What is your motivation to lose weight?



  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    congratulations on your new home! My motivation was my husband coming home from the dr's with cholesterol meds after I had to be taken off mine because it was causing joint damage. Something clicked in me, I was like that is it, we need to change our eating habits so that we can be around long enough to spoil future grandbabies and to live long enough to actually enjoy all the plans we have for our retirement years. So I guess for health reason... So we set out to be healthy and fit and 8 months into it we are doing just that!!! B)
  • TreyWebb1994
    TreyWebb1994 Posts: 7 Member
    I saw a photo of myself about 12 lbs up ago, and was disgusted. Since then push push push. Healthy is handsome, healthy is beautiful, healthy is inspiring.
  • JerryWaybright
    JerryWaybright Posts: 5 Member
    I want to be able to stand up out of a chair on my own when I'm 100 years old. This means I need to be healthy and strong. I have a desk job, and a predisposition to blood clotting fighting against me.
  • uniquesoul73
    uniquesoul73 Posts: 151 Member
    I have several motivating factors, however my health is the primary factor. Gotta get rid of the hypertension.
  • TheresaMPorto
    TheresaMPorto Posts: 3 Member
    I am determined to run all four of the Gasparilla races, 5K, 8K, 15K, & Half Marathon. Maybe not all in one weekend, but within the next few years I want to have finished all four of those races, I've already run the 5K. If I'm ever going to be able to get through a half marathon, I need to drop some pounds. I'm less concerned about the number on the scale and more concerned about my fitness level. Since they go hand in hand, I'm focusing on both.
  • queerpenix
    queerpenix Posts: 47 Member
    Depression and anxiety from leaving an abusive relationship caused me to become a lazy eating machine. Now I'd rather lean myself up and gain some muscle so it can be good weight rather than just fat.
  • sapphicgoth
    sapphicgoth Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2017
    i'm in a long distance relationship with the girl of my dreams... she already loves how i look, but we're meeting in person for the first time three months from now, and i want to look the absolute best that i can for that! i'm not displeased with how i look, but i know i looked REALLY good when i was 40lbs lighter than i am now, and i really want to knock her socks off.
  • lynn6241
    lynn6241 Posts: 15 Member
    Trying to avoid knee surgery. When the orthopedic surgeon told me that for every 1lb lost it is 4 lbs of pressure off my knees, that was like a light bulb going off over my head. I have lost and re-gained the same weight for so many years, I'm hoping this time, as it is really about my health, I can do it and keep it off. So far I've lost 46lbs of the 97 I need to lose. I'm walking without a cane, going up and down stairs without a problem, and best of all free from pain for the first time in 5 years.