Anyone Doing a Keto diet for weight loss?

Any tips, tricks or general advice?


  • emarty29
    emarty29 Posts: 37 Member
    Coconut oil, butter, mayo, eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese, heavy cream and brazil nuts need to become your best friends!
  • sunneechic05
    sunneechic05 Posts: 1 Member
    ^^what she said and I also eat almonds in a small quantity and any fatty cuts of meat.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    edited August 2017
    You want to be in ketosis for the ketones and their appetite suppressing effect but ketosis isn't your primary goal - weight loss is - so don't get carried away with adding copious amounts of fat to your diet.
    • The only thing you need for ketosis is carb restriction.
    • The only thing you shouldn't restrict is protein.
    • If you don't know that you should be eating 3g-5g salt on a ketogenic diet you have more reading to do!

    Here's a ranty, but helpful I think, blog post by Amy Berger that's worth reading to keep things in perspective. It's also well worth your time joining MFP's Low Carbers Daily group. Best wishes.
  • park1e
    park1e Posts: 19 Member
    Don't cheat for at least 3 weeks and don't cheat at all if you're lacking willpower.
    If you don't think you can stick to it don't start.
    Coconut oil is good to get your calories up.
    Butter makes everything taste better.
    After a few days the craving will disappear.
    Use fattier cuts of meat

  • derick337
    derick337 Posts: 67 Member
    Cut back on salt intake, eat at home and try using Mrs dash seasoning, it has no salt in it
  • park1e
    park1e Posts: 19 Member
    Yup, defo need to add salt. Also potassium and Magnesium if you're not getting enough from your food.
  • cnavas72
    cnavas72 Posts: 3 Member
    Any good potassium or magnesium supplements?
  • park1e
    park1e Posts: 19 Member
    nature made - potassium gluconate - Still need to get the majority from diet but really helps to get your numbers up.

    I just use a generic Cal-Mag-Zinc supplement for Magnesium. It's 100% RDA Magnesium
  • park1e
    park1e Posts: 19 Member
    Or use some NoSalt
  • TeethOfTheHydra
    TeethOfTheHydra Posts: 63 Member
    My advice is not related to what you eat since you're getting plenty of that. Rather, its a) find a good number of things you like that fit in your diet and that you can live with for a couple months (i.e. better make sure you don't get bored) and b) never let your supplies run low so that you aren't caught somewhere without something to eat from your plan when you want it. If you can do these things, then my advice is just coast for 1 month. You should see weight going off and feel deeply enthused to keep at it. But don't get started until these two things are in place.