22lbs down, 78 to go, walking only exercise



  • masterwilde
    masterwilde Posts: 34 Member
    so only 19000 steps today, as busy life got in the way, but its all good. although on my walk i got absolutely soaked through. all clothes had to go on radiators as soon as i got in.
  • masterwilde
    masterwilde Posts: 34 Member
    So to update, according to my phone, I averaged 17040 steps a day, average distance of 8.11 miles, average calorie burn of 1028 (doubtful) and average steps at healthy pace 15012 per day.
  • masterwilde
    masterwilde Posts: 34 Member
    So good news on my part, now down 30lbs, weight has flew off me this past week. Im averaging the 20000 steps a day, the fresh air is wonderful and i feel so much better in myself
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    truly inspirational, I can only walk about 30 minutes slowly
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    Amazing progress, @masterwilde!
  • emcclure013
    emcclure013 Posts: 231 Member
    Way to go @masterwilde !

    What app do you use to follow your walking? I just tried MapMyWalk last night and I was really impressed by how easy it was to use. The calories burned count was higher than what I expected too (woo!).
  • masterwilde
    masterwilde Posts: 34 Member
    edited August 2017
    I am using my samsung s2 watch. anything over 10mins its breaks down into distance, time and cals if you believe them
  • masterwilde
    masterwilde Posts: 34 Member
    So today i walked 7.3km in under 1hour 15 minutes, doing a fast walk. Considering i started about a month ago and i was knackered walking 1.6km ive made great progress. My aim is to walk 10km at a fast pace without a break before end of August.

    Then i can progress hopefully to walking 15km (10 miles) without killing myself and really start to enjoy the outdoors. My ultimate aim is to get to walk up Ben Nevis, UK's tallest mountain, this im hoping to be ready to do my next summer.
  • Dilvish
    Dilvish Posts: 398 Member
    I wish it were that easy! According to fitness experts if you walk just 10000 steps per day your are healthy. Unfortunately I have a neurological disorder in my legs that has wasted my calf muscles to nothing so walking is out...I have to use the local swimming pool to "water walk" and although i do it an hour a day, I'm not seeing any results which is sad. P.S. I am a male too
  • Confessions_of_a_Pink_Girl
    Thank you for your post. I have been going back and forth between walking and weights. I just do not know! I want to do something that I can continue until the day I die; honestly, I do not want to be lifting weights when I am 70. I think I will stick to walking and continuing counting my calories.
    I started my journey on 2/27/17 and am down 24.4 pounds. I began with calorie counting and cardio- walking or the ellipitcal at the local Y. I have floundered this summer due to many changes in my house but have managed to keep the weight off :smiley: ! It is time to get back on track and you have helped nudge me back to what I originally began doing.
  • MarcA1218
    MarcA1218 Posts: 570 Member
    I agree walking is a great way to get fit. I am in a competition with some friends and we track steps/ day & exercise along with weight etc. got an I watch for the steps and love it!
  • masterwilde
    masterwilde Posts: 34 Member
    Dilvish - I am sorry to hear of your condition, I dont know how long you have been using the pool, but give it time.

    Confessions - welcome back to walking, its great outdoors

    MarcA1218 - agree totally, though I have the samsung watch.
  • Senrak66
    Senrak66 Posts: 39 Member
    I walk every other day. i love using free app called walk for weight loss. i see more people out walking tool i guess the see me old man walking and they think if that old man can do it so can i.
  • masterwilde
    masterwilde Posts: 34 Member
    So check in time, now done 33lb, so officially one third the way there. My feet need a nice massage but other than that im doing great.

    have completed the samsumg health avocado challenge today, so far in August ive done 201000 steps, which for me is absolutely amazing and shows how life changing walking can be. I am so proud of myself my what I am doing.
  • masterwilde
    masterwilde Posts: 34 Member
    hello again all, sorry its been a while. I am now down 36 lbs, and increased my walk to over 100 km a week doing around 18 km a day.

    Can someone guide me on, how to upload a photo so i can show a before and current.
  • mall23
    mall23 Posts: 2 Member
    That's fantastic. I'm a returner to MFP and you are inspiring me to get walking again. Keep us updated
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    hello again all, sorry its been a while. I am now down 36 lbs, and increased my walk to over 100 km a week doing around 18 km a day.

    Can someone guide me on, how to upload a photo so i can show a before and current.

    @masterwilde Congrats on your impressive success and thank you for coming back to keep us updated!

    Can you let us know how you are accessing the forums so I can answer your question on how to upload a photo? For example, if you are using a computer / web version of MFP you can just drag a picture into the reply box where you type your response and it will upload and include the photo in your post. Whereas if you are on an Android phone its not currently possible to attach an image and you will need to use the web instructions above.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Walking 20000+ steps is awesome. I get in between 11-15k on a good day. My daily goal is 11000 and I am about to go up because I get normally at least 12k per day. I do walk at home videos because it works best for me. That has been my form of exercise since I started losing weight 2 years ago. It helps me mentally as much as it does physically. My mom even started exercising after she saw the progress I was making.
  • smithy08js
    smithy08js Posts: 36 Member
    I always tell myself I'm going to walk on the treadmill after work but by the time I'm done I'm tired and just want to sit and watch tv.
    Maybe I need to start with just 10 minutes of regular walking while I watch tv. I don't have to start out running or anything.
  • masterwilde
    masterwilde Posts: 34 Member

    so as a test this is the sunset the other night over the lake that i walked.

    Mall23 - im glad your back, friend me if you want support...i love the my outdoor gym :)

    OhMsDiva - 11000 a day is great, upto to 12000 you are doing amazing, I love the fact i get clarity of my thoughts on my walks

    Smithy08js - start with 10 minutes and build from there, its great exercise that is easy on your body. You will be amazed how fast you can build up