That time of the month craving

hello my fellow weight loss devotees :) This is obviously directed to the ladies but any men who have tips from a girl or would like to help a girl out are welcome to join in my quest...

MY quest for that High-fat-McDs fillet-snickers bar-pint of ice cream craving that many of us ladies get when it's that rotten time of the month (or 3 or 6 depending on your BC lol)

Now I rarely want anything sweet because I don't really like chocolate or candy but when that time comes around (every 3 for me) I want Nestle Crunch bars like they're going out of style and lo and behold when I was at Vons earlier they had buy 2 get 2 free, so OF COURSE my stupid self bought 4. And now they are sitting on the counter looking at me like "what, are you just going to leave me in the freezer like all that poor xmas candy you forgot about" LMAO

So...not necessarily chocolate but ways to beat all those lady cravings are most appreciated, and recipes of course :) I have all these delicious family bar recipes that are calling to me but I am staying away from the oven until I have a lower calorie substitution :)

Oh and adds are welcome of course!


  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84
    make a deal with yourself that yourself that if you eat half a candy bar you do 20 if you eat all of them it's only 80 sit-ups, which isn't much and you could always do them tomorrow :wink:
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    A lot of you ladies seem to have chocolate cravings at that TOM as does my wife. Actually she ONLY eats it then. I say there is a reason your bodies make you crave it. With that being said, my opinion is eat your chocolate but don't go too crazy with it! :wink:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Maybe PLAN to let yourself have that chocolate - a crunch bar is what, 250 calories? when you ahve a craving, break one in half and eat it.

    Then if you get another craving that day, eat the other half.

    its only 250 calories - if you are eating a 500 calorie deficit daily, you will still be on track to lose half a pound that week. (I just looked it up, its 220, so even better).

    Ditto for anything else you crave - just plan for it, tell yourself "ok I'm going to have this salad for lunch so that if I get a craving for a mcdonalds sandwich I can have one for dinner" (or vice versa) and make some substitutions that will work for you - don't get mayo or cheese for example, or if you are craving fries think about whether or not oven baked fries at home would work (spray em with oil of course, but still better than takeout fries).

    I find that 'healthier' or 'low cal' splurges don't really cut it for me, I just end up wanting to eat twice as much because its not REALLY what I want to eat.
  • GretaJane
    GretaJane Posts: 64 Member
    I hear you, sister! For chocolate cravings I go for the Special K high fibre bars - they are so tasty and only 90 cals, also good for 4pm sugar cravings at work. Other great comforting foods would have to be any kind of soup, green tea with a hint of honey, any kind of baked fish (even some of the breaded kinds can be under 250 cals) and maybe some frozen yoghurt or a blueberry smoothie?

    Exercise will help you feel better around that time of the month, too, even though you might just want to curl up. Try a short, brisk walk, cycling or swimming, even for just 20-30 minutes. Will help ease cramps and back pain.

    Something else to think about is why you crave food, and maybe do something else to relax yourself instead. Light some candles and read a book or give yourself a mini mani-pedi! Might make you feel better, too!
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    Normally I don't like chocolate, but when it's my TOM, I always crave it. I usually get Dove Dark Chocolates and allow myself to have two or three pieces. Dark chocolate is actually good for you, so it satisfies the craving and I don't feel guilty about it. :smile:
  • MollyYao
    MollyYao Posts: 12
    Well I was going to suggest putting them in the freezer but you already know that trick! I always break them up into small pieces and freeze and only take out one piece at a time. By the time it thaws out I usually have forgotten that I want it.
    I am with you on the great family recipes. I have so many here that I want to make but am afraid I will eat the entire lot myself.
    Good luck and if you find a great solution be sure to share it with the rest of us monthy chocolate cravings.
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    In the same boat.. i broke down and had a third of a skor bar earlier... but i just want to eat... lots. I did get out and get some exercise for some more, but still hungry. trying to foil it with water and crystal light til i go to sleep though. Tomorrow I'll probably have some yogurt and throw some cocoa in it to try and get rid of the chocolate craving. Good luck!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i usually like i try to stick with dark chocolate. but this month i gave in to my over whelming craving for cherry turnovers from the grocery store...yum..i had 3 good thing i still stayed in my calorie limit.
  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    Ohhh I feel your pain!

