
I have hit a wall and am really struggling to stay on track. I have been having horrible anxiety attacks and massive calorie binges. I could really use some words of encouragement. Sorry to ask. How do you all cope when you break down?


  • freedomgirl
    Instead of eating, because I have done/do the same thing, try going for a walk or getting on the treadmill. You will feel 10 times better. Or you call a trusted friend and talk about what is bothering you!
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    Hey girl! Good for you for reaching out! I too have been struggling and came here to find some inspiration. Knowing I am not alone is a huge help!

    I go through phases where I do really well and super motivated.... then out of nowhere, something changes and I get completely out of control for a while.

    Here is what I am doing:
    I am realizing that YES>>. I have much improvment to make to control the binges and phases of bad habits.
    BUT.... I am also thankful that I have now learned that I do not have to continue this until all my weight is back on + more.
    I know that each day, each hour I can start fresh and reverse the trend.

    Today is a brand new day! So far I have already messed up with a piece of ghiradelli chocolate, lots of coffee, and no water yet.
    I have a choice to spend the rest of my day healthy.

    I have come here to find the inspiration I need to help snap out of it and change my mindset.

    We are all in this together and WE CAN DO THIS> One hour, One day, at a time


    THANKS for being an inspiration by helping us realize we are not alone and we all have these struggles.... THE KEY>>>>How long will we let the struggle take hold on our lives? Lets FORCE ourselves out of it today.

    Drink lots of water!!!!! THAts my baby step today :)
  • MeredithRN
    MeredithRN Posts: 119 Member
    I try to go to sleep! If I am up all night or sitting there stressing- I eat. If I try to go to sleep- I am at least in bed trying to convince myself to sleep.

    Don't give up! I have left this site a few times before because I was so sure I would never get to my goal. If this helps you- don't focus too much on your goal. Focus on your decisions. Take it one day at a time- if your having a bad day and can't even handle a day- go for one decision at a time. Log your food. Be honest- the only person you're hurting is yourself by not utilizing the site and giving up!

    I hope everything goes well for you and that things start to calm down. Just hang in there for YOU!
  • mydogkeebie
    Same here, I end up binging on huge amounts of carbs, for example at the movies, even if I ate beforehand to make me not hungry, if I had a bad day that day, I end up eating an entire medium size buttery popcorn. Same with pizza, I will tell myself "only one piece and a salad!" but if I am stressed out, I end up eating like 6 pieces of pizza. As a result, I have gained weight back that I have already lost. Today is a new day though, and today I am starting over! And when you have your stress binges, all you can say is tomorrow is a new day, and you can start over!
    What I am going to try to do is when I am stressed or something and want to binge on tons of carbs, I will drink water instead. Or walk my dog. Or practice the piano or cello. Or journal! :) So maybe you could try similar things too :)
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    it's hard, when you're an emotional binger. the thing about weight loss, is i think you get dissapointed and discouraged easily, judging by your statuses. it's important not to get down on yourself for a mistake, or if you haven't quite lost the weight you had hoped you'd lost, or when/if you gain a couple of pounds. sometimes things get hard, and don't go as planned, but it's important not to beat yourself up over these things. were human and it's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to mess up, it's okay to have an off period, just don't let yourself get down about things. you have to keep telling yourself that it's no big deal, that it's fine and you'll simply get back on the horse. if you convince yourself it's as simple as that, it will be. it takes a while, to develop new habbits. and even after we have we can still slip back a little, but it happens, and it gets easier. you can't change the things that happen, you can't go back and correct slip ups, all you can do is move forward and not dwell on the past. you ahve to keep telling yourself that it's in the past. it no longer matters. all that matters is what you do next. i used to have a really bad binging problem, most of my life, since i was 8 years old. i conquered it about a year ago. i haven't binged like that since. i've been forcingggg myself to transfer that addiction, because it is an addiction like any other. it took me about 3, 4 months before i stopped hating exercise, and it didn't take long after that before i began to turn to it for a pick me up. I try to go for walks or exercise when i feel down, or angry, or bored, anything to prevent me from giving into that binge. eventually, this became the new addiction. however, an addiction signifies a deeper problem and transferring it isn't quite enough, the most effective thing i did, was learning not to hate myself, learning not to let myself fall into a depression everytime i ate too much, everytime i looked in the mirror, everytime i saw a picture of me, everytime something didn't go right, everytime i gained a pound, because things like that would lead to binge attacks which would lead to more weight gain and more depression. it's a vicious cycle, and learning to take it easy on yourself, is probably the hardest part, but the most effective solution. you can conquer this, you have all the power and strength you need, you just have to find it. you can do this!
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    I try to go to sleep! If I am up all night or sitting there stressing- I eat. If I try to go to sleep- I am at least in bed trying to convince myself to sleep.

    Don't give up! I have left this site a few times before because I was so sure I would never get to my goal. If this helps you- don't focus too much on your goal. Focus on your decisions. Take it one day at a time- if your having a bad day and can't even handle a day- go for one decision at a time. Log your food. Be honest- the only person you're hurting is yourself by not utilizing the site and giving up!

    I hope everything goes well for you and that things start to calm down. Just hang in there for YOU!

    Also, what she said. Lack of sleeeeeeeeeeep makes everything worse. It makes it harder to lose weight, it makes you hungrier (because your body is looking for energy if it's not sleeping when it's supposed to be sleeping), and if you eat you stay up longer, and lack of sleep/too much sleep leads to depression, which leads to binges. I know you're an insomniac, it takes me 2, 3 hours of laying in bed sometimes to actually fall asleep. But you're gonna fall asleep MUCH faster if you force yourself to lay in bed, in the dark. Don't give into the urge to snack or stay up on the computer! I know it's almost pain-staking lol but after a while it gets easier and your sleep schedule starts to mend itself and you start to feel better, and healthier, and happier. =)