I Can't Freaking Do It

I have been trying to lose weight since I was young. Since I was 9, I was obsessed with losing weight. I battled an eating disorder and came through. And now I jsut want to lose weight healthily to fit into clothes. I know I won't be a supermodel. But I can't do it!

I thought I was huge. I was, on average throughout the years, 130 pounds and a size 6 while my friends were 107 and size 3. I always wanted to be thin and not be thechubby girl anymore. Now I have started a sit-down fulltime job and gained 40 pounds in one year, and suddenly I realize how small I was. I am so ashamed. None of my clothes fit me. NONE. And each week is a repeat: Eat healthy all week, see I lost 2 to 4 pounds of weight, feel worthless, binge on 10,000 calories a day, start Monday weighing the same as I did. Slowly I get bigger.

I was so happy when I was prescribed weight loss pills and lost 10 pounds with no effort in one month. And I ruined it by gaining back 6 pounds. The medicine works by taking away appetite, but sometimes I skip it becuase it also makes you sick. So basically, you are too sick to eat. And I guess it still doesn't fix eating because you are bored, exc.

I exercise ALL the time. Probably why I can eat 3000 calories a day throughout a bad week and not gain or lose weight. But it sucks. It absolutely sucks working so hard and having no results to show for it. No one would know I am active. I look average. So average.

What mystifies me is that when I was 120 pounds and losing people mentioned how chubby I was. Now I am a size 10, 155 pounds, and people mention how small I am is unbelievable. Wtf?! What do you people want?!

I don't know how to beat my compulsive eating and I am so tired. It has become a health issue at this point. I am overweight and I am ashamed. None of my clothes fit and I can't afford new ones. What do I do? I have tried so hard.


  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Many will meet on weekends
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    You didn't gain it all in a week and you won't lose it that fast either. Slow down and focus on positive lifestyle changes. Smaller portions and better food not as hard as you may think. I used to live a super size Big Mac meal combo and one day I looked at the calories. I was shocked that it had more calories than I burned running that morning and I had run seven miles. I haven't eaten one since. I too was letting my guard down on the weekend and was undoing all the hard work I had put in the week before. I tightened up and started on my path to losing 50 pounds. I have put 20 back on but am down five since I am getting my running in again. You can do this but you must dedicate yourself to it.
  • cprbrat17
    cprbrat17 Posts: 20 Member
    You can do it and it does sound like you're eating to little. Its important to remember that weightloss is not a fast thing and it takes a lotta time. But slow and steady gets there.
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    I echo the above sentiments - please make time to see a professional in this area and they can likely help formulate a plan that suits your needs.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I can understand the all or nothing mentality as I am very much that way myself, but I have mostly conquered it when it comes to my eating. I used to do the same as you fairly regularly, especially when I was doing far too much exercise and not getting adequate rest and fuel to cover it. I have also struggled on and off with eating disorders for decades, although it has mostly been under control for the last ten years, aside from a few small slips.

    You really do need to see a professional and I am sure that your place of work would allow you the time off to see a doctor. Your health is the most important thing you possess and once it is gone, it is gone.

    I also suggest you start off on a sensible number of calories and cut down your exercise so that your body can find some sort of balance again. You need to get used to eating a normal amount of food on a daily basis, including weekends, before you even think of putting yourself in a deficit. You need to be in the right state of mind for successful weight loss and at the moment, I really don't think you are. You need to consider your health first and foremost, ahead of the weight at this point in time.

    Once you have your head in the right place, it will be much easier for you to approach losing weight and to deal with the fluctuations and 'slip-ups' that might occur.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    1. YES YOU CAN
    2. No one can out train a bad diet
    3. Nutrition is absolutely vital (see #2). That means you need to accurately weigh every thing you eat!!! Weight for all solids, volume is only for liquids.

    There are a lot of factors on why people cannot lose weight: the most common one (99.999%) is that they are eating too much. Get a food scale and use it religiously, research every food you consume.

    The recommended calorie intake is also a really good estimate, but not exact. There are small nuances that can raise of lower this number, not by much, but over a long term it can add up. Examples: how much you naturally swing your arms while walking, carrying a heavy purse vs just a wallet, where you tend to park in a parking lot, if your a fidgiter. While these may only add up to an extra 100 calories a day difference, in a year that's about 10lbs.

    So be very accurate with your food, follow the recommended calories, if you find yourself stagnant make tiny changes, walk an extra 20 minutes a day or remove a calorie dense/low nutrional food (or just cut it back).

    Fat loss isn't linear, isn't fast, isn't easy. It takes time, effort and patience. In the long run, small changes have huge results.