Let's see what clean eating, calorie deficit and exercise can do in a month



  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'd kill to weigh 59kg...no omg ha-ha about it.

    I weigh 126lbs/57kg, and while I like how I look at this weight and also where it puts my glucose number at, it also means that I get less calories than someone who is at a higher weight. So there's definitely a drawback by being at a lower weight, (and I'm cold All.The.Time :p ).
  • vvvvv45501
    vvvvv45501 Posts: 20 Member
    I thank you all for your messages... the good and the bad ones....
    What can I say... that wasn't exactly what I'll eat every single day. When I say tuna I mean I will probably swap it for other kinds of fishs or meats.
    However, if I chose to eat in this way it's because I like it. Even if it's boring. Or tasteless as you said.
    To answer the concerns about my macro and micronutrients... well I'll eat 1100/1200 calories and yes I'll have also enough vitamin A (check on MFP ;) )

    I also know my weight is fine. But it just doesn't feel good to me.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    vvvvv45501 wrote: »
    I thank you all for your messages... the good and the bad ones....
    What can I say... that wasn't exactly what I'll eat every single day. When I say tuna I mean I will probably swap it for other kinds of fishs or meats.
    However, if I chose to eat in this way it's because I like it. Even if it's boring. Or tasteless as you said.
    To answer the concerns about my macro and micronutrients... well I'll eat 1100/1200 calories and yes I'll have also enough vitamin A (check on MFP ;) )

    I also know my weight is fine. But it just doesn't feel good to me.

    1100-1200 calories PLUS exercise calories I hope?? not even sure what you listed is 1100-1200 tbh...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    vvvvv45501 wrote: »
    I thank you all for your messages... the good and the bad ones....
    What can I say... that wasn't exactly what I'll eat every single day. When I say tuna I mean I will probably swap it for other kinds of fishs or meats.
    However, if I chose to eat in this way it's because I like it. Even if it's boring. Or tasteless as you said.
    To answer the concerns about my macro and micronutrients... well I'll eat 1100/1200 calories and yes I'll have also enough vitamin A (check on MFP ;) )

    I also know my weight is fine. But it just doesn't feel good to me.

    Gross or net?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Lots of people would consider canned tuna and 0% yogurt "unclean," since they are obviously processed.

    I was going to take up a clean eating regime where I eat nothing but raw carrots that I pull from the ground with my teeth.

    Just make sure to eat back the exercise calories!
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    If you enjoy it, that's fine. To each their own. But just watch that your calories are not too low.

    At your weight you need to be aiming to lose weight slowly and gently, as there isn't much fat to lose and you can give yourself various problems with too low a calorie goal. Your listed menu seems very low in calories.
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Im your height and im 64kg as i do mainly weight training but i concentrate on my BMI etc i think 59 is fine and 51 is actually rediculous unless you want to under eat the rest of your life.. clean eating urgh. Clean eating is for health benefits not weight loss. You can still over eat on clean eating. And its bloody boring. Find a healthy mix add a bit of exercise for heakth benefits, hormibe balancing and endorphins and measure what you eat.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Since you have previously stated that you suffer from anorexia and binge restrict cycles have you talked with your treatment team about your current plan. Low calories and exercise 5/6 times a week and a goal weight that is at the bottom of health bmi could be excessive and unhealthy for you.

    This puts a new perspective on things. Also, I should have converted your numbers to imperial (5' 5", CW 130lbs, GW 112lbs) before commenting. I didn't realize your goal was so low. I want to revise my "wishing you success" to "wishing you good health". Anorexia is no laughing matter.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    At the start of this, I felt sluggish and had a hard time doing a lot of things myself. More fruit, more veg, balanced meals fixed that real quick. I REALLY hope you're discussing this plan with a professional, because it's extremely worrisome. What are you going to do if you reach your goal and still decide you don't look good? Have you considered toning instead of more weight loss to improve your shape?

    I used to think 180 was huge. Now I'd kill to be that low again. Sometimes our perceptions of ourselves can be so far off from reality.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Since you have previously stated that you suffer from anorexia and binge restrict cycles have you talked with your treatment team about your current plan. Low calories and exercise 5/6 times a week and a goal weight that is at the bottom of health bmi could be excessive and unhealthy for you.

    Yup. This is a recipe for disaster and relapse. Http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/comment/40115334
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,564 Member
    Love, a small bone structure has no influence on the weight you should be on. Lets look at it that way. The density of bone is approximately 1600 kg/m3. now one cubicmeter bone is a massive amount. The whole skeleton is a tiny fraction of that. Lets cut those numbers down to something more useful. 1.6 grams/cm3 looks more useful. The average bones in a human body are about 15% of body weight. In your case about 8.95kg. Slightly wider shoulders, hips and other major body parts don't account for much, a wider rib cage even for less. So lets be very generous and say an additional 50cm3 of bone. That's 80 grams more weight due to heavy bones. No, this makes clear that your weight doesn't need to be lower because you have a small frame.

    If you mean you look flabby then you should be looking at a progressive weightlifting programme. Think about it: you want to become leaner. Eating less calories than your body needs doesn't only burn fat, but also muscles. Muscles are easy to lose, but very difficult to gain, especially for a woman and even more so on a calorie deficit. So you lose your desired 9km. A substantial amount on such a bit deficit as you want to run will be muscles. You lose the weight, you'll look more flabby as as your weight not fat but lack of muscles makes you look flabby.
  • Asibaris
    Asibaris Posts: 24 Member
    You are not overweight but don't like how you like. I can understand that. Since you have such a small bone structure and normal weight, I would start resistance/weight training.
    I'm sure your skin and overall tone would be "better" ;)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    vvvvv45501 wrote: »
    I don't know if you just want this to be a "challenge" or if you want lasting results, but consider this:

    You're already at a normal weight for your height, and your goal weight is just inside the normal BMI range (less than a kilo away from the border to underweight).

    Good nutrition means getting in a wide variety of foods. Your meal plan looks very restrictive and not very balanced.

    We can do anything for a while, but what matters in the long run is what we do over time.

    Boring and restrictive eating invariably leads to overindulgence.

    I totally get what you are saying!
    This is something like a challenge and then from there on I plan to be a bit less strict on myself.

    I understand your concerns about my weight.
    However I have a super small bone structure and feel less energetic than before. This doesn't just feel right for me.
    And food wise, I spent a long time on a balanced plan and nutrition. However carbs are just not for me. They increase my hunger, never keep me full and I feel sluggish all day long. Proteins on the other hand just work perfectly fine for me.

    Look into recomposition, instead of aggressive weight loss. Aggressive weight loss helps you lose fat+lean muscle mass.

    Instead concentrate on lowering your body fat %. Eat at a very slight deficit and focus on progressive lifting, not so much cardio. Strength training will shape your body.

    Eating "clean" whatever your definition is, is not necessary. Should we eat better? Should we eat less junk? Yes of course. But attempting to eat "perfectly" for a brief time isn't a forever fix.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    sweetjay92 wrote: »
    There are polite ways to offer your opinions and advice, no need to bash her. We are all here for the same goal.

    So, what suggestions do you have?