Back problems



  • sewiggle
    sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
    cantfail wrote: »
    Check out DDP Yoga. It was designed to heal (the founder had blown out his L4 and L5). You can see lots of examples and inspiration on youtube. You can get workouts on DVD, but there is also an incredible app called DDP Yoga Now. You can get a great cardio workout at the same time as strength and flexibility. I do it almost every day. Love it.

    Thank you for this, I'll check it out
  • sewiggle
    sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
    Yes yoga is a great solution for back pain. Really helped me out after 2 years of suffering.

    Sorry to hear that you suffered for so long, Im glad you feel so much better now though. I'll be sure to check out yoga :)
  • sewiggle
    sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
    @sewiggle so what did the original CT scan indicate? It's concerning that if it showed just muscular injury, I would think you'd be at least on a trajectory of feeling improvement, but it sounds like you're still in quite a bit of pain.

    For me, anyway, I've discovered that when my back does hurt (muscularly), light moving is better than lying down or sitting. I always feel better after walking, and yes, (give credit where due) stretching. Good ideas from folks on here. If you continue to suffer, though, you may have to dig a bit deeper into what's continuing to keep you from getting better.

    I know I probably came across as screeching in my earlier post, but I have seen over and over the medical field just not quite know what to do with someone with a sore back. So my hackles get up when I hear about someone suffering and doctors sort of going "well, keep stretching." That kind of response drives me nuts on behalf of the suffering one (i.e., you).

    CT scans don't often pick up things like disc bulges and pinched nerves, so please do continue staying on top of your health. I just had a friend who, while her back wasn't hurting, was experiencing shooting pains all down one leg, and she literally was bedridden for THREE months. Doctors were telling her it was her hamstring. One even said she had a hamstring avulsion (complete tear off the bone). Well, after significant meds and no improvement, and finally an MRI on her back, it showed several bulging discs and lots of stuff going on in her back. Not one doctor suggested chiropractic. I did, she said she had nothing to lose, and after her first visit, for the first time in months, she felt better. Continual visits a couple times/week, and physical therapy with traction, has helped relieve pressure on those discs. She's up and around, no surgery, doing really well, no thanks to any of the multiple doctors she saw.

    Weird. I recommended seeing a doctor, but I also know that often, they're just not much help. Just take care of yourself, and I wish you the best!

    Ha no you didn't come across as screeching just quite concerned but that's completely understandable after your experiences.

    Luckily my back hasn't been giving me as much pain the last few days and I have been walking around a lot more so I imagine that could be to do with it. If it does start getting worse again instead of better I'll book and appointment with a physio as we have some student physios near me so it's pretty cheap.

    Thank you for all your useful information, it has helped :)
  • sewiggle
    sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks everyone! Yoga seems to be a popular choice here so I'll try that and walking as walking seems to be improving my back. If that doesn't help, the next stop will be physio.
  • annettedm55
    annettedm55 Posts: 8 Member
    I've had spondylolisthesis for 20 years have had my share of trestments and therapies. What helps me the most are stretching (piriformis and hamstring) and doing the pelvic tilt and the bridge exercises every morning before getting out of bed, and walking. I sometimes use icy hot patches. I only take pain killers when I absolutely have to, which only happens when I stop stretching and exercising. Do go see a spinal doctor who specializes in low back.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    sewiggle wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! Yoga seems to be a popular choice here so I'll try that and walking as walking seems to be improving my back. If that doesn't help, the next stop will be physio.

    Glad to hear walking seems to be helping. See if the physio can possibly put you in traction as part of your regimen. Hope it works, and good on you to start walking, yoga, etc.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Exercising after injury can be very dangerous, especially a back injury. I would really recommend you see a doctor or physical therapist for what you can do
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    sewiggle wrote: »
    Hi everyone, thanks for the advice. I spoke to my doctor and he encouraged me to do stretching exercises

    Go see a doctor who will take a serious look at your back. If you're having pain which hurts when you sit, stand, and lay down, then it sounds like an impinged nerve. If it was from the accident you may have a limited amount of time to get a lawyer and deal with it. That kind of injury can not only be super expensive but can mean permanent damage if it isn't dealt with. Take it from someone who has permanent nerve damage from back injuries that weren't dealt with promptly. Go see a specialist, let them know it was an injury from a car accident up front when you see them.
  • betrishy
    betrishy Posts: 52 Member
    Yoga! I hurt my back last year and started yoga and it changed my life. Look at YouTube for gentle yoga to get you started. I like yoga with adirenne!