Beautiful Behaviors -- August 2017



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    learning new piano songs in the key of G. It's a challenge, but that's how you learn.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Today was quite overwhelming. I had a surprise inspector today so I had to juggle my other work while checking in and discussing our progress with her today. It all went well in the end, but I was not expecting her on a busy day such as today. They always manage to getcha at the best time don't they?

    I'm also officially signed up for paralegal school! I've got my schedule FINALLY. I get interesting classes like civil litigation right away!

    I'm also planning on relaxing this week and eating a few more treats that fit my calories.

    Strong start to the week for everyone, I hope!
  • kathskelly53
    kathskelly53 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi I'm Kath from the uk looking to lose 30lbs, and really need to learn to put me first once in a while, have started to learn to play the piano, so that's my me time
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Nice to meet you two! @sjb050 @kathskelly53
    Cooking at home is a great way to cut calories stephanie! My family and I try to make veggies a focus of our home cooked meals. It makes them filling and low calorie! (we <3 cauliflower!)

    And Kath piano is so fun! My sister is a piano teacher and just had a recital this past week. It is a wonderful skill to learn and watch! When I was learning to play piano I played out of a book called 'bean bag zoo' by catherine rollins. The songs aren't hard and are super cute! Really helped me with my note reading.

    This week I have hopped on the elliptical or exercised after work almost every day! Even though I don't eat lunch till 3 pm sometimes, I strangely still feel like I have more energy for the rest of the evening when I get a session in right after work. I plan to clean and organize my kitchen tonight. Tommorow is my day off so I'm going to do some shopping! I'm going to encourage my beautiful behaviour of lifting weights at home by buying some 10lb dumbbells. I'm also going to grocery shop FINALLY! It's been two weeks since I've gotten to go because we had some financial oopsies lately (paid an extra bill too early - so there could be worse problems lol). It's been good though because we have 'eaten down' what we have here at home. The cupboard and fridge are empty and ready for me to fill it with healthy food! Hopefully making these healthy options available to the rest of my family and myself will encourage more good choices.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Hello everyone!!! I have been reading but not posting. We have posters from U K and Australia. Woooo! Way to go, Beautiful Behavior People!!!

    Today, I did stuff for my mom. On one hand, I was giving, but it was good for my heart to have her hold my hand while she navigated the bumpy pathway to the car... I took her dog to the vet and he got three shots and a blood sample was taken. Ouch. So I drove through a fast food restaurant on the way home and ordered a single hamburger patty. He forgot the shots.

    @katadx - paralegal school is great. There's a good career in that field. Congratulations!

    @kathskelly53 - love it! Piano will definitely add a little color and music to your life! Way to go!

    @sjb050 - That's so exciting! I am all about keeping the whole family healthy! Yeah.

    @gothchiq - Yay! Another pianist! Wooo. I love music.

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    get naked and work it off?
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @cindyseagle ... AGREE!!! I feel a meme making event coming on again.

    "I am finally looking for ways to make me happy..not in a selfish way but in a renewal of soul and spirit way.". Yep.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    get naked and work it off?

    I'm laughing. If it was me getting naked... Every one else would be running in the other direction!
  • kathskelly53
    kathskelly53 Posts: 119 Member
    Today sorted out the linen cupboard, never realised had so much stuff hiding at the back kept me busy for ages. Now piano practise.
  • lifestyle70
    lifestyle70 Posts: 126 Member
    Hello everyone, Chris here from Washington State. I love the idea of this thread! My goals are to keep things simple: find a way to keep moving doing things I enjoy (playing basketball, 2-3 mile runs where I spend time reflecting, etc.), make good food choices (no diets, not avoiding, limit overeating, etc.) and find joy in the day-to-day, minute-to-minute experiences. My hope is to create daily habits around eating, sleeping, exercise to provide the energy to make each day count! (and that even includes the lazy days when motivation is low - I am ok with that too!)
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @kathskelly53 - I love the linen closet idea. I did that about 3 months ago, and it still is pleasing! Enjoy your music!

