Couch to 5K! Really?!?! Really!!!!!!!



  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I'm starting on Sunday, as part of my weekly, "what am I going to change this week?" routine.

    1. Where do you run?
    Right now, at home on my treadmill

    2. What time of day do you run?
    About 5:30 AM, of course, AFTER I feed the cats.

    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What?
    Walk, weight train

    4. Why are you doing C25K?
    To push myself to work a bit harder. I've walked/run 5Ks previously, I'd like to do them again.

    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"?
    Only when I stand on the treadmill. :tongue:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    drhendricks - I have repeated weeks before and I actually really enjoyed it. I felt that by the end of the repeated week, I was definitely ready to take on the next week.

    AFM...just signed up for my first 5k which takes place on October 9th so now I definitely have motivation to get going on C25K. I start Monday and am sooooo looking forward to it.

    Sounds like everyone else is doing a great job so far!! Keep up the great work!!
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    I agree GuamGrly about feeling better the second week. I was just wondering if I were not pushing myself hard enough. Although I have repeated W1 and W3, and now I am going to repeat W4. Well, sometimes it is better to be the tortoise instead of the hare.

    mindiejean, I think that it is awesome that you ran so well without expecting it. It is an encouragement for people like me. You aren't one of those overachievers are you? Just kidding.

    Good running!
  • jezzi4ever
    jezzi4ever Posts: 100
    I agree GuamGrly about feeling better the second week. I was just wondering if I were not pushing myself hard enough. Although I have repeated W1 and W3, and now I am going to repeat W4. Well, sometimes it is better to be the tortoise instead of the hare.

    I think repeating weeks is totally okay, and seems to be pretty common. I haven't repeated a whole week, but I've extended them, repeating days. I don't move onto the next week until I feel confident in the workouts prior. So there are some weeks when I finish all three workouts and then do two extra before I move on. I think it's better for you in the long run if you feel strong and confident rather than having a bad workout because you moved on too quickly. Mentally--I think that's more important, anyway.

    Great job, everyone!! It seems like everyone is making great progress. I started week 7 yesterday, and hope to do day 2 tonight. Thought I'd get out on the track, but the football team was practicing, and I wasn't into the thought of a bunch of HS boys watching me run.
  • Bringerofrain
    Bringerofrain Posts: 163 Member
    W1D2 is done!!! Really easy too! but gonna take it slow & go through everything as best I can ;)
  • kjpollard
    kjpollard Posts: 68
    I did it in Feb! Started "training" in Nov. messed up my knees (too fat, too tall, blah blah) am trying to lose a few lbs b/f getting back to it...hopefully my knees can tolerate it! Best of luck!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Bump....I was unable to run for the past couple of weeks d/t the extreme heat outside

    So, I am a week 5 dropout and will return to week 3 or 4 tomorrow
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    I did W1D1 today! It was a lot harder than I thought it would be! I had to walk through one run circuit in the very middle because there's a pretty steep hill in the park where I was running and there was just no way I could jog up it. But I was really proud of myself for getting through it, it was the first time I've ever jogged! I'm really excited to do Day 2 on Saturday. The only thing is that I don't think I stretched enough before and after, so that's something I'll pay more attention to next time! I admit that I felt awkward sitting on the ground stretching in the park, but I'll definitely get over that.
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    If it feels good Continue.. if you Are struggling with it,, slow down keep moving, WE CAN DO THIS!!!

    I am an over achiever But not when it comes to exercise... It felt good to run/jog so I kept it going.. and it was all flat noot my normal route. which helped!!!

  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Finished W4D3 this morning. I think I better do this week over like I said before. Again, my breathing wasn't the problem, but my legs felt like cooked spaghetti. Ran in a more hilly area, so that may have something to do with it.

    Have a good weekend everyone! Good running!
  • TheBeefChief
    TheBeefChief Posts: 10 Member
    Right then, I'm heading off to do W5D1 - the full 20 minute run.

    I may be gone for some time.
  • I finished week 9 last week. The plan is just fabulous. I did not think I would ever be able to run for 30 minutes but I did it and am going to stick at running for 30 minutes 3 times a week. After a run feels so great. The plan really worked for me. I am not doing 5k in the 30 minutes however, so I have gone back to week one trying to run at a faster pace during the whole of the 1 minute runs and slowing down to a comfortable jog during the time when I should be walking. This has been quite challenging, but I am covering more distance in the 30 minutes and I am getting faster. Hopefully as the pounds drop this will help me to be faster. Just imagine .... me??? Jogging comfortably!!! it was also nice to hear that tune 'This is the greatest day' again. It reminded me how far I have come and at the end of each run, it really does feel like the greatest day.
  • Good Luck.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Right then, I'm heading off to do W5D1 - the full 20 minute run.

