got a big ? ,,,,, I'm a junk eater &........

Hello everyone first time I'm doing this ...... I will say sorry ahead of time for any miss spelling ......

I have two beautiful children a boy who is 9 and very lean,,,, a girl who is 7 and is solid / big boned,,,,, a husband who is about 160 /170 lbs ,,,,,,, the ? I have is how do I keep motivated to stay away from the junk,,,, for I am a junk eater ( cookies, chips, chocolate bars, odd take out ect,,,,) I do not care for veggies,,,, I eat alot of my veggies raw when I remember to,,,,,I have tried to change my food that I know is not that good for me suck as white bread to multi grain,,,,,2% white milk to 1% ( ****ch I have finally been able to do..) The problem is that my husband only likes white bread & 2% etc..... so when I buy the extra I always hear ( what are you buying that stuff for it cost too much to get the extra ....etc..) then there are my kids who I think should get some treats in moderation such as a pudding cup , bear paws, granola bar, pop tart, chips, cookies,,,,etc,,,,for school or work or after supper, desert,,,,,,The thing is, is that when that stuff is in the house I end up eating I would say the most of it......So how do I stay away and yet keep my kids and husband happy..... I do not want to deprive them of stuff like I was when I was growing up..... how ever I have a VERY STRONG FELLING that my daughter is heading down the say path for she likes the sweets as well & cry / gets up set when I tell her that she has had enough any help Please.....


  • nibblerbigcat
    I would ask your husband to keep an open mind about switching to healthier alternatives. Also, you would be doing your children a favor by NOT buying them junk food as a treat. The best way to avoid eating junk food if you have low self control is to keep it out of the house.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Keep the treats in moderation and keep them where they can't have access all the time. Do not deprive them. My aunt did this to her 5 kids and everytime they came to our house, they would BINGE on junk food. We did have it in the house but we knew they were treats.
  • billyjoesilver
    Hello just as suggestion, When you buy the full 2% milk your hubby preferes would you consider putting some aside for yourself with a little water added to thin it down, This is what our slimming advisor suggested to us some time back, It seems to give you the lesser calorie milk but without doubling the shopping bill. Any how good luck and keep with it.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I just kind of phased everything out of the house that I would eat. I don't eat fruit snacks, or cheese its, or flavor ice pops. So I buy those things for snacks for the kids. I do eat oreos. So I have not bought those in forever.

    Now I buy all whole wheat everything. However, in the beginning, I bought 2 loaves of bread. Once my husband realized how much more expensive it is to buy doubles so I could have wheat, he switched over and he says it doesn't bother him a bit.

    I would try talking to your husband and if you are worried about your daughter, you should make these changes for your whole family. It never hurt anyone to get healthier.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    OK, work away from junk food as rewards, use star charts or something non food based instead.

    I can have white bread in the house cos I don't really like it - I keep my wholemeal bread in the freezer, and it toasts form frozen really well and of course isn't a waste since it doesn't go off.

    It's a big juggle trying to please everyone - but it is possible! Keep on keepin' on.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    OK, work away from junk food as rewards, use star charts or something non food based instead.

    I can have white bread in the house cos I don't really like it - I keep my wholemeal bread in the freezer, and it toasts form frozen really well and of course isn't a waste since it doesn't go off.

    It's a big juggle trying to please everyone - but it is possible! Keep on keepin' on.
  • gracefullyjenn
    What I do in my house is have a lot of healthy options. My kids actually are now grabbing my food. Im the one getting upset lol. I always have fresh fruits and veggies in the fridge and sugarfree jello. I do buy some sweets but they know that once they are gone for the week they are gone. I am not going back to the store. I dont make it like it is a punishment. Dont let feelings of guilt make you give in. and also be careful how you handle your daughter with wanting more food. I am speaking for experience. I was heading down the wrong path and repeating history with what I was speaking into her life in regards to food. TIme to break the cycle and encoourage healthy eating and exercising. If you get excited about it they will too. Might take a while but they will come around.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I would ask your husband to keep an open mind about switching to healthier alternatives. Also, you would be doing your children a favor by NOT buying them junk food as a treat. The best way to avoid eating junk food if you have low self control is to keep it out of the house.

    I agree. Take charge. As for the extra cost - it is an investment in your longterm health to eat healthier. Also, you can find store brands that are less expensive. For example, I buy Publix 100% whole wheat bread, it is cheaper than some of the brand name white breads.

    As far as changing your diet, you have to want it badly enough. Try this link as it will let you switch your habits slowly:

    My family complained about the stuff we ate when I started eating healthier at first. But I put my foot down and they got over it. Now my husband has lost 15 lbs without MFP just because I'm feeding him healthier and my 2 year old and 4 year old will gobble down steamed brocolli without butter, cheese, or salt on it as a snack because they don't know any differently. I stopped buying goldfish crackers, cookies and other junk. They get to have nuts, fruits or veggies for a snack. They like it. The choice is take it or leave it. Guess what? They don't starve.

    Your family can learn to eat healthy along with you and if they love you and realize it's important to you they should give you their support. In the mean time, get your support here.

