My new journey!

Hi everyone,
I took on a weight loss challenge at work in hopes of finding my inner motivation again to be healthy. I'm at my heaviest weight ever, and I'm not happy about that. Need the encouragement! I'm ready to give it another try!


  • iilove
    iilove Posts: 8 Member
    Start small & don't get discouraged when you mess up. You just start again the next day or with the next meal.
  • iilove
    iilove Posts: 8 Member
    Oh, also eat off a appetizer plate. That helps me with portions
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Log your meals and take it one day at a time
  • Kacie001
    Kacie001 Posts: 5 Member
    Greetings! Carolsatcher, we have something in common. I, too, am the heaviest I have ever been. I started watching what and how much I eat about a month ago. I decided to use this website because I've used one similar years ago and loved the convenience of it. So, here I am, like you, beginning this new weight loss journey once again. As I am in my early fifties, I am more and more conscientious of how what we eat and how much exercise we get makes a difference in our total body health and overall peace of mind. It is comforting to have a community support system as I have already found the comments most encouraging. I am praying this challenge will be a fun and successful adventure for all of us.
  • carolsatcher
    carolsatcher Posts: 2 Member
  • vilaura
    vilaura Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck to you carolsatcher, you can do it. I am also beginning my weight loss journey and know I can do it and so can you! I am 11 days in and find it so helpful to keep track of what I'm eating and weighing and measuring everything that goes in my mouth. Show those people at work how awesome you are and win that challenge!
  • MKT2018GG
    MKT2018GG Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Carolsatcher, in a similar boat, feel free to add as friend.