    Are you getting enough iron in your diet? I find I have far fewer cravings during my TOTM if I'm keeping an eye on this - a multivit with iron (taken with orange juice for good rates of absorption) can do wonders for keeping cravings down. Our stores can get very depleated each month - cravings are just our bodies crying out for a little extra nutritional love :)

    If I really really want a chocolate hit then I go for one of the low cal, low fat hot chocolate mixes - I like Options best (the coconut and chocolate mix tastes just like a melted Bounty bar!) A few squares oh high cocoa content dark chocolate are good too (I just have to be careful to hide the rest of the bar!!)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I always crave chocolate anyway, but when TOM is visiting it's like twice as bad... so is all the cravings for the fatty/fried food that I want to eat!

    i just let myself eat the chocolate but then make sure that I have a workout scheduled or at least go take a long walk around my neighborhood, so that it balances out.
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I feel your pain ( no pun intended). I eat well (lean meats, vegetables,fruits, fish, chicken breast, etc) up until my period. Three days before my TOM I get cravings for chocolate and salty chips. It gets to the point that I'll either have to throw it out or have someone in my family hide it from me. My mom keeps buying them, even though my dad told her not to.

    The only thing I've found that helps is to have a small portion of whatever I'm craving. Nothing taste as good as the real thing.
  • I recommend that when it's that time of month for you, you just be less restrictive with your diet... or use your family recipes (which I'd love to see!) and then keep some for yourself and wrap the rest up for friends/family! That way you are still having some and then the rest is out of your house! I LOVE to bake and I just baked oatmeal cookies (my new obsession) last night and ate 2! but... the rest are going to my boyfriend's family... that way I got a few and the rest are out of sight...and out of mind!
    I don't have a cure for cravings, especially STRONG ones! But... if you don't stress how big/bad your indulgences are you wont feel as long as it's not every single will still make progress on your goals and a treat every now and again isn't going to hurt anyone! If anything you'll be in a better mood! :)
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    Are you getting enough iron in your diet? I find I have far fewer cravings during my TOTM if I'm keeping an eye on this - a multivit with iron (taken with orange juice for good rates of absorption) can do wonders for keeping cravings down. Our stores can get very depleated each month - cravings are just our bodies crying out for a little extra nutritional love :)

    I can't believe I never thought of this, I actually have iron deficiency anemia but my whole life I've been terrible about remembering to take vitamins. Think I'll run to the store today and pick some up :)

    Thanks everyone for feeling my pain LOL I took a gander at some of those healthier bars that you guys mentioned, I had no idea there were so many brands now! Since I don't usually like chocolate I never bothered with them before. So I got a couple different types to try. Also been sifting through all the Hungry Girl recipes, time to try some of them out :) I did splurge and get McD's last night but I just let myself enjoy it. I'm not a saint after all =D
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    I too get these cravings BUT it happens the week after. I just noticed a few months ago that the week later I eat as if I hadn't eaten in weeks. So what I do about it is keep very small snacks around me at all times. So I snack (healthy) and don't go over board all at one time then feel guilty about it.
  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    I can't believe I never thought of this, I actually have iron deficiency anemia but my whole life I've been terrible about remembering to take vitamins. Think I'll run to the store today and pick some up :)

    Awesome, hope this helps! I was a little flaky at taking mine too but now I keep my multi-vits at work on my desk, so I see them and remember to take them - you can also set a reminder alarm on your phone :)
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    Ugh I hear you. =[ I basically just want to eat everything in sight.

    Chocolate & McDonalds especially, though!
    I buy those fiber one chocolate granola bars (90 cals)
    I can't OD on them because too much fiber = bad news. I can also have it for breakfast with my usual breakfast and not knock too many calories out while knock out my chocolate craving, too!
    As for McDonalds... I haven't figured out a way to thwart that yet, other than my cheat day. Lol.
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    I can't believe I never thought of this, I actually have iron deficiency anemia but my whole life I've been terrible about remembering to take vitamins. Think I'll run to the store today and pick some up :)

    Awesome, hope this helps! I was a little flaky at taking mine too but now I keep my multi-vits at work on my desk, so I see them and remember to take them - you can also set a reminder alarm on your phone :)

    We cook in cast iron skillets.
    No one in our house has an iron deficiency and no one (but me) takes vitamins. One-time investment that goes a long way. :]
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Have it! Or make flapjacks. They are sweet and tasty