Guttless Gutters 02/05/09

:flowerforyou: Good Morning Gutters!!! :flowerforyou:

How the heck is everyone on this sunny Thursday???

I had a decent one yesterday, stayed within my cals, drank my h2o, did 30 mins on the precor and my strength class. The scale is not moving, but I'm gaining muscle and looking more toned, so I'm okay with will happen.

What about each of you??? How was Wednesday???

:drinker: It's almost the weekend...WOOHOO!!! :drinker:


  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Gutters!!! :flowerforyou:

    How the heck is everyone on this sunny Thursday???

    I had a decent one yesterday, stayed within my cals, drank my h2o, did 30 mins on the precor and my strength class. The scale is not moving, but I'm gaining muscle and looking more toned, so I'm okay with will happen.

    What about each of you??? How was Wednesday???

    :drinker: It's almost the weekend...WOOHOO!!! :drinker:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning!

    Overall, I had a good day yesterday. I drank all of my water (felt like I was going to float away yesterday:tongue: ) and did 40 min Turbo Jam Cardio Party, Levels 2 & 3 of Biggest Loser Cardio Max (about 20 min), and then TJ 20 min Ab Jam. I had about 250 calories left for the day and then got a bad case of the munchies last night around 10pm:grumble: I gave in and had some pretzels and few chocolate chips. I was still w/in my calories, but felt guilty eating so late at night:frown:

    Hope everyone is off to a great start today!!!!
  • kstand
    kstand Posts: 15
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Gutters!!! :flowerforyou:

    How the heck is everyone on this sunny Thursday???

    I had a decent one yesterday, stayed within my cals, drank my h2o, did 30 mins on the precor and my strength class. The scale is not moving, but I'm gaining muscle and looking more toned, so I'm okay with will happen.

    What about each of you??? How was Wednesday???

    :drinker: It's almost the weekend...WOOHOO!!! :drinker:

    Glad your day went good it was one of my bad ones my birthday I went over on cals and by the time i got home I was so sleepy I couldnt have walked the block much less miles. :ohwell::yawn: But today is a new day and I am on track.:flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Woo Hoo - I am off from work today...been cleaning the house, laundry, dishes, need to eat something - I've been low for two days on calories drinking water

    did 30 day shred level 3 yesterday - I am getting better at it - I didn't shake when I was done this time. Hopefully get registered at fitness center today and start there...

    It's so cold outside-I don't like the cold weather!
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Good morning!

    Overall, I had a good day yesterday. I drank all of my water (felt like I was going to float away yesterday:tongue: ) and did 40 min Turbo Jam Cardio Party, Levels 2 & 3 of Biggest Loser Cardio Max (about 20 min), and then TJ 20 min Ab Jam. I had about 250 calories left for the day and then got a bad case of the munchies last night around 10pm:grumble: I gave in and had some pretzels and few chocolate chips. I was still w/in my calories, but felt guilty eating so late at night:frown:

    Hope everyone is off to a great start today!!!!

    Good morning! Great job yesterday on everything, and don't let that lil snack get ya down. In the long run, it's not going to make a difference. Keep up the good work!!! :drinker:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102

    Glad your day went good it was one of my bad ones my birthday I went over on cals and by the time i got home I was so sleepy I couldnt have walked the block much less miles. :ohwell::yawn: But today is a new day and I am on track.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Happy belated Birthday!!! :flowerforyou:

    You enjoyed your day and you have the right attitude starting fresh this morning!!! :drinker:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Woo Hoo - I am off from work today...been cleaning the house, laundry, dishes, need to eat something - I've been low for two days on calories drinking water

    did 30 day shred level 3 yesterday - I am getting better at it - I didn't shake when I was done this time. Hopefully get registered at fitness center today and start there...

    It's so cold outside-I don't like the cold weather!

    Hey Chrissy, woohoo on the day off work, and it sounds like you are a busy bee so far today! Great job on the level 3, and shaking is not such a bad thing, means those muscles are really working. Have fun at the fitness center...I love my Y membership. Oh, and it's suppose to warm up this weekend!!! :drinker:
    Take care and have a good one! :flowerforyou:
  • xtina11179
    I am happy to report that my fears about my weigh-in with the Dr the other day were unneccesary!! Her scale definitely doesn't match up to mine!! I am down 3 lbs since last Tuesday!! :drinker:

    I hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL Thursday!! Keep up the GREAT work!!
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    I am happy to report that my fears about my weigh-in with the Dr the other day were unneccesary!! Her scale definitely doesn't match up to mine!! I am down 3 lbs since last Tuesday!! :drinker:

    I hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL Thursday!! Keep up the GREAT work!!

    :flowerforyou: That is wonderful!!! :flowerforyou: Keep at are doing great!!! :drinker:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Good Morning!!! 11_2_104.gif

    I did ok yesterday........I went over by 60 calories......but ehhhhhh I don't care :bigsmile: :tongue: That's nothing :smokin: I drank my water, did 55 minute TaeBo Amped, 275 crunches, 55 pushups, and walked the dog a mile with my dumbbells. :drinker:

    (I can tell I've been away from the cold for a while, I had 3 layers of clothes on last night when I walked :laugh: It was 17 degrees w/out the windchill facter......I had my workout shorts on underneath my long johns, a pair of sweats over that, and a pair of flannel sleepy pants over those :laugh: :tongue: I was HAWT!!! :smokin: and then I had my sportsbra, tshirt, longjohn shirt, sweatshirt, and coat on over that :glasses: :bigsmile: I wore my fiance's hat and his gloves (I lost mine) and 2 pairs of socks on. :bigsmile: So I was nice n toasty out there in that freezing weather:drinker: )

