Need help working out BMR/RMR (help?) as new job is highly physical! Am I starving myself?

Hi guys so I've been taking things easy recently. I haven't been logging as first wanted to focus purely on cutting out junk which was a huge block in itself. I have lost 7 pounds just from NOT eating takeaways, eating less junk, not boredom eating and drinking plenty of water. I'm thrilled! But my new job is HIGHLY physical and I don't want to starve myself hence the post.

old job: sitting on my bum
New job:
-on my feet for 10 hours a day averaging 25000 steps a day (my feet KILL)
- 4 of the above hours are on average spent doing manual labour (equivalent to vigorous cleaning of your car and lifting boxes). My core muscles and arms KILL!

It is safe to say I am just working, eating and sleeping. What can I do to better fuel my body?

I'm 5'6 (166cm) at 197lbs (89.3kg) & 28 years old. On various sources it averages that I need to consume 1660 calories to maintain my weight while being active.

I have no idea how to keep my weight loss going... sorry and ty xx


  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    BMR/RMR is what you burn in a coma. I'm assuming that's where you're getting the 1660 number. When you put your stats in here and choose highly active (as you most definitely are in the new job) with 1lb per week loss goal, what number does it give you?
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    BMR/RMR is what you burn in a coma. I'm assuming that's where you're getting the 1660 number. When you put your stats in here and choose highly active (as you most definitely are in the new job) with 1lb per week loss goal, what number does it give you?

    Yes, this. Also, give it some time and keep tracking calories and your weight. You'll start to see the patterns once you're consistently logging for a few weeks.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Your BMR is the calories you expend merely existing and nothing else...I'm also assuming that's where you're getting your 1660 number. I would think you being very active in your job would result in a much higher TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)...these are the calories you expend with your BMR + all of your additional activity...these would be your maintenance calories.

    Put your stats into MFP and select the highest activity level...
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    Update your settings (Goals>Guided Setup) change your activity level as mentioned above by @VintageFeline and give that a whirl.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    With your new job there's going to be a huge difference between your BMR/RMR and your TDEE. And it's TDEE that is your maintenance amount, not BMR!

    This is what I got using your stats:

    Your TDEE is: 2812 calories
    Your BMR is:1630 calories

    T3NACI0USM3 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks so much I understand better now (TDEE who knew?!?!?!??) Will update!