Lunches at work

Having trouble figuring out what to buy/bring for lunch to work. What's everyone else doing?


  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    fruit, sandwich, baby carrots.
  • saintor1
    saintor1 Posts: 376 Member
    It is easy for me; I always eat the same.

    Pita + tofu + humus + any order you like!
    3oz of pickled beets
    And a grano bar.
  • cheers2205
    cheers2205 Posts: 15 Member
    Bagged salad as a base + toppings = lunch changes every day. So many varieties of bagged salad these days (lettuce, spinach, cabbage, kale etc.), I grab anything that looks fresh. I don't use the dressing or the toppings in the baggies. Protein: chopped chicken/egg/tuna/cooked shrimp/tempeh.
    Veggies: sky's the limit. I try to eat local so in season.
    Dressing: make own or use a particular oil-free kind available in Canada. Mix it up so it doesn't get boring.
    Legumes (beans/lentils/quinoa) & dairy: once in a while.
    I keep a big ceramic salad bowl at my desk along with a smaller plastic one with a lid in case it needs to be portable. Most days I manage to prep toppings ahead of time & just dump in bowl and stir. Sometimes I toss things in my bag in the morning and wash/chop in the kitchen at work (I also keep a paring knife, a flexible cutting board, and a peeler at the office). Makes for awesome kitchen talk.
  • ariesmom454
    ariesmom454 Posts: 3 Member
    mine varies...sometimes tuna with whole wheat low carb tortilla rolls, sometimes canned chicken...or a frozen dinner thing since I have access to a microwave, sometimes just a yogurt.
  • franklin505
    franklin505 Posts: 31 Member
    I cook 200g chicken in a pan with minimal oil and lots of spices. Add mushrooms onion and pineapple. I put 50g of the cooked chicken onto 100g of brown rice in a container, add green beans and I have a healthy lunch for under 250 calories. I make up Four at a time and freeze them.
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    Having trouble figuring out what to buy/bring for lunch to work. What's everyone else doing?

    I'm pretty sure you can get some good suggestions. How many calories are you playing with at lunch?
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 847 Member
    I like to make quesadillas or sandwich pockets with different things in them (my personal favorite right now is spiced lentils, kale, and sweet potato filled pockets) Usually, I add a piece of fruit and either yogurt or some carrot sticks on the side.

    I've also done chicken and rice bowls with various veggies and sauces, which are pretty tasty and filling. If you're looking for an 'all-in-one' type lunch, that's what I'd recommend :)
  • Dr_Fishbowl
    Dr_Fishbowl Posts: 42 Member
    First break: 2 Hard Boiled Eggs and black coffee
    Lunch: Ham Sandwich, Baby Carrots and more black coffee
    Second break: Peanutbutter crackers and *drum roll* even MORE black coffee.

    Which ever you do i recommend making it boring and simple, i tried varying it up early on but that just tended to lead to disaster.
  • Christinapwalker
    Christinapwalker Posts: 1 Member
    I bring chicken wraps, with deli chicken slices, mustard, tomato, pickle, wrapped in iceberg lettuce instead of a tortilla
  • KarenSmith2018
    KarenSmith2018 Posts: 302 Member
    spinach peppers cousous quinoa and tuna/chicken at the moment with some fruit. Also enjoy rice and a protein choice. Sometimes ill have a wrap and some fruit or soup and fruit and veggie sticks
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    edited August 2017
    I bring in a home-made sandwich (today was BBQ chicken and cheese), some salad and a yogurt (usually Quark or Skyr). For snacks, I have raw veg and dip (e.g. houmous or cottage cheese) in the morning, and in the afternoon I have a biscuit (cookie - I'm British!) or a cereal/granola bar with a cup of tea. I drink loads of tea (black and herbal) throughout the day - I find it helps to avoid boredom eating when I'm doing a dull task as it gives me something to do!
  • Aerona85
    Aerona85 Posts: 159 Member
    edited August 2017
    I usually take leftovers from the night before. If I don't have leftovers loaded baked potato, a can of soup,!leftovers frozen from prior days, or a purchased frozen meal are my backups. I try to avoid the purchased frozen meals but I figure better that than the fast food I used to resort to!
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    One of the following, huge amounts made up in advance:
    • Cold soup (kind of like gazpacho) and add a cup of plain full fat yogurt with coconut for protein
    • Chopped veggies (carrots, olives, jicama, artichoke hearts, fennel root, parsley, etc.) and top with some sort of protein like turkey, chicken, tuna, etc.
    • Boiled potato with skin and 2 HB eggs, olive oil and salt.
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    Today is grilled pesto chicken with blistered tomatoes over zoodles.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    This man has his *kitten* together, well done.

    edit: ah the kitten asterisks mystery is now solved! I was wondering what the *honk* was going on with all the *R2D2 Beep* kitten sound effects all the *Kame Ha Me Ha* time.

    Lmao... What????

    Best post ever right here

  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    Lean Cuisine, side salad (veggies only) with lite dressing, Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt.
  • KNoceros
    KNoceros Posts: 326 Member
    I often wind up eating on the go at work, usually standing as unable to leave my actual place of work. (Note: no remarks about how this is "illegal" please, it's a complex environment and me taking a sit down break would mean 6 other people would have to work late...)

    My default lunch comes in about 500 cal and consists of 1/4 bought quiche, small packet of crisps, yoghurt and a portion of fruit (usually 100g grapes).
    I take it in an insulated lunch bag and it lasts as long as I need it to without a fridge.
    The days I do think I'll get to sit down, I'll swap the quiche for two hard boiled eggs and 2-3 ryvitas (crispbread crackers about 40 cal each).
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    Leftovers from the night before. (I'm super cheap and hate to waste food)