Alcohol Free August 2017



  • aaaaxx
    aaaaxx Posts: 16 Member
    msp612 wrote: »
    Does anyone have recommendations on what to drink if not alcohol at a party? We are very social and if I don't have a glass in my hand everyone thinks there is something wrong. I am also trying to do no alcohol in August. Thinking seltzer water or Kombucha to "mimic" a cocktail.

    My sister has a trick. She orders white wine and separate sparkling water. Secretly orders 2 glasses and fills one . The wine one she leaves on a table. When shots are ordered she always accepts and silly as it sounds , when people down their shots she throws hers over her shoulder. I have never tried but she has super fast reflexes and no one ever notices as you can imagine she is amazing at networking on a drinks work night .....once people have 1 or 2 in them they stop noticing
  • PurpleLavender77
    PurpleLavender77 Posts: 201 Member
    Another book recommendation: I checked this out from the library and have been paging through it tonight. It has some really good advice in it. It's called "Take Control of Your Drinking...And You May Not Need to Quit" by Michael S. Levy.
  • PurpleLavender77
    PurpleLavender77 Posts: 201 Member
    aaaaxx wrote: »
    FredKing1 wrote: »
    aaaaxx wrote: »
    I'm gonna look for that book. The naked mind. Hope it helps. Nearly a week done and feeling great. Temptation hits every eve about 8 pm. It's gone by 10 pm. Phew. Have a party sat night in a situation where everyone will try to get me to drink. That will be a good test
    Author - Annie Grace. I have it on Kindle, there are a couple of Facebook pages and a blog. No guarantees, but it helps me to have a way to focus. I read a different book a year ago - helped but I fell off several months later. I may not be able to return to controlled, limited drinking.

    In the present, I am on day four - on track.

    Thanks so much. I'll be checking in here tomorrow night before going out to remind myself I'm not the only one choosing a healthier life and an easier life. Delighted to have found this thread and determined to complete a dry August. They say it takes only a month to break a habit so we are all doing so well so far. Best of luck everyone. Xxx

    I'm finding this thread really helpful. It's really nice to know that I am not alone. I'm glad all of you are here and are finding it helpful as well! I definitely want a healthier relationship with alcohol if I have one at all. But this month is all about getting healthy and staying alcohol free is the best way to do that for me!
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Something to think about, but I do like my vodka
  • FredKing1
    FredKing1 Posts: 98 Member
    Another day - best wishes for those with special weekend temptations.
  • PurpleLavender77
    PurpleLavender77 Posts: 201 Member
    I went to lunch with my friend today where I normally have wine. I had club soda with lime and she said nothing. she was totally supportive when I told her i was doing an alcohol free August to focus on my health and wellness this morning. I am very lucky! I did have a cheat meal at lunch, but no wine. Back on track tomorrow (foodwise). I'm still 5 for 5 on alcohol free days this month, but taking it day by day and hour by hour.
  • clsward1602
    clsward1602 Posts: 6 Member
    edited August 2017
    Start of day 4. Really struggled tonight, very tempted to go and pick up a bottle of vino, but stayed on plan. Boredom seems to be the big enemy here, need to get a hobby :smile: Good luck to all!
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Downloaded the Annie Grace book last night. This Naked Mind. Say a little prayer for me, please, and I will say one for all of you.
  • PurpleLavender77
    PurpleLavender77 Posts: 201 Member
    Start of day 4. Really struggled tonight, very tempted to go and pick up a bottle of vino, but stayed on plan. Boredom seems to be the big enemy here, need to get a hobby :smile: Good luck to all!

    I understand that feeling all too well. I think boredom is a trigger for me as well as I have a lot of ongoing stress in my life. I'm going to try to step up my workouts this month and get my steps in, so I can burn calories instead of take empty calories in via wine. BUT, a hobby is a great idea too! Finding a distraction when you are tempted is a great strategy.
  • PurpleLavender77
    PurpleLavender77 Posts: 201 Member
    mk2fit wrote: »
    Downloaded the Annie Grace book last night. This Naked Mind. Say a little prayer for me, please, and I will say one for all of you.

    Prayers sent!
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I'll support you! I've been alcohol free for all of 2017 since taking my Buddhism practice more serious (abstain from drugs or alcohol so you can stay present in the moment).
  • FredKing1
    FredKing1 Posts: 98 Member
    Another day - everyday is the first day.
  • iamkachelle
    iamkachelle Posts: 28 Member
    Count me in!!! I used to drink red wine roughly 3x a week to unwind from my day. I've been alcohol free for about 2 months but it's still a challenge (work events, social outings, etc). I've taken up yoga to help with stress and recently incorporated weight lifting. Good Luck everyone, add me if u like :):):):):)
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I have a glass once in a blue moon still -- but cutting out my daily wine habit (closer to a bottle than a glass) is the #1 reason I've hit my goals. The calories in the wine itself are one thing, but the poor choices afterwards were even more detrimental. Here to offer support.
  • Crushingit22
    Crushingit22 Posts: 70 Member
    Now you are going to far! :s:s
  • anglilacs
    anglilacs Posts: 165 Member
    Continued my alcohol-free streak this weekend! It's been 14 days for me (started in July). Hope you all had a great weekend.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Except for one slip up day I haven't had any drinks in 6 weeks. It's finally starting to get easier and when Friday night rolls around I'm not thinking of Chardonnay, but whether I'll have Diet Coke or sparkling water. It helps that my husband stopped drinking to support me. And I stopped drinking for many reasons, but one was to support my adult son in this journey.
  • fosterman007
    fosterman007 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Chris and I'd definitely join you. I have some sober time under my belt, but the nutrition thing is messing me up. Most of us (drunks, alcoholics, in recovery, etc.) miss and crave those simple sugars from alcohol and we find them in CHOCOLATE❤️, candy, ice cream, or whatever turns your head. Having people that understand this is huge! Not only for nutrition strength, but also reminding us our sobriety comes first.
  • cmorris30316
    cmorris30316 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi everybody. I'm in. I'm in a place where I am closing in on a big goal. And this would help me reach it quicker !! I'm also focusing on some health issues. So drinking needs to be cut out for that too. I find it's pretty easy on my own, I can go without. It's just the social situations!