Name your other reason for working out? (beside looking good



  • So I can increase my fitness level, decrease my body fat percentage, feel better about myself, and say that I actually DID it.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    This is my number one reason for eating healthy and working out. Mental stability. I'm the same way when I miss a day of working out.
    I suffer from depression and I admit there are days when I have to force myself to get into my workout gear. When I skip my workout my mood takes a nose dive. This sets me up for a binge fest and I end up feeling worse than I originally did. The only thing I've found that curbs my depression and anxiety is exercise. If I'm having an emotional day, I take it out on my workout.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    when i actually work out it's usually because i'm having a "i'm mad at the world and just wanna punch someone" day. when i clean, which i've been doing a lot lately, it's usually because i'm feeling down and having a clean environment makes for less stress and i get to look at what a good job i've done and that makes me feel like i'm good for something making me feel better. and i need to be able to keep up with my 19 month old.
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    I like to sweat and breathe hard and make grunting/groaning noises...that's why I love to lift! (Among other things...) :wink:
  • Mekob25
    Mekob25 Posts: 88 Member
    It helps keep my mind off all the sex I'm not having! :sad: :blushing: :tongue:
  • w.e.d.d.i.n.g...d.r.e.s.s..... :-O
  • IDoIt73
    IDoIt73 Posts: 22 Member
    To keep my mind off of other things!!!
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    I am changing my lifestyle - better planned meals and becoming more active. I don't want arthritis to set in too early and I want to hike as long as I can before dementia sets in and I get lost! LOL Also, my family appreciates me being less stressed when I get home after swimming and biking.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    I really enjoy going to the gym and meeting new people, and really gives me a natural high and more energy each day. It honestly makes me feel a lot better.
  • A lot of us dont realize the internal damage that fat and no exercise does. Our hearts are muscle and what a way to strengthen and condition it for life, that is another reason i exercise. To releave myself from the daunting daily activities n stress.
  • 2112540
    2112540 Posts: 71
    puts me in an awesome mood!
  • :love:
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I never thought I would like to work out but in fact I LOVE to work out the feeling I get when I`m finished and drenched in sweat is awesome Its such a great energy boost I look forward to my workout everyday lol seem silly but as a SAHM that is the one hour out of my day that is truely all for me and I LOVE it now that I have it
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    To prove to myself that I can do it.
    To have a reason to buy new music on iTunes to turn into playlists for the gym.
    To get in better shape so I'm not huffing and puffing when I walk around campus to get to my classes.
    Because it makes me feel bad-*kitten*. Super bad-*kitten*.
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    I need to lower my cholesterol. I'm 21 and apparently it's pretty high. It was high enough to warrant a call from my doctor & then when I told my mother about it make her worry too. So... that's a huge reason.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 49,056 Member
    Because it not only builds confidence, but being fit allows me to do things I've always liked to do. I did a fund raising flag football game for my daughter's school and was the oldest guy out there at 47. Had way more stamina, endurance and speed compared to some of the 20 something year olds out there. They couldn't believe that someone my age not only looked better, but performed much better than they did. It's worth it.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    bc It makes me feel strong, sexy and empowered! And bc I actually LOVE and enjoy working out.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Because it gives me more energy. Sounds so strange, but especially when I'm tired, I feel sooooo much better afterwards.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    Because it's the only time during the day when I get to focus 100% on me. I'm a SAHM to 2 little boys so being able to focus on me is pretty rare. I also loving being able to see results. Not getting skinnier (4 months into a plateau I've been forced to take my focus of skinny) but getting stronger. I love being able to feels (and sometimes even see) my muscles.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    stress relief, to feel good
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