Weight loss buddy wanted

Avsgirly Posts: 31 Member
Hey- I'm looking for a serious weight loss buddy. Looking to lose 30 lbs and get into the onederlands by the end of the year. Looking for someone who's in approx the same boat. Anyone interested?


  • mellyboobear
    mellyboobear Posts: 117 Member
    Hey girl!

    My name is Mells :) I am at my last 40 lbs! :) I would love to do this with you!
  • Avsgirly
    Avsgirly Posts: 31 Member
    Hey Mells! Sounds great ! The more support the better!
  • MikeSUGA1
    MikeSUGA1 Posts: 11 Member
    I need to loose 40 myself! This app helps a lot! Let's do this!! My goal is to be at 180.
  • Calisammy22
    Calisammy22 Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Samantha. Im always down for some friends to help modivate eachother. Feel free to add me.
  • mgiger
    mgiger Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying to lose 40lbs which would just put me under 200. Can I join you guys?
  • LizzieMay
    LizzieMay Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! I'm looking to lose 40lb too! It would be great to support each other!
  • HopeForTheFuture17
    HopeForTheFuture17 Posts: 28 Member
    I am looking to lose 58lb.Feel free to add me.The more the merryier. ❤☺
  • Avsgirly
    Avsgirly Posts: 31 Member
    Hey everyone! How's everyone doing this week so far? Any successes? I'm weighing in on Friday... doing the biggest loser challenge so that's my day.
  • san814
    san814 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm new and saw your post about adding friends. I'm 167 and looking to get down to 125. I started at 175 a week 1/2 ago. Not sure how all this works
  • Bradley_J84
    Bradley_J84 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm on my last 40 lbs and I will get it by the end of the year. Already down 90 this year
  • Same here, 30lbs to go :)
  • carlimalexander
    carlimalexander Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here and trying to loose 30lbs. I would love to join you on this journey too!!!
  • zennil2
    zennil2 Posts: 97 Member
    I am also looking to lose 30lbs, it is always a fight :( Feel free to add me!!
  • ericaknight1995
    ericaknight1995 Posts: 505 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me as well. B)
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    Hey! 20lbs-25lbs to go, I will see what I look like when I reach the 20 and decide from there ;)
    Feel free to add me! Always looking for more friends
  • brett8322
    brett8322 Posts: 5 Member
    I've lost 16 got 35 to go. Started this on July 25th.
  • chandankinger2017
    chandankinger2017 Posts: 5 Member
    Just created MFP account few hours ago and i have no friends here kindly send me request plzz really need motivation to loose weight