    @lifestyle70 hi Chris! What a great goal! Self care is not always about the numbers
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @aleahurst i love that!

    hi, everyone. i've been reading but not posting. i'm struggling terribly. it seems like i just can't keep my motivation up for more than a few days at a time. today i go food shopping and i'll buy only healthy foods, and i'll be great for a while. then something clicks and turns off and i fall off the wagon. it's been this way all my life, and that's why i started this thread. i'm tired of being angry and upset with myself.

    yesterday i had a lovely time with three of my girlfriends. we took an art class and then went to a healthy lunch. i had a delicious salad. i need more of this kind of social activity to keep me happy and motivated. i haven't been feeling well for so long that i kind of became a hermit. no more of that! we vowed yesterday to have more of these kind of outings. i'm usually the instigator, and nobody else took the ball and ran with it while i was feeling poorly. i'm definitely motivated to become social director again, and we're planning to go to a wine festival next month.

    i hope you all have a beautiful sunday full of gorgeous behaviors!

    feel well,
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    This week I have a seminar for work! (can you imagine people sitting and talking about nothing but bread all day? That's what it'll be and It'll be fascinating... lol) Crossing my fingers for some samples of new kinds! I've also made plans to go out with one of my friends for dinner before she goes away to college again! I think we're going to go to panera. It's delicious and has plenty of healthy options!

    Tonight my family and I are hosting a party for my dad's department. We were at the grocery store until 11 pm last night deciding what to get so we wouldn't need to face the sunday grocery store traffic. I suggested a baked potato bar, and he thought it was a great idea! (I'm looking forward to the leftovers too- I'm a sucker for baked potatoes piled high!)

    Going to try and lift weights more this week, and make sure I hit my calorie goals!

    I hope your Sundays are refreshing!!
  • lifestyle70
    lifestyle70 Posts: 126 Member
    Productive Sunday today! Managed some work around the house and outside. I spent this evening planning out the week. Scheduled my exercise (type, day and time). I am also making integrating some mindfulness exercises into my week a focus. Looking forward to trying some new things and working towards the goals I have set.

    Have a wonderful week!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited August 2017

    The following is a blog entry from Good stuff. My most difficult task is that of creating boundaries. Maybe a time limit on internet use would be a suitable boundary????!!! Idk.

    1. Take a walk. Don’t measure your speed or distance, just walk and connect with the outdoors, and with your heart and soul.

    2. Call someone who makes you smile. Even if you haven’t talked for awhile, call someone who you enjoy connecting with, someone who lifts you up when you hear their voice.

    3. Send a care package. Put a small package of goodies together for someone. Often thinking about someone else is the perfect way to get out of your head and back on track.

    4. Change your measuring system. If you are overwhelmed with busyness or to-dos and tend to measure your day or your worth by how much you get done, try measuring more by what’s in your heart and less by what’s on your list.

    5. Create boundaries. When we create boundaries around things that distract us from what matters, our engagement in things we care about becomes boundless.

    6. Simplify. When you are overwhelmed, stressed, or tired, the solution is almost always … less. Get rid of something, lots of somethings.

    7. Be inspired. Find books, blogs, and other sources of inspiration to help you get back on track. If simplifying is part of getting back on track, you’ll find great inspiration in Minimalism: A Documentary about the Important Things.

    If it’s time for you to get back on track, don’t waste time beating yourself up for falling off in the first place. It happens to all of us. Instead, stand up, dust yourself off, and choose one simple way to get back on track. You’ve got this.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hello ladies! I know I have been missing...very busy time for me at work and will be until about April or May. I guess I have never really intruded myself...I am Kristene from southern Indiana. I am back at it again. Started a new running program. Lifting is a struggle right now. Just trying to get some kind of routine going with cardio and strength. Eating well that is where I always struggle. My husband and I are thinking about a cruise in Jan to Cancun so really want to shed some weight. Trying to get my mind set for it. Eating is always the problem. Oh well back to work. My beautiful behavior for today...take the day off from working out and spend the night cuddling with my hubby.