Major sweet tooth

I've tried losing weight multiple times and whilst I do ok at the beginning I always fall of the wagon. My main downfall is that I can eat a filling meal but still feel hungry, I'll feel this way until I've had something sweet or chocolate and then I'll feel full.

What are the healthy alternatives to sweet things, fruit doesn't quite curb the craving and I'm fed up of stuffing my face with absolute rubbish.


  • chelllsea124
    chelllsea124 Posts: 336 Member
    I'd be interested to see what foods you're logging on a daily basis. What is a normal day for you, food wise?
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited August 2017
    Why not eat something sweet or chocolate to finish the meal?

    I finish my breakfast every day with a 50-calorie square of dark chocolate. I have a box of Junior Mints in my cabinet - each one is 10 calories - and I'll let one slowly dissolve in my mouth when I want something sweet. I have a tub of Mini Chips Ahoy - each of which is about 11 calories - and I'll have one if I want a cookie. I keep a few individually-wrapped Life Savers in my purse so that I can have one when I'm away from home and want something sweet.

    Weight loss is about consuming fewer calories than your body uses. If avoiding "rubbish" foods makes you fall off the wagon, try working them into your plan.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Have something sweet after your meal then, just keep the calories within your limit. You can eat sweets and still lose weight. Try keeping single servings and/or reduced calorie sweet treats on hand. A fun size Snickers is only 80 calories.
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    Have your dessert! I buy little individually wrapped fun size chocolates. Dollar stores tend to have a good variety.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Eat the sweets that will satisfy your cravings, just in a controlled amount. This is where going the the store and buying just a single serving will you help you out. If there's only 1 single serving of ice cream in the house that's all you can eat.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I eat 40 calorie Dove Dark Chocolate Promises or a few calories of Ovaltine in my coffee almost every day. I save 150 cals for a snack after dinner, which is sometimes chocolate ice cream. I drink chocolate flavored protein powder when I'm short my protein goal for the day. Sometimes associating guilt with a food makes it harder to resist - tell yourself there is nothing wrong with having a little chocolate (because there isn't).
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Halo top
    Protein cheesecake
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Skinny popcorn is one option. I also eat fruit or I get a pot of Greek yoghurt and mix in honey, seeds, banana and peanut butter powder. Dark chocolate is another option or a frozen yoghurt bar. Just make room for something after your dinner.
  • Afitbeginning
    Afitbeginning Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you everyone for your help, I will try and control the portion. I tend to binge on sugary food, I just can't stop x
  • katstremmel1012
    katstremmel1012 Posts: 24 Member
    I am such a sugar addict. I find that even artificial sweeteners trigger it! I am sworn off added sugar and all sweeteners for now because once I start I find that all other aspects of my diet start to fall away. I have been mostly sugar free since August of last year. I had a relapse two months ago due to caving in to a bag of marshmallows which I bought for Memorial day picnic. I re-gained about 10 lbs back from my recent weight loss, much to my despair. I have once again gotten back onto my sugar free horse. I know a lot of people can have a sugary snack every day, but I am just one of those who cannot. I do find that eating fruit with breakfast and lunch help a lot! I know there are people who will say "well that is sugar" but that kind of sugar is completely natural and comes with fiber, which helps with the absorption into the blood stream. I limit fruits to two pieces a day and eat them only with my meals. Hope that helps.
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    Thank you everyone for your help, I will try and control the portion. I tend to binge on sugary food, I just can't stop x

    Agree that the problem is figuring out how to stop. Everyone is different. If I have a wrapped up ice cream treat such as a Skinny Cow, Outshine Bar, etc., I'm good. 99% of the time I can keep a box of them in the house and not eat more than one at a time. A bag of Hershey's Kisses, York Peppermint Patties, bite-sized candy bars, even Lifesaver's Mints, are a problem for me. I cannot stop at one or two. They are like potato chips for me. Their size is too small and not enough. I end up eating 10 (or more).

    If you have serious binge problems then it is good, for awhile, to just go off of it all cold turkey and then try to ease back in.
  • jadefitnow
    jadefitnow Posts: 47 Member
    I've had the same problem my whole life- I am like CMNVA, and have to stop the addiction to stop the craving. I find that for me sitting around at night is a real problem, so I try to find something to do... the TV watching thing is really really bad for me.

    I've yo-yo'd back and forth about 10-15 lbs my whole life, and the only method that's helped me is to go cold turkey for a while too...
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    I'll have a protein bar that's covered in chocolate. Gives me my chocolate/sweet fix and great for my macros
  • aminhussain2000
    aminhussain2000 Posts: 9 Member
    Yoghurt, coco powder , bananas and peanut butter and if you have some macros to fill in add a scoop of Nutella
  • Ultio70
    Ultio70 Posts: 12 Member
    sunsweet77 wrote: »
    Have you tried stopping all sugar for two weeks? I found that 14-30 days without something makes me lose the craving.

    When I really need a sweet I like Dannon Greek yogurts, apples, etc.

    After stopping them they might taste different to you when you try them again.

    Another thing that has helped me is realizing how long it takes me to work it off.

    I went from drinking 2 to 4 littres of soda a day and whatever candy or other junk came my way to no sugar and Went from 191 to 173 in 60 days. I am also working out like a maniac and building up muscle mass so i know the fast loss is more but has been replaced by muscle. I feel completely different and I'm not going back.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yogurt? Those ones with mix ins usually help me. But I have the same problem most of the time, OP :(
  • Nykkismommy21
    Nykkismommy21 Posts: 224 Member
    I bought a Godiva chocolate bar from Kohls. Its a dark chocolate with cocoa nibs, I eat two squares a day. It says there's two servings,at 6 squares each serving for 220 calories, so I just eat two squares and i get my fix,I love chocolate and I am not about to white knuckle this when im already eating a 1200 calorie meal plan,im going to fit in something that makes me feel good!