PMS cravings...ladies please help!

Do you ever just want to eat a whole chocolate cake and then some while you're PMSing? That's how I feel now. How do you defeat the cravings??


  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I honestly never get PMS cravings.

    That being said, when I do get regular craving, I eat what I am craving.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I eat smaller meals and have a ton of snacks (low calorie). I find it helps and I also eat chocolate - just not all the chocolate.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Pms is coming up this weekend for me

    And I already know I will be craving some extra snacks and various goodies

    I will let myself have what I crave and move on

    Probably not an entire cake though ..a pint of ice cream ,chips and chocolate is likely tho
  • alid8333
    alid8333 Posts: 233 Member
    I don't really get cravings when I'm on a diet. But when I do I allow myself to have a little something as long as it fits within my calories for the day.

    Although I did just go to the grocery store and seen these cookies that looked amazing. 149 calories for 2 cookies = a good treat for me lol.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I usually don't get sweet cravings but I crave carbs like crazy and pretty much feel physically awful (weak, dizzy) until I give in... but it's things like pizza, sandwiches, hoagies, bread, cinnamon rolls... basically bready stuff. But if I start eating sweets I probably won't be able to stop. So I hear you.

    The only time I managed to avoid those cravings was the one month I tried to remove all sugar and flour products - just ate a lot of meat, beans, veggeggs etc. Then I tried that the next month and it didn't work at all. So who knows. I usually try to eat what I crave but in small quantities, then the symptoms go away for a bit, and try to keep busy. And exercise more. I still go over though.

    I've tried supplements and vitamin and even 'PMS tea' and whatnot and haven't found anything that worked for me.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    edited January 2017
    beth4100 wrote: »
    Do you ever just want to eat a whole chocolate cake and then some while you're PMSing? That's how I feel now. How do you defeat the cravings??
    beth4100 wrote: »
    Do you ever just want to eat a whole chocolate cake and then some while you're PMSing? That's how I feel now. How do you defeat the cravings??

    I'm awful. I give in. Go way overboard one day. Then I'm fine the next day. Thank goodness it only lasts one day. Because I do some serious eating that day. I eat at a deficit other times so it evens out.
  • soccerstar21097
    soccerstar21097 Posts: 20 Member
    Literally the same thing is going on with me right now... It can be so hard not to give into the temptations. A few tips to keep in mind is to drink plenty of water. If you start getting cravings try to drink some water. Then in 20 minutes if you still have those hunger sensations, eat something that will be more beneficial towards you, some fruit and whipped cream is my go to! Its a lot better than that chocolate cake
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    I usually find myself craving chocolate or warm foods. The warm food isn't so much a problem, and for chocolate I'll usually either buy a chocolate bar and break it up into 1 serving (or less) pieces and freeze them so I only take out one portion each day I'm craving it, or just go ahead and buy a single serving the day of. If your cycle is regular, you can also eat at a slightly larger deficit in the days or week leading up to when you know your cravings will start so you have more wiggle room with calories on the craving days.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    I try to have portion-controlled snacks ready to go - single serving bags of Cheese Its or Doritos, French bread pizza, pistachios, fun-size bags of sour patch kids. I usually feel like I need to tear up an entire family-sized bag of chips and eat a whole pizza, but I'm also lazy, so if I have something small I won't make the effort to go for more. Having little bits in the house keeps me closer to goal than a pizza delivery free-for-all or going to the store and having all the salty snacks end up in my cart.
  • jhsleboda
    jhsleboda Posts: 4 Member
    I have found it impossible to totally ignore my cravings during my time of the month. Early on in this process, I decided to not try, and instead 'embrace' my cravings. Usually, they occur in the evenings - so, during that week I will purposely 'save' calories during the day. For example - I usually take 200-300 worth of calories as snacks to have at work (so I am not tempted by cake/cookies/etc. brought by my office mates). Sometimes I will have a lighter-than-usual breakfast/lunch to save even more. By cutting out all my 'extras' during the day, I have plenty saved at night to enjoy at least 1 (if not 2) serving(s) of whatever I'm craving - whether that's 1) Doritos (the usual culprit 2) Chocolate (peanut butter cups...) or 3) ice cream. Sometimes I will buy snack packs, 100 calorie bags, or individually-wrapped chocolates (like Dove) to have in case I don't have enough calories to have a full portion of a treat (or, I will simply have the full portion and make up for it over the next week - going over your calories for one or two days will not totally sabotage your efforts).

    Also - if my cravings are really out-of-control (as in: I want to buy and eat a whole Domino's pizza or chocolate birthday cake), I will tell myself "Okay, you can have that - but you need to work out for 30minutes first." I will work out, and then usually I don't want the entire pizza or the entire cake. I will be OK with just one slice (of both :) haha)
  • AuntTM
    AuntTM Posts: 1 Member
    Love the comments that say giving in to cravings won't ruin everything. So true. Just don't give in to every craving every time! This is about progress people :) ❤️
  • hayleyrachels1990
    hayleyrachels1990 Posts: 9 Member
    I feel you!!! Going through it right now. It's ok to give in once in a while, everything in moderation am I right? Don't beat yourself down and celebrate the fact you're aware and continue on your path.
  • MamaMc3
    MamaMc3 Posts: 213 Member
    My hormones are doing crazy things this month, and my appetite is definitely up. I want to eat everything in sight. I ate at maintenance yesterday, but I am trying to push through today. Ugg, this is rough!
  • curvesfordays8907
    curvesfordays8907 Posts: 52 Member
    When I'm pmsing I give the beast what she wants! If I eat not so great 3 or so days out of the month I'm doing pretty okay. And I don't mind eating chocolate and carbs and everything in between.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    LenGray wrote: »
    I usually bump up my calories to maintenance during my ToM. My body is doing a lot of important things and fueling it is more important than a huge loss on the scale. I also try to pump up my protein intake and eat less heavy foods like fish, sushi, baked chicken salads, and hardboiled eggs. That seems to help with cramps and keep my period light. For me, light bleeding= light cravings.

    That said, some days I just go out, buy a cake, eat it all, and watch TV while crying at things that aren't sad. :tongue:

    Ya, I used to eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's a day for a few days, but found eating at maintenance (and exercising and taking magnesium) kills the cravings.
  • HarlemNY17
    HarlemNY17 Posts: 135 Member
    Are you getting protein and fiber? Are you eating healthy? I can tell you now protein and fiber has did me WONDERS . A year ago I was in a caloric deficit trying to lose weight of course and I was eating crappy foods but still maintaining my deficit . Crappy foods make it hard to not always feel hungry because as they say (empty calories) which is very true . I started intermittent fasting a month ago 15 lbs lost and I get my nutrition in lots of protein mainly and clean eating for the most part ,I never feel hungry until I wake up about 3 hours before I break my fast . BTW I recommend fiber one they have cookies and lil cake things . You don't have to cut everything out's about making better choices. Why eat that cake when you can have some sugar free jello or a trail mix. I'm just giving you a break down of how I handled situations like that
  • HarlemNY17
    HarlemNY17 Posts: 135 Member
    LenGray wrote: »
    I usually bump up my calories to maintenance during my ToM. My body is doing a lot of important things and fueling it is more important than a huge loss on the scale. I also try to pump up my protein intake and eat less heavy foods like fish, sushi, baked chicken salads, and hardboiled eggs. That seems to help with cramps and keep my period light. For me, light bleeding= light cravings.

    That said, some days I just go out, buy a cake, eat it all, and watch TV while crying at things that aren't sad. :tongue:

    Fish is great for you :) but our bodies react different to certain foods
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I eat a pint of halo top and some other high volume, lower calorie things.