Losing weight while carrying on living your normal life



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Well, it's either finding the force of will to deal with all the temptation on the table, or find some new groups to hang out with whose goals and activities are consistent with your own.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    edited August 2017
    edit: sorry I replied to the wrong post!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited August 2017
    morenita71 wrote: »
    I'm interested in hearing other people's responses, since this is something I struggle with. As a diabetic I don't have the option of banking calories for a big blow out, since my blood sugar can't handle a large amount of carbs at a sitting. So far, I have dealt with it by looking up menus ahead of time and eating very small portions, but it isn't very celebratory.

    Yup, that must be difficult. Excuse my lack of knowledge about diabetes but is it just about having too many carbs? More and more places are catering to low carb /paleo diets but they're probably quite high fat. Ugh! So much fine tuning required!

    Thanks for the response! Yes, type 2 diabetes is mostly all about the carbs - fat and protein also require insulin to digest, but generally stimulate as much insulin as they use, while carbs cause blood sugar spikes. In addition I'm trying to lose weight. It varies between people, but for me I can handle a maximum of about 45g net carbs at a sitting, depending - 45g of potatoes may be fine, while 45g of cake will be too much. Different foods affect people differently, and they also affect you differently depending on what they are eaten with and the time of day, so the only way to know is to test your blood sugar frequently and learn your own responses.

    Unfortunately I live in Memphis, which isn't real big on paleo. We're mostly BBQ joints and fried foods here. I have had friends take me to places which very literally had NOTHING safe for me to eat, since all vegetables were battered and even the meat was doused in sugary sauce.
  • Goober1142
    Goober1142 Posts: 219 Member
    Easy, just replace everything fun in your life with vegetables and grueling exertion. Plagerized..
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    edited August 2017
    I know, I diet to live, not live to diet. But yes I'm trying to navigate the fine line :)