I'm ready for your advice.

My lifestyle has been all over the place and is now finally settling down into a routine where I can focus on my diet and nutrition. I've been so busy and so tired for so long I fell into the cycle of "I deserve to eat whatever I want" and in that time I ran up the weight to 190 at 5'2. People say I carry it well and they'd never guess but I'm disgusted with myself (mostly how I feel in energy levels and health).

I've been pescatarian for a little over a year. And I realized in doing in average day of my food was consuming 3,000-7,000 calories a day. I love food. It's my reward. It's my comfort.

I've put myself on a 1200 a day diet, which I can mostly stick to. My bad days I land around 1450 which is still low so I don't beat myself up. I'm drinking lots more water, and I've added green tea to my daily beverages.

I'm eating mostly heavy vegetable, eggs, tuna, avocados, lots of beans....

My questions is what am I missing? What tips do you have that I can add to this? I don't have a lot of time for exercise but when I do we go hiking or swimming. Just not everyday.

Thanks in advance!


  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 404 Member
    edited August 2017
    As a Pescatarean your food choices are wide and varied.
    This is a high protein, fibre and calcium rich eating plan. I do suggest you google eating plans and do some research into what food choices are available.

    As a Pescaterean myself, my iron and cholesterol levels have never been better. Choose your macros wisely and take in a nutritious caloric intake that suits your body.

    Talk to your doctor or dietitian if you need to make a more informed choice.
  • RT342
    RT342 Posts: 9 Member
    Loving all the advice so far! I should note, I don't feel deprived on 1200. I eat tons, just becoming more aware of healthier options rather than eating half a pizza for lunch and the other half for dinner. Lol. I definitely don't let myself go hungry. I'll keep in mind 1400-1600 isn't horrible if I eat more on days I feel I need it.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    My tips are do whatever diet is sustainable long term you don't need to flog/punish yourself especially since you'll be doing this for months, if thats 1200-1450 thats fine but don't beat yourself up over days you do more as long as you're in a deficit all good, I tend to go for a weekly deficit to put daily deficits (and sometimes going over maintenance) into perspective. This works for me, some people prefer to work strictly with daily deficits, some people do intermittent fasting, whatever fits best in your lifestyle.

    Try to hit your protein goal you'll retain more muscle when losing and people tend to be more sated, same with complex carbs over refined processed food. Many people say a calorie is a calorie which is true to some extent but I think nutritious food does keep you fuller longer as your body has to work harder to digest it and absorb the calories. (Not that I avoid icecream or cut out anything I just try to reduce my junk intake as a percentage of my overall intake)

    Also some resistance training even just using your own body weight with pushups, squats, sit ups etc is great for retaining some muscle so you lose as little as possible whilst trying to only lose fat. I have also noticed that doing some strength training has made me lose alot of inches compared to when I just did cardio for my wedding diet, I hit my wedding dress measurements 10 pounds earlier just by doing a couple of HIIT bootcamps a week compared to when I did Zumba twice a week for my wedding.

    Another tip is it's okay to take a diet break and go on maintenance (or a bit over) every so often, I usually do this if I'm going away on holiday, just get back on it after you get back.

    And obviously the main one is using food scales, using a tape measure and if you weigh daily or even weekly you need to look at your loss month by month to get a decent idea of progress since water weight is so unpredictable. Also log every day even if you've had a bad day or you have to guess restaurant food and have tripled your maintenance calories that day, the more info you have the better, it will help you identify pitfalls in the future and make better choices.

