Desk divas???

Looking for a group of women trying to lose weight while sitting in an office all day.....


  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    I too have an office job which stinks for weight loss! I try to take walks after work and try to make it to the gym more often. Of course it's really all about the eating though.
  • KelseyRL
    KelseyRL Posts: 124 Member
    I struggle a lot having an office job. I waitressed for years, all through school, and I did MFP for a couple months and got down to a great goal weight and stayed there for years. Then I finished school, got an office job, and gained 15 pounds. The only thing that changed was my job. It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that my lifestyle couldn't stay the same without the active job.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    KelseyRL wrote: »
    I struggle a lot having an office job. I waitressed for years, all through school, and I did MFP for a couple months and got down to a great goal weight and stayed there for years. Then I finished school, got an office job, and gained 15 pounds. The only thing that changed was my job. It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that my lifestyle couldn't stay the same without the active job.

    Ya, I seem to want the same amount of calories no matter how active I am. It sure was easier to get in that activity when it was part of my work day. Well, it's not that hard now, I just need to plan more and be more disciplined about it. Like pushing away from the computer now so I can get a decent amount of sleep and get up in time to do some You are Your Own Gym before work in the AM.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I maintained my initial weight loss of almost 90lbs for years before switching to a job where I sit in a car commuting to sit at a desk. I gained 30lb in a year because I ate the same but my activity had dramatically decreased.

    Now I eat a little less, track my macros, and make intentional exercise a priority. I have really gotten into boxing lately.

    The loss has been slow but I have dropped 20 of the 30lb I had gained back now
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I don't sit in an office all day, but I do sit in a car, cafes, libraries, and people's homes most of my day. It really requires strict adherence to calorie limits when the majority of your day is sedentary!
  • NoIdea103
    NoIdea103 Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2017
    I work in an office, spend most of it sitting at my desk. I make sure I get plenty of walking in to and from work, deliberately taking a longer route and leaving earlier so I can get that in. I've also found a gym on my route home which I can pop into and do a class a couple of times a week or use the equipment - even half an hour is better than nothing!

    But as others have said, I find mostly it is being strict on yourself with calorie limits - especially difficult if you work in one of those types of offices where people are always bringing in cake and doughnuts, but you just have to learnt o make it fit into your calories or resist! Good luck :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I am a desk-bound worker but I am fairly active outside of work (walk 2 miles in to work and back most days, jog/strength train in the evenings or dog walk), the biggest change I had to make was food.

    I've stopped buying sandwiches and snacks from the shop everyday, I meal prep on a Sunday and have all my lunches for the week, pre-weighed snacks and a couple of evening meals prepped. I have far more energy when I get home since I started eating right and increased my protein intake. On the odd occasion I do go out for lunch I try to make a half hour walk out of it and I make better choices than I might have previously.
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I also have a desk job. If the goal is purely to lose weight, I don't think the type of job has anything to do with it. If you gained weight it means you are eating more than you need, desk job or not. The little things you can do to work around having a desk job won't matter as much as eating less.

    With that said, I try to walk around for a bit every so often, just to stretch my legs. But drinking a ton of water and having to go to the ladies room kind of takes care of that.
  • lexington88
    lexington88 Posts: 29 Member
    edited August 2017
    Desk Diva here. I do spend most of my day sedentary, but I walk to and from work (it's only 15 minutes each way, but still) and always take the steps two at a time during my many trips up and down the stairs. I'm on the first floor, the coffee machine and water cooler are on the ground floor, stationary and other equipment that I need on a day to day basis is in the basement, and the manager's office is on the top floor. It's an old building with steep steps, so I do reckon I end up burning quite a few calories just going up and down. Also, because we're such a small office, there's quite a bit of manual labour I end up doing on a daily basis. For example, the other day I signed for a delivery of 150 headsets, 5 to a box, and just ended up carting them 2 at a time to the basement by myself. That's 15 trips up and down the stairs carrying about 5 kilos at a time. And then there's the water tanks for the water cooler. I reckon I'm pretty much the only person that ever changes them!

    But please feel free to add me if you ever want to lament the woes of the sedentary lifestyle! I'm always looking for new friends :smiley:
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    edited August 2017
    I've been working in an office for about 7 years now. :)

    I use my full 1-hour lunch break to go for a long walk and listen to my audiobook. Great way to clear my mind for the afternoon. I do yoga classes after work - it's a wonderful way to stretch out my back after sitting all day.

    I stock lots of food for myself in the office fridge and pack leftovers for lunch. At my desk, I have a few boxes of Fiber 1 bars for a quick snack if I'm craving something sweet (especially if someone has brought donuts in, argh!).

    I also have a massive collection of tea at my desk which I sip on throughout the day.
  • MaddMaestro
    MaddMaestro Posts: 405 Member
    edited August 2017

    I walk during my breaks or trek the 15-story staircase in the hotel resort I work at. After work I either swim, bike or go to the gym. If I'm too lazy for any of that, I do a few ab exercises at home to the best of my ability. For this reason, my activity level is set to "lightly".

    For 5 or 6 days out of the week, I spend a good two hours on my feet after work just cooking. I don't like left over food much, so I cook most of my meals on a daily basis. Maybe that burns a few cals too? I dunno,
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    Having a desk job absolutely DOES make it more difficult to lose weight since you have to fit your "moving around" time into a much smaller window than those folks that work on their feet. And if you don't have much time, then clearly it is harder to do. I've had a sit-down job for the last 35+ years, so I have always had to to implement purposeful exercise into my evenings, and lunch hours, whenever possible. And clearly, snacking at the desk is one of the tempting pitfalls that add to the growing butts of desk-workers.

    So log your food religiously, eat satiating foods, and get up and walk whenever you can.
  • boulank
    boulank Posts: 51 Member
    I too have a desk job. I was never overweight until I started my job. I definitely track my food and go for 2 15 minute and 1 45 minute walks during my breaks/lunches. I try to hit the gym 4-5 times a week as well. It is definitely not easy getting the extra activity in, but I make it a priority and it helps me relieve stress getting out and moving.
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    Hi there! I sit at a desk all day long, but I have a FitBit and really try to get up and move around as much as possible. I walk during my lunch break. But the have to set an alarm or I might get wrapped up in stuff and let time speed by.

    What has your experience been like so far?