and online.
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