    These are just my personal tips that have worked for me, I hope that's helpful. good luck x
  • klazenby1
    klazenby1 Posts: 4 Member
    May I ask what is "wrong" with 1200 calories per day for weight loss? I sort of chose that number at random and have been losing 1.5 to 2 lbs per week over a three month period (total of 21 lbs so far). I am not hungry and my diet is balanced and comprises excellent fresh, high quality food. Nothing boxed, no restaurant meals, I'm making my own salad dressing, etc. Should I have started with more calories?
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    I'm a 5"1 pescetarian, been back at mfp properly for 3 weeks and I'm already 2.5lbs down. It sounds like you already have it sussed and you should lose if you carry on as you are. My daily intake is also set to 1200 which I find very easy to stick to without feeling deprived, so if you're comfortable with this number then keep at it :smile: I know some users find 1200 to be a scary number but it is certainly doable if you eat back your exercise calories.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2017
    klazenby1 wrote: »
    May I ask what is "wrong" with 1200 calories per day for weight loss? I sort of chose that number at random and have been losing 1.5 to 2 lbs per week over a three month period (total of 21 lbs so far). I am not hungry and my diet is balanced and comprises excellent fresh, high quality food. Nothing boxed, no restaurant meals, I'm making my own salad dressing, etc. Should I have started with more calories?

    There's nothing wrong with it per se, just that a lot of people who start off with really big deficits right out of the gate end up giving up and/or regaining because they eventually find their diet to be unsustainable for a number of reasons: they come to associate "eating healthy" with deprivation and being unhappy, they're cutting whole food groups out of their diet (unnecessarily!) and end up binging on bread or sweets or whatever, or they've been overestimating their intake the whole time (but don't realize it because they're losing weight) and run into the plateau problem I mention above that can lead to being really discouraged.
  • klazenby1
    klazenby1 Posts: 4 Member
    That makes sense, thank you Mega. I'm weighing most things on a digital scale still, especially meats, and am only eating one particular type of bakery bread made with sunflower seeds (just one slice per day). So far I haven't craved sweets because I am able to eat delicious watermelon, cherries and other sweet fruits. I have a very sedentary job so I am not adding exercise right at the moment. When I get into that routine I know I'll have to add some calories.

    Sorry to the OP for the highjack! I am new to this forum and a little lost in all the possible areas to post.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    klazenby1 wrote: »
    That makes sense, thank you Mega. I'm weighing most things on a digital scale still, especially meats, and am only eating one particular type of bakery bread made with sunflower seeds (just one slice per day). So far I haven't craved sweets because I am able to eat delicious watermelon, cherries and other sweet fruits. I have a very sedentary job so I am not adding exercise right at the moment. When I get into that routine I know I'll have to add some calories.

    Sorry to the OP for the highjack! I am new to this forum and a little lost in all the possible areas to post.

    I have been living on cherries and watermelon all summer. So good! Also, welcome to the forums!
  • klazenby1
    klazenby1 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you!
  • RT342
    RT342 Posts: 9 Member
    So my apologies if this is totally off base or comes across at all insulting (because I certainly don't mean it that way), but since you did ask for advice, I am a little bit skeptical that you've jumped from 3000+ to 1200 calories a day without feeling deprived. I'm also 5'2", started losing this January at 208 lbs and am now about 188 lbs. I have not gone below an average weekly 1900 calories during that time and have generally been closer to the 2100-2400 range. I might range between 1100-3500 on a daily basis, but I can't imagine staying at the low end of that for more than a day or two without really feeling it. I've been on a personal reset week (i.e. no eating out) averaging around 1500 since Sunday, and I can tell the difference between this and 2000 for sure!

    In any case (and please do ignore me if I'm off base), I would track your rate of loss over time - at 1200 calories you'd probably be looking at 2-3 lbs a week, and I have a suspicion you're probably averaging closer to 1500-1700. Which is totally fine and not a big deal, but if you're not logging accurately now, you will get hit with a "plateau" when you get to a lower weight and not understand why. So keep up with what you're doing, but make sure that you are logging everything, weighing everything with a food scale except liquids (measuring cup for those), and not overestimating your exercise.

    What I'm realizing is that I chose convenient high calorie foods over healthy options. I still eat a lot and fill full but I am taking the time now to actually prep my meals. Also drinking lots of water where I wasn't before. I'm a firm believer I ate even when I wasn't hungry just because the food was either in front of me or I didn't want to miss out.

    I really appreciate your feed back though. I'm see I should invest in a food scale? Is that a super necessity or maybe when I get further into the diet (read: lifestyle).