    Good luck to you!
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I'd like to invite you all to join our TEAM August Challenge. Great daily exercise challenge, weekly eating challenges and team challenges. Lots of fun, support and motivation. Here is our forum post.

    Message me if you'd like to be on a team!

    I have 10 spots left to make 504 participants. The largest MFP Challenge to date! Come join us after these spots are taken we're closing the challenge!
  • gracefullyjenn
    what I did with our milk ( i know it is sneaky) I mixed half 2 % with 1% lol. They dont know the difference at all
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    When I started my diet Little Debbie was my best friend,,,I decided to change my lifestyle and my families as well and took all snack cakes and junk out of the house,,replaced it with fruit,baked chips,sugar free ice cream,string cheese ,yougurt,and sugar free pudding cups,,my kids have not said a word about missing it..they are happy to grab a apple or banana and keep going...if you don't buy it they can't eat it....As far as your hubby you just have to sit and ask him to plese help you do this..My husband has jumped on board with whole whaeat bread and 2% milk.....Good Luck....It can be done you just have to be strong and stand your ground..
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Congratulations on starting this journey. To answer your questions I think the first thing you need to do is have a heart to heart talk with your husband. I have one who only likes certain things also. So I had to explain to him how unhappy I was with me regardless of how happy he is with me and my looks. This lifestyle change is about making me happy and as I support him I need his support. That helped to get him on the same page - not that he doesn't get a little annoyed once in awhile when I have to say hold everything - have to put it in MFP to see if I have enough calories to eat it:wink:

    I had the great bread debate in my house also. We switched to White Wheat - the bread is not as good as whole wheat but more nutritional than plain white. My husband and step-son eat it so I know it can't be that bad and it is cheaper then buying two loaves of bread. As far as the milk goes, it just takes time - your husband and children can get used to it and can deal with it to make their mom happy:bigsmile:

    As far as the treats - what about healthier food options that everyone can enjoy. Say lighter versions or healther granola bars that at least have fiber and protein in them instead of other junk. How about pita chips or baked chips. This way your family can still have some yummies but if you really feel a splurge is needed you aren't splurging on total junk food. Plus you will only be doing your daughter a favor by nipping what sounds like could be bad habits in the butt so to speak. I had to deal with the same type of issue with my stepson - he was allowed to eat and eat - sometimes until he made himself sick. It took me 2-3 years to get it in his head that you don't have to eat everything on your plate (even if you are the one who put it there and especially if your not the one who put it there). That is what they invented leftovers for.

    Sorry so long but this sounds like the same sort of issues I have dealt with so figured I would give you my perspecitve of how I dealt with them. Good luck!!
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    Hello, and what a wonderful thing it is that you want to make positive changes to your health, nutrition and weight :smile:

    A great way of implementing good things into your diet is to make ONE good change and stick with it until it is habit and then make another change - and carry on doing this.

    For example, one change I made right at the start of my weight loss journey was to cut down the amount of alcohol I was drinking. This was actually a huge change as it also cut my snacking by a lot! Then once this was a new habit and was comfortable (after about two weeks) I made another change. This change was to cut down how much caffeine I was consuming. This also cut my snacking a little more - the odd biscuit with a coffee was no longer a habit.

    A few weeks later I switched all out white pasta to wholegrain pasta. But it tricked my family into this by first switching to the 'tricolour' pasta shapes which are three colours (green orange and plain) and mixing in some wholegrain pasta, and from then on buying only wholegrain pasta. They didn't even realise. Once that change was habit I switched our rice to wholegrain rice and later our bread to wholewheat bread.

    I stopped drinking sugar free drinks and now only drink water (often with a slice of lemon, lime or orange). I switched up my breakfast form cereal bars on the go to a sit down breakfast of either muesli or, lately because I appreciate the extra protein for strength training in the morning, to greek yogurt with fruit, followed by a slice of granary toast after my weights session.

    So, one change. Before you know it each one change will have added up to a huge lifestyle change and it won't be much of an ordeal because you took it one step at a time :wink:
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Not in your cart, not in your house.
    Not in your house, not in your mouth.

    Don't want to eat it? Don't buy it.

    LOVE your family with healthy food, not by giving in to their whining.
  • onefasternurse
    onefasternurse Posts: 62 Member
    You could sit down with your family and dicuss why you want to change your eating habits. Explain to them that you want your entire family to be healthy and not go down the same paths that you have gone down. I have done this with my family and we all still have treats on rare ocassion because that is what they are.....treats. We don't keep sodas or sweets in the house for that reason. By explaining the healthier choices and lifestyle it should be easier for your family to change their habits with you as well.
  • vodkalady
    vodkalady Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks ,,,,, I use to have a treat box up high so the kids new that they were not to be eating at will ,,,,, How ever now that they can get to the top I got rid of the box,,,,and I'm always telling them that for their bed time snacks or the snacks throw out the day they need to have something health and then maybe they can have a cookie or a bar ,,,,,, but there are times I will fine enpty wrappes in my daughters room more so then my sons room ( there are a few sometimes )......I would prefer to NOT have any of it in the house ...... But my heart would do that to my kids or husband......

