WW Anyone?

Pieps Posts: 9
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone incorporated WW into MFP? That is the only diet that I have done where I lost weight and didn't gain ALL of it back. Or what is the best diet to use on MFP?


  • FrauHausMaus
    FrauHausMaus Posts: 194
    My husband and I are on WW. It's been pretty easy to stay within the calories and the points- I just eat a lot of veggies. I like it a lot myself, since you can eat whatever you want. Even the day I had pizza and cake, I came in under my calorie goal AND under points, so it's been pretty easy for me so far. It's only been a week for me though, so I may not be the best person to ask :smile:
  • Sgriffin2382
    Sgriffin2382 Posts: 360 Member
    I too am on WW and love it! I don't feel like I am missing out on anything.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    As of yesterday, I am now a former WW member. I like the fact that I can see everything I am eating on MFP, and not worrying about points. I believe I am eating better, because there are no more '0' point foods - I am counting every morsel I put in my mouth and it's got a worth - calories, that is.

    I am not putting WW down by any means. I know it has worked for so many people, and I'm sure incorporating both of the programs would work. WW just didn't work for me.

    Good luck and I know you'll do great!
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    Weight Watchers worked for me for a while before I joined MFP. But there are only so many zero point pieces of fruit you can eat before you go WAY OVER your calorie limit. I was only eating about 2 pieces of fruit a day, though, and I still plateaued eventually. The problem is, their lowest Points Plus value is 29. And the amount of calories I consumed to stay at 29 points plus was way too high for me to lose any more weight. Their new system is really a way for you to change your habits from eating crappy processed food to fresher foods.

    Oh yea...and it's a ton of work to count points AND calories...
  • bear2905
    bear2905 Posts: 8
    I did the three month intro to WW, which helped me lose my initial 15 lbs but then I switched to MFP because it's free, and I really wanted to know my actual caloric intake rather than just "points". I think it's a great kickstart but I personally didn't want to do it long term as I wanted to educate myself about how many calories various things are. It's a great starter tool because you can access a ton of recipes, (I printed off a bunch), and it helps you adjust your thinking and eating habits which you can then take with you when you switch to MFP.
  • temptress75519
    temptress75519 Posts: 35 Member
    As of yesterday, I am now a former WW member. I like the fact that I can see everything I am eating on MFP, and not worrying about points. I believe I am eating better, because there are no more '0' point foods - I am counting every morsel I put in my mouth and it's got a worth - calories, that is.

    I am not putting WW down by any means. I know it has worked for so many people, and I'm sure incorporating both of the programs would work. WW just didn't work for me.

    Good luck and I know you'll do great!

    I agree that WW is great, but the zero foods were misleading. Technically if you eat 10 "0" point items, you are ignoring all of those calories and in the long run. It made weight loss hard for me. With MFP I track everything including sugars and sodium which are are very important for sustained weight loss.
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I started on WW to learn how to eat healthy....and then switched to MFP because its free and does the same thing! The 0 calorie fruit and veg is deceptive! You go way over your sugar allowances and can go over your calories if your eating tons of fruit!

    The main part of WW is accountability and transparency. Join one of the groups that weighs in weekly here and your already logging your food so make your diary public and let the super supportive community here take the place of the weekly meetings!

    my two cents!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    Oh, yeah - I like the free part of MFP a lot, too!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    WW worked well for me, but I've always stated that what healthy eating plan someone is on doesn't really matter as long as they're committed to it. I got tired of paying $40 a month for hearing the same information for the 3rd year in a row, so I stopped WW.
  • I am not in the position to pay for the info or meetings so unfortunately I have never really tried it but the one time I sort of did, it was super similar to counting calories...it worked but counting calories just worked best for me. That is what I do.
  • Pieps
    Pieps Posts: 9
    Thanks for all the input! I have been a member on and off for the last couple of years. Due to the fact that I cannot afford it anymore, I am no longer a "member". But I still have all the tools to do it on my own. I think with all the supportive people of here I will get the same motivation here as I would in the WW meetings. Like you all said though, I will have to watch the zero point foods. I believe you are limited to 5 servings of fruits/veggies a day for "free". We'll see how it works. Cheers to Friday everyone!
  • niks66
    niks66 Posts: 7
    I did WW online and MFP is exactly like it except that you do calories instead of pts and its free!!!! I find it way easier to count calories than finding the nutritional info and then having to calculate into pts. I did lose on WW but i'm losing here too and it seems easier and its free!! :)
  • cwoods80
    cwoods80 Posts: 18 Member
    I just joined MFP this week, but have been on WW since 2/1/11. I have lost 26.8 lbs...but have plateaued. I am hoping to incorporate Points and Calorie limits to jump off this nice little plateau. Can't wait to hear the responses.
  • 4myB
    4myB Posts: 16 Member
    A year and a hlaf ago WW helped me lose 40lbs. I loved it. After I gained 20 of it back(ugghh), I joined again in January. This time around I am not so successful. I actually gained weight. I am not a fan of the new points system, and only after I joined MFP a week ago did I realize why. With all the "0" point fruit I was eating, I was above my calories and sugar every day. In the 5 days I've been following calories I've already seen a loss!! YAY! As of Sunday I will be a former WW member. It is also a plus the MFP is free and the iphone app blows the WW app out of the water!
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