Vacation food

I leave for vacation in a few hours and am really nervous about eating there. I've lost 24lbs so far and aren't sure what to do about food at the beach. It's an extended family trip so there will be about 25 of us there.

What do you do for food on vacation? Is it ok to splurge? Is it fair to buy my own groceries and label them for myself or is that to harsh? Any healthy recommendations for non-refrigerated foods I could just keep in my luggage to eat during the week?

Would love some advice and personal thoughts!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2017
    I love to try new foods, so I eat for pleasure, and just enough to keep me going until the next delicious meal, and I prioritize good fuel so that I can get the most out of my vacation. Because I'm not bored, I don't graze like I would do at home. I always lose weight on vacation.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I enjoy my vacations and don't stress it. I'm way more active on vacation as well. It's not like you can do a ton of damage in such a limited time. Most of the weight people put on during a vacation isn't's water weight from eating out more with higher sodium, airplane bloat, and more inherent waste in the system.

    I don't go crazy or anything, but I just enjoy my vacation. Part of a fun vacation for me is partaking in whatever the local cuisine is.
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    I would enjoy my vacation and then get right back on track with logging as soon as I got back. Life is to be lived :)
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    I leave for vacation in a few hours and am really nervous about eating there. I've lost 24lbs so far and aren't sure what to do about food at the beach. It's an extended family trip so there will be about 25 of us there.

    What do you do for food on vacation? Is it ok to splurge? Is it fair to buy my own groceries and label them for myself or is that to harsh? Any healthy recommendations for non-refrigerated foods I could just keep in my luggage to eat during the week?

    Would love some advice and personal thoughts!

    Let yourself have a little fun but I totally understand that there's plenty of fun to be had just in the act of losing weight!

    Personally, my family would have no objections if I bought my own groceries and let people know I was on a special diet. To be honest, some of my aunts and cousins go on weird trendy diets of their own so they'd totally respect that.

    That said, allow yourself to splurge a bit. It's a vacation. Log the calories so you can keep it under some type of control. I just got back from the beach and allowed myself more than a few splurges. I did what I could to limit the impact by cutting calories on non-splurge items and being careful with portion sizes but overall just enjoyed the experience of being at the beach.

    Beach vacations are a perfect time to up your activity level. It was so nice being able to take a leisurely long run in the morning with nothing to rush to afterwards, to walk up and down the beaches/boardwalks all day long, or to take long bike rides to explore the nearby towns. Between the extended exercise, added activity, and being mindful of what I was doing, I actually managed to continue to lose at my normal pace despite getting my fill of beach foods and drinks!

    Also, since it sounds like you're OK with occasionally cooking during the trip, don't discount the value of having a kitchen around. It's an easy way to establish control over a good portion of your vacation eating.
  • zlfarkas
    zlfarkas Posts: 3 Member
    Just got back from vacation, I watched what I ate but still ate and drank what I wanted (was in Wisconsin so Cheese Curds and Beer). I made a point of walking 2-5 miles a day to counter that. 18 hour car rides packed lunch (fruit, low calorie snacks. at every stop would walk for 5 min. I still lost a 1lb! remember your on vacation so have fun!!
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    I am leaving in a few hours too! I hate this part. While at home in our routines it is so much easier. I am just going to log and maintain awareness. When I get back, i'll get back on it!
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Some people suggest to eat at maintenance or watch your portion size - most of all- ENJOY!!!!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I would enjoy my vacation and then get right back on track with logging as soon as I got back. Life is to be lived :)


    You are not going to gain back those 24 pounds on a vacation unless it is several months long. Even then, you will probably eat less that you used to just by having eaten less while doing the losing. If there's pot-lucking involved and everybody else is likely to bring something heavy, be the one to bring the vegetable platter with a good, light dip. Everyone will love it and you can dive into it instead of having a second one of Aunt Martha's famous brownies. But, if you only see Aunt Martha once a year, have that second brownie. In fact, have a third.

    Just go completely back to your new normal as soon as you get home. That's what everybody else will be doing, resuming their normal, non-vacation life. You may regain a few pounds and need to lose them all over again but that, too, is normal.
  • Rogstar
    Rogstar Posts: 216 Member
    zlfarkas wrote: »
    Just got back from vacation, I watched what I ate but still ate and drank what I wanted (was in Wisconsin so Cheese Curds and Beer). I made a point of walking 2-5 miles a day to counter that. 18 hour car rides packed lunch (fruit, low calorie snacks. at every stop would walk for 5 min. I still lost a 1lb! remember your on vacation so have fun!! someone who lives in Wisconsin...that's what I had every day. Well, not the curds, but regular blocks of cheese (because I'm weird and don't like curds!) Now they are just my weekend food...le sigh :smiley:

  • NR81206
    NR81206 Posts: 54 Member
    I just got back from vacation, and before going I was the exact same way, I was so worried about my diet. While I was there I still logged everything I ate the best I could ( habit I guess) but I did enjoy my vacation, I ate everything everyone else was just not overboard. I did go over my calories, but I knew more or less by how much. I did not weigh myself until the morning after I got home and I did gain half a pound. But I wouldn't have changed nothing, I ate like a normal person for 4 days, I walked the beach,spent time with my family and when I got back I put my *kitten* back into gear and lost that half a pound in about 3 days. Just relax and enjoy your vacation and spending quality​ time with your family.