    I may be gone for some time.


    Since I am a Week 5 dropout...I decided to start with Week 4

    Friday, W4D1, first 3 minutes was hard and the last 5 minutes were was very hot out...but, I got it done
  • trueBadour
    trueBadour Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! This is my first ever post to the forums.

    I'm going into Week 5 Day 1 today, I'm nervous! I've hit a plateau with my weight loss, but still going strong with this program.

    1. Where do you run?
    Around town. I've got a pretty dedicated route to try to avoid as many crosswalks as possible.

    2. What time of day do you run?
    Mid-day during my lunch break.

    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What?
    I do P90X strength training videos and I run Week 1 Day 1 on my off days. It goes by super fast now and I feel strong. I can sprint the intervals and it's helped me achieve a 6 minute mile pace - if only for 60 seconds. :)

    4. Why are you doing C25K?
    I've always been a terrible runner because I've got an all or nothing mentality. If I was not running the ENTIRE time, I felt like I wasn't good at it. I'm learning to pace myself better by focusing on time instead of distance.

    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"?
    I'm not sure that the runner's high will ever happen to me while running. But, I am feeling like running isn't torture anymore. I look forward to it which would have been unheard for me from birth up until of 2 months ago.
  • TheBeefChief
    TheBeefChief Posts: 10 Member
    I did it! I ran the whole 20 minutes, and I did it at my fastest pace so far!! What's more, at the end of it, I felt like I could've done another five minutes more. I stuck to the plan, though, and stopped at 20 mins.

    Was it easy? No. But it never really felt difficult, either. There was one point about the 16 minute mark when the thought of stopping crossed my mind, but it was gone quickly, and in no time the app was telling me I had one minute left. I almost cheered then, and had enough left in the tank to pick up the pace a little.

    Just a few weeks ago I didn't think there was ANY chance of me doing this run. Now I can't wait for the 25 minute and 30 minute runs. Bring 'em on!!
  • jezzi4ever
    jezzi4ever Posts: 100
    I did it! I ran the whole 20 minutes, and I did it at my fastest pace so far!! What's more, at the end of it, I felt like I could've done another five minutes more. I stuck to the plan, though, and stopped at 20 mins.

    Was it easy? No. But it never really felt difficult, either. There was one point about the 16 minute mark when the thought of stopping crossed my mind, but it was gone quickly, and in no time the app was telling me I had one minute left. I almost cheered then, and had enough left in the tank to pick up the pace a little.

    Just a few weeks ago I didn't think there was ANY chance of me doing this run. Now I can't wait for the 25 minute and 30 minute runs. Bring 'em on!!

    That's so fantastic!! Great job!! I agree, there was a time where I said "I have to run for 5 more minutes? Ugh!" Now, I think "Oh, just 5 more minutes, I can do that." Great work!!!
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    GREAT Job Jezzie4ever!!! if you can do 20 you can do 30 min!!!

    No run for me today WICKED headache.. I think from not eating back my calories from yesterday?
    Happy Sat!!!
  • jezzi4ever
    jezzi4ever Posts: 100

    No run for me today WICKED headache.. I think from not eating back my calories from yesterday?
    Happy Sat!!!

    How much water did you drink? Could you have been dehydrated? That's when I usually get headaches. Feel better!!
  • Fawnie
    Fawnie Posts: 67 Member
    hey everyone! glad i found the new topic
    just finished w3d1

    1. Where do you run?
    depends on the day, sometimes inside, sometimes outside. either around my block or at my local park

    2. What time of day do you run?
    this also depends. if i can get up early enough, i love running in the mornings. but usually i oversleep, so i have to do it in the evenings, right before it starts getting dark

    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What?
    exercise? dance & bike

    4. Why are you doing C25K?
    i love running! if you looked at me, you probably wouldnt believe but, its true. & a dream of mine is to do a 4 mile run
    that happens in my town every year

    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"?
    not exactly sure what that is but, when i skip a day of running//exercising i feel all jittery (lol)