    Tonight........I'm taking it easy.....23 minute TaeBo Turbo Charged fatblaster, walk the dog a mile with my dumbbells (fiance actually holds the leash and walks the dog....I have dumbbells to carry CrossedArms.gif so he can carry the leash:laugh: :tongue: ) And then we're watching a movie......I forgot what we've got coming to us tonight from NetFlix. While we watch the movie, I'll do some crunches, pushups, and some lifting with my weights for my biceps and triceps. All in all its actually about an hour and 20 minutes worth of work. But when I work out while watching movies, it doesn't seem so bad. The 23 minute workout is a tough one but it is short. I'll tell ya what though, he works you hard for those entire 23 minutes :drinker: :laugh: And walking the dog, well, that's kind of fun. Its about the only quality time my fiance and I get together during the week. I pretty much go home, eat, walk, workout, shower, and go to bed most nights. :smokin:

    Ok......that is all.....:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day.......and good job everyone :smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Great job are really kickin' it girl!!! :drinker:

    Enjoy the walk and movie with your hubby-to-be!!! :bigsmile:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Gutters!!! :flowerforyou:

    How the heck is everyone on this sunny Thursday???

    I had a decent one yesterday, stayed within my cals, drank my h2o, did 30 mins on the precor and my strength class. The scale is not moving, but I'm gaining muscle and looking more toned, so I'm okay with will happen.

    What about each of you??? How was Wednesday???

    :drinker: It's almost the weekend...WOOHOO!!! :drinker:

    Glad your day went good it was one of my bad ones my birthday I went over on cals and by the time i got home I was so sleepy I couldnt have walked the block much less miles. :ohwell::yawn: But today is a new day and I am on track.:flowerforyou:

    Happy Belated Birthday!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    I am happy to report that my fears about my weigh-in with the Dr the other day were unneccesary!! Her scale definitely doesn't match up to mine!! I am down 3 lbs since last Tuesday!! :drinker:

    I hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL Thursday!! Keep up the GREAT work!!

    That is awesome...keep up the good work!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Gutters!!! :flowerforyou:

    How the heck is everyone on this sunny Thursday???

    I had a decent one yesterday, stayed within my cals, drank my h2o, did 30 mins on the precor and my strength class. The scale is not moving, but I'm gaining muscle and looking more toned, so I'm okay with will happen.

    What about each of you??? How was Wednesday???

    :drinker: It's almost the weekend...WOOHOO!!! :drinker:

    I LOVE your attitude! I feel the same way...the scale may not be moving much, but my endurance is so much higher, I'm feeling better, sleeping better at night, etc Like you body is much more toned and that is great! Thanks for keeping me are a great source of inspiration!!!:flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    WTG on a great day yesterday, Cheryl! You are doing awesome! I was beginning to wonder how you walk the dog and carry the I know:wink: Then again I figured you could pull it off some way. This is coming from the woman who can push a double stroller, pull a bike behind her, and carry a 4 year old though:huh: Talk about a site:noway: I'm dying thinking about your getup yesterday!

    Enjoy your movie tonight:smile:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102

    I LOVE your attitude! I feel the same way...the scale may not be moving much, but my endurance is so much higher, I'm feeling better, sleeping better at night, etc Like you body is much more toned and that is great! Thanks for keeping me are a great source of inspiration!!!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you so much for your kind words :flowerforyou: This challenge has really made a big difference to my is worthy being accountable to all of you, and it is rewarding to share in each other's successes, and motivating when the day has gone bad. I am feeling the healthy emotional benefits from this as well as the physical.

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    WTG on a great day yesterday, Cheryl! You are doing awesome! I was beginning to wonder how you walk the dog and carry the I know:wink: Then again I figured you could pull it off some way. This is coming from the woman who can push a double stroller, pull a bike behind her, and carry a 4 year old though:huh: Talk about a site:noway: I'm dying thinking about your getup yesterday!

    Enjoy your movie tonight:smile:


    Maybe I should use the getup we used to use at Grandma's :bigsmile: :laugh:


    One certain picture comes to mind and it involves pantyhose over our arms and I think face too???snickeringg.gif
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Gutters!!! :flowerforyou:

    How the heck is everyone on this sunny Thursday???

    I had a decent one yesterday, stayed within my cals, drank my h2o, did 30 mins on the precor and my strength class. The scale is not moving, but I'm gaining muscle and looking more toned, so I'm okay with will happen.

    What about each of you??? How was Wednesday???

    :drinker: It's almost the weekend...WOOHOO!!! :drinker:

    I LOVE your attitude! I feel the same way...the scale may not be moving much, but my endurance is so much higher, I'm feeling better, sleeping better at night, etc Like you body is much more toned and that is great! Thanks for keeping me are a great source of inspiration!!!:flowerforyou:

    Great job to both of you!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Everybody else......keep it up!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Sorry lunch is almost over so I had to shorten it up and not respond to all individually....I must go hide and get some peace and quiet for my 30 minutes left ninja.gif

    :bigsmile: :laugh: :tongue:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    WTG on a great day yesterday, Cheryl! You are doing awesome! I was beginning to wonder how you walk the dog and carry the I know:wink: Then again I figured you could pull it off some way. This is coming from the woman who can push a double stroller, pull a bike behind her, and carry a 4 year old though:huh: Talk about a site:noway: I'm dying thinking about your getup yesterday!

    Enjoy your movie tonight:smile:


    Maybe I should use the getup we used to use at Grandma's :bigsmile: :laugh:


    One certain picture comes to mind and it involves pantyhose over our arms and I think face too???snickeringg.gif

    Oh, dear! I do recall that picture! The good old days of dressing up in Grandma's clothes!