    SO please keep the ideas coming.....
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello everyone first time I'm doing this ...... I will say sorry ahead of time for any miss spelling ......

    I have two beautiful children a boy who is 9 and very lean,,,, a girl who is 7 and is solid / big boned,,,,, a husband who is about 160 /170 lbs ,,,,,,, the ? I have is how do I keep motivated to stay away from the junk,,,, for I am a junk eater ( cookies, chips, chocolate bars, odd take out ect,,,,) I do not care for veggies,,,, I eat alot of my veggies raw when I remember to,,,,,I have tried to change my food that I know is not that good for me suck as white bread to multi grain,,,,,2% white milk to 1% ( ****ch I have finally been able to do..) The problem is that my husband only likes white bread & 2% etc..... so when I buy the extra I always hear ( what are you buying that stuff for it cost too much to get the extra ....etc..) then there are my kids who I think should get some treats in moderation such as a pudding cup , bear paws, granola bar, pop tart, chips, cookies,,,,etc,,,,for school or work or after supper, desert,,,,,,The thing is, is that when that stuff is in the house I end up eating I would say the most of it......So how do I stay away and yet keep my kids and husband happy..... I do not want to deprive them of stuff like I was when I was growing up..... how ever I have a VERY STRONG FELLING that my daughter is heading down the say path for she likes the sweets as well & cry / gets up set when I tell her that she has had enough any help Please.....

    I would compromise with the hubs on the bread, but I wouldn't give the kids junk food. Now is the time to teach them good eating habits that will effect them for life. They will be exposed to junk foods at school and with friend and eventually have to learn to make good food choices for themselves. If all they have learned is junk food they will never develop a love or even like of good, healthy food.

    Growing up we never has junk food. Snack was fruit, veg and dips or hummus, even rice cakes (before they became glorified cookies) and apple butter. We never had soda. We would make pretend soda by adding seltzer water to grape juice, lol. The closet to candy was these honey/sesame seed candies we got from the health food store. Once I got to school I discovered snickers and chips, but when I decided to clean up my eating I had no problem eating healthier because many of these things were things I liked anyway.
    I now make my own popsicles by blending fruit and freezing. If I want a creamy one add a bit of yogurt. I enjoy all kinds of fruit and still love veg and dip. Sure I have a cookie or cupcake on occasion, but that's a rare treat.
  • michelegrayson
    Like me, my boyfriend is a junk food addict. What he has agreed to do to support me is that has a "special cupboard" where he puts all his junk so I don't look at them each time I open the cupboard. When he junk foods out, he does it discreetly for the most part. When he pours his licorice or candy in a bowl and brings it to the livingroom, I leave and wait until he is done or I know if I just have ONE, i will not stop.

    I know its hard to deny your daughter but you are helping her by stopping the addiction to sugar NOW and helping her avoid the weight gain that you and I have gone thru. How about if you give her semi healthy treats to start with (strawberries/bananas dipped in melted chocolate, or grapes in a nonfat sour cream sweetened with vanilla and a little stevia/spenda?) Once her sugar cravings have been reduced, you can make it just pure fruit and maybe a piece of dark chocolate? I have finally learned how to snack healthy but when I start up with the sugar, I get out of control again!
  • chefswife67
    chefswife67 Posts: 145
    I'm the same way too, but i have a hubby that is also a chef cook that likes to make all the goodies like cookies , CHESECAKE!! ect.. he know that i'm trying to lose this weight but now i think he will change his mind cause he is now on this site too...
    For me i just look at the lables to see how much is in the snack and think to myself do i really want to spend 60mins working this off and is it worth it ?? NO its not worth it so put it down!!! Thats how i stay Motivated.. you have to keep saying to your self do i need this in my body that im working so hard for to look and feel better about myself... put a pic of your self , when you was at your thinest some where that you can see it at all times and when you think you are about to eat something that you know you shouldn't be eating just look at the pic for about 5 to 10mins and let your mind take you away to that time of your thinest.. what was it like for you to be that thin ..Was you feeling good about your self? Ect...
    Just look for more heathier snack for you and your family... I know my hubby likes the white bread too and for me the wheat so yes we buy 2 kinds of bread but if we dont have the money for both hubby will eat the wheat... Its a give and take to be healthy..
    Well i hope i helped you in some sort of way... sorry if i didnt ..Im still learning myself to be heathier...
  • vodkalady
    vodkalady Posts: 26 Member
    I usually buy the 90 cal kelloggs special K, Christie Thinsations 100 cal chunks ahoy cookies, christiesThinsations 100 cal dipped bars wetabix cereal, 1% milk ,,,,,, Kids like eating these as well how ever they are6 per pk and they cost $3.99 not on sale...

    I DONT drink , if I do its usually news year and its 1/2 to 1 drink...... ( the name VADKALADY is a remebrance to my grandma who drank vodka and orange juice all her life......she jsut pasted last June.....

    I use to drink PEPSI like there was no tomorrow... its now the arazona green tea .....

    kids like veggies and fruit its that they would prefer the junk,,,,

    my husband does a lot of the cooking and eats 80% to 